المـدارس الـعصـرية
Al-Asriyya Schools / هاتـــف : 5337267 - فـاكــس : 5337859ص.ب. : 1002 - عــمـان11821 الأردن
Tel. 5337267 - Fax. 5337859
P. O. Box: 1002 - Amman 11821 Jordan
Computer Department
Grade Five – Computer
Dear Parents,
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our students and parents, to this new academic Year.
During this year we will work on new computer curriculum E-Learner.
E-Learner is an ECDL endorsed product which equips younger Students with a solid foundation for progressing on to the ECDL / ICDL qualification. It is a certified, modular course of progressive ICT skills utilizing courseware from e-Learner. Using a unique and integrated approach, e-Learner provides the means to acquire essential ICT skills across a spectrum of 7 units.
Each lesson of e-learner consists of:
Educational Game 10 Min
A suitable educational game may be used as an optional
activity at any point during the course of the lesson at the
discretion of the ICT or class teacher.
Touch Typing 5 Min
A suitable activity should be selected by the ICT or class
teacher to ensure continuity and progression of
appropriate skills.
Tech Talk
Part of the lesson where students learn technical terms.
An integrated activity.
Below is an overview of what will be covered during first semester:
Lesson NO. / Lesson Name / Integrated Subject / Software5.2 / Around My Coutry / Social Studies, English Language / Microsoft Word
5.3 / Seats for Sale / Mathematics, English Language / Flash
5.7 / Celebrations / Civics and Moral Education / Microsoft Word
5.9 / Top Ten Tools / English Language, Arts, Design and Technology / Microsoft Word, MS PowerPoint
5.10 / Archery Add / Mathematics,English Language / MS Excel
5.11 / Crossing Borders / Social Studies, English Language / Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Word
5.13 / Weather and Climate in my Country / Social Studies / Tux Paint, Internet Explprer
5.15 / Medieval Mania / Information and Communication technokogy, Civics and Moral Education / MS Word, Internet Explorer
5.18 / Units of Measurement / Mathematics,English Language / MS Excel, Internet Explorer
5.20 / Scared Soil / Mathematics / Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
5.21 / Germination and Growth / Social Studies,English Language / Internet Explorer, Tux Paint, MS PowerPoint
Note:To follow up on your child progress, go to :
Each child will have his/her own username and password according to the provided card by the school`s book center.
Important: If you need to use one of the programs available on the website, you will have to download it by following the next steps:
- Go to the website.
- Click on Grade 5
- Click on lesson number 5.1
- Insert Code lesson
- Click on Teacher
- Click on Teacher Resources
- Click on Software.
Teacher: AmeeraNayef Al-omoush