Frequently asked technical questions
General Note
When seeking assistance from the Data Exchange Helpdesk, please ensure you do not include any of your client’s personal information in your emails.
If you do need to send us screen shots of errors to diagnose, please crop or edit out the personal information.
Client names in the Data Exchange web-based portal are visible only to users within your organisation.
DSS staff do not have access to the personal details of clients in order to protect privacy. Helpdesk staff have a special type of access that hides names in the web-based portal to allow them to assist users in organisations.
I would like to know more about the Data Exchange and the technical requirements of the system.
There are several documents available to get you started:
- The Data Exchange Protocols – a practical support manual to guide users
- The Data Exchange Bulk File Upload Technical Specifications
- The Data Exchange Web Service Technical Specifications
What methods are available to input data into the Data Exchange?
There are three methods of entering data into the Data Exchange.
The first and most commonly used is the ‘web-based portal’ user interface. This is freely available to all grant recipients and their delivery partners (if applicable) that are funded for a program in-scope for the Data Exchange. Information on the web-based portal including a package of self service training material is available for your review on the Data Exchange website under the Training resources tab.
The other two methods of entering data involve having your client management system (whether it is one you have developed, or purchased from a software vendor) – communicate directly with the Data Exchange. These two methods are known as web services (system-to- system transfer) and bulk (XML) upload.
To successfully operate either the web services (system to system transfer) or bulk (XML) upload methods, some work will be required by IT professionals. The amount and complexity of work required will be dependent on how greatly your current system differs from the structure of the Data Exchange.
Several technical resources are available so that IT developers can assess the requirements of the Data Exchange and consider the feasibility of making a current system compatible; or alternatively whether it may be more appropriate to instead use the web-based portal like a free case management system.
The following resources can be used to assist an IT developer or IT business analyst to understand the Data Exchange and provide you with estimates for the work required:
- The Data Exchange Protocols
- The Bulk File Upload Technical Specifications
- The Web Service Technical Specifications
No matter which IT method an organisation adopts to submit their data, all organisations can view their data within the web-based portal and also though the Data Exchange self-service reports.
Are there any IT browser requirements for the Data Exchange web-based portal?
There are no prerequisites or browser requirements for the Data Exchange web-based portal. It has been tested to work with multiple browser types and versions.
However there are requirements and exceptions for running AUSkey, which is the government authentication system that providers require to access the Data Exchange.
The list of compatible operating systems and browsers for AUSkey are available from AUSkey.
You can also access this information in the task card Supported Browsers on the Data Exchange webpage.
What type of access should I request?
The type of access required will depend on the data submission method you are using.
There are three methods for submitting data into the Data Exchange and two types of access.
Refer Table 1.
Table 1 – Method of data submission
Method of data submission / Type of access requiredWeb-based portal - data entry / Data Exchange
Bulk XML Upload / Data Exchange plus Organisation Administrator
System-to-System transfer / System Account
I would like more information regarding the Statistical Linkage Key formula.
We take our Statistical Linkage Key (SLK) from the AIHW metadata registry.
More information can be found at:
Are addresses entered into the Data Exchange validated?
The Data Exchange uses a third party address validation tool which will match address data to a Geocoded National Address File (GNAF), and uses a deterministic matching method to process input addresses that may or may not be structured correctly or incomplete.
Will historic data (i.e. data from Family Support Program Data System) be transferred to the DataExchange?
There are a number of programs that transitioned onto the Data Exchange as of 1July 2015.
Most of these programs had their own data collection applications which store various types of information, all in different formats.
As the Data Exchange only requires a reduced set of priority data, the capacity to integrate historical client information is not available.
However, the Data Exchange does allow organisations who have their own case management systems to submit their data through a system to system or bulk upload capability.
Where can I find the Reference Data files, mentioned in the ‘The Data Exchange Bulk File Upload Technical Specifications’?
Data Exchange users with Organisation Administrator access can download the XML Schema and the DEXReferenceData files from the ‘Reference data’ page under ‘My Organisation’ in the Data Exchange webbased portal. See the Upload methods task card.
If you are an IT professional developing on behalf of an organisation, you will need credentials for the Data Exchange staging environment, where you can download the files from the same location for the fictional org you have been assigned. To request access to the Staging environment, please email the Data Exchange Helpdesk at mailto:.
I have created an Outlet for my organisation, but I cannot access it when creating Cases.
There are several causes for this.
- I have created an Outlet for my organisation, but I cannot access it when creating Cases.
When creating Outlets for your organisation, at least one Program Activity must be assigned to it in order for it to become active.
Navigate to your ‘Outlet details’ page, and see the heading “Activities delivered by outlet”.
Reflected are all the program activities that are being delivered by this Outlet. If the list is empty and/or the end date for listed activities has ended, this outlet will not be able to be selected when creating cases.
Select ‘Add activity’ to add relevant program activities to this Outlet and the start and end dates for them. Repeat this step for any additional program activities.
Your Outlet and program activities will now be at a status of ‘Ready for approval’. The Outlet that you have created will be sent to the Department for approval. (The approval process may take up to 5 business days).
You will receive a confirmation email from the Department once the Outlet has been approved. The status for your Outlet and program activities will now be at a status of ‘Approved’. You will now be able to select your Outlet associated program activities when creating Cases.
- I have created an Outlet for my organisation, and assigned a Program Activity to it, but still cannot access it when creating Cases.
When creating Outlets and assigning Program Activities to it, your Outlet and program activities will now be at a status of ‘Ready for approval’. The Outlet that you have created will be sent to the Department for approval (The approval process may take up to 5 business days)
You will receive a confirmation email from the Department once the Outlet has been approved. Thestatus for your Outlet and program activities will now be at a status of ‘Approved’. You will now be able to select your Outlet associated program activities when creating Cases.
- I have created an Outlet for my organisation, and assigned a Program Activity to it, and it is at a status of ‘Approved’, yet some of my staff cannot access it when creating Cases.
Data Exchange users with ‘Organisation Editor’ or ‘Organisation View Only’ access can only access the outlets and program activities that have been assigned to their profile.
If a new Outlet or program activity has been added to your organisation, you will need to add these new elements to any ‘Organisation Editor’ or ‘Organisation View Only’ users that require access to it.
I am unable to see my AUSkey.
If you are having trouble seeing your AUSkey in the drop down, you will need to contact the AUSkey Technical Helpdesk on 1300 287 539 from Monday – Friday 7am – midnight (AEST/AEDT) and Saturday 10am-4pm (AEST/AEDT).
I receive the log in error below:
“There was a problem accessing the site. Try to browse to the site again.
If the problem persists, contact the administrator of this site and provide the reference number to identify the problem.”
Clear browser history and make sure your browser is up to date.
How to clear your browser:
How do I download my XML error report?
The Upload methods task card provides instructions on how to download your XML error report.
Frequently asked technical questions - as of 9 May 2018 / 1