
المـدارس الـعصـرية

Al-Asriyya Schools / هاتـــف : 5337267 - فـاكــس : 5337859
ص.ب. : 1002 - عــمـان11821 الأردن
Tel. 5337267 - Fax. 5337859
P. O. Box: 1002 - Amman 11821 Jordan

Computer Department

Grade Five – Computer

Dear Parents,

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our students and parents, to this new academic Year.

During this year we will work on new computer curriculum E-Learner.

E-Learner is an ECDL endorsed product which equips younger Students with a solid foundation for progressing on to the ECDL / ICDL qualification. It is a certified, modular course of progressive ICT skills utilizing courseware from e-Learner. Using a unique and integrated approach, e-Learner provides the means to acquire essential ICT skills across a spectrum of 7 units.

Each lesson of e-learner consists of:

Educational Game 10 Min

A suitable educational game may be used as an optional

activity at any point during the course of the lesson at the

discretion of the ICT or class teacher.

Touch Typing 5 Min

A suitable activity should be selected by the ICT or class

teacher to ensure continuity and progression of

appropriate skills.

Tech Talk

Part of the lesson where students learn technical terms.

An integrated activity.

Below is an overview of what will be covered during first semester:

Lesson NO. / Lesson Name / Integrated Subject / Software
5.2 / Around My Coutry / Social Studies, English Language / Microsoft Word
5.3 / Seats for Sale / Mathematics, English Language / Flash
5.7 / Celebrations / Civics and Moral Education / Microsoft Word
5.9 / Top Ten Tools / English Language, Arts, Design and Technology / Microsoft Word, MS PowerPoint
5.10 / Archery Add / Mathematics,English Language / MS Excel
5.11 / Crossing Borders / Social Studies, English Language / Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Word
5.13 / Weather and Climate in my Country / Social Studies / Tux Paint, Internet Explprer
5.15 / Medieval Mania / Information and Communication technokogy, Civics and Moral Education / MS Word, Internet Explorer
5.18 / Units of Measurement / Mathematics,English Language / MS Excel, Internet Explorer
5.20 / Scared Soil / Mathematics / Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
5.21 / Germination and Growth / Social Studies,English Language / Internet Explorer, Tux Paint, MS PowerPoint

Note:To follow up on your child progress, go to :

Each child will have his/her own username and password according to the provided card by the school`s book center.

Important: If you need to use one of the programs available on the website, you will have to download it by following the next steps:

  1. Go to the website.
  2. Click on Grade 5
  3. Click on lesson number 5.1
  4. Insert Code lesson
  5. Click on Teacher
  6. Click on Teacher Resources
  7. Click on Software.

Teacher: AmeeraNayef Al-omoush