Energy and Environment Cabinet
Department for Environmental Protection
Division of Water
Comprehensive Watershed Based Plan for Cane Run in Scott and Fayette Counties
This document constitutes a request for applications from qualified organizations to furnish those services as described herein for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC), Department for Environmental Protection (DEP), Division of Water (DOW).
Offerors are advised that any Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) resulting from this request must comply with all applicable provisions of KRS 45A and KRS 12.210 prior to becoming effective.
An agreement, based on this request, may or may not be awarded. Any agreement awarded is invalid until properly approved and executed by the Finance and Administration Cabinet and filed with the Legislative Research Commission, Government Contract Review Committee.
The Kentucky Division of Water (DOW) is tasked with administering the Kentucky Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Control Program. The Kentucky (NPS) Pollution Control Program goals are to protect the quality of Kentucky’s surface water and groundwater from NPS pollutants, abate NPS threats and restore degraded waters to the extent that water quality standards are met and beneficial uses are supported. Kentucky’s approach to controlling NPS pollution includes both focused watershed projects and statewide initiatives.
Scope of Work
The DOW is soliciting services to produce a comprehensive, nine-key element watershed based plan for the entire Cane Run watershed in Fayette and Scott Counties. The watershed plan shall be written in accordance with the standards set forth in the Watershed Planning Guidebook for Kentucky Communities. This guidebook can be downloaded at;
In order to write the watershed plan, monitoring and data collection shall also be performed. Monitoring shall run for twelve months starting in May 2016 with an additional eleven months provided for watershed plan development. It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded in April 2016, and that the project will be completed by April 2018.
The anticipated timeframe for this project is a total of 24 months. This timeframe includes;
Ø One month period for QAPP development.
Ø Twelve month period for monitoring starting May 2016.
Ø Eleven month period for watershed based plan development
The vendor shall provide explanation for any deviations from the specified timeframe in the project application. Additionally, the vendor shall provide a written statement on letterhead that they are able to complete the desired work within the specified timeframe. If the vendor plans to deviate from the specified timeframe, an explanation must be provided in the project application.
The funding for this project will be provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act Section 319(h) funding. The vendor shall not be expected to generate or document any non-federal match.
Watershed Plan
The awarded vendor shall produce a comprehensive, nine-key element watershed based plan for the entire Cane Run watershed (HUC 05100205280200) in Fayette and Scott Counties in accordance with the standards set forth in the Watershed Planning Guidebook for Kentucky Communities. Additionally, the vendor shall integrate data previously collected from the existing 2012 Cane Run Watershed Based Plan (Available upon request). The vendor shall also incorporate data from the upcoming water quality monitoring being conducted in Cane Run by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Division of Water Quality.
The vendor shall be expected to conduct water quality monitoring and data collection on a monthly basis for a one year period starting May 2016. The parameters listed in Table 1 will be assessed at all sampling sites.
Table 1 - Parameters to be AssessedGroup / Parameter / Monthly / 5x/30 days in May / 1X/year / Every Time
Bacteria / E. coli (Escherichia coli) / X / X
Nitrate/Nitrite / X
Ammonia-Nitrogen / X
TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) / X
TP (Total Phosphorus) / X
OP (Orthophosphate) / X
BOD5 (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) / X
Sediment / TSS (Total Suspended Solids) / X
Flow / Stream Discharge / X
Field Data / Turbidity / X
pH / X
DO (Dissolved Oxygen) / X
Conductivity / X
% Saturation (Percentage of DO) / X
Temperature / X
Habitat / Habitat Assessment / X
Biology / Biological Assessment / X
Data Analysis
The vendor shall be responsible for the collection and lab processing of all samples. Additionally, the vendor shall be expected to conduct analysis and interpretation of all data as defined in the Watershed Planning Guidebook for Kentucky Communities.
The vendor will conduct monitoring at all DOW identified sampling sites as depicted in Table 2. The vendor shall provide explanation for any deviations from the identified sites in the project application.
Table 2 - Sampling SitesStream Name / Location / Latitude Dec. / Longitude Dec.
CANE RUN / At US460 bridge / 38.210260 / -84.611020
UT CANE RUN / Off SR 62 / 38.186472 / -84.591300
CANE RUN / Off SR 62 / 38.189400 / -84.589200
UT CANE RUN / Bridge on horse farm off Etter Lane / 38.175357 / -84.571630
CANE RUN / At Landscape Alternatives nursery bridge off US25; above US25 bridge / 38.168000 / -84.554250
UT CANE RUN / Off field off of US25 / 38.163590 / -84.549770
UT CANE RUN / At UK Ag Research Farm road bridge / 38.128800 / -84.507080
Quality Assurance
The vendor shall develop and submit to DOW for review and approval, a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for all environmental monitoring activities associated with this application. No monitoring activities shall occur until the QAPP has been approved by DOW. The vendor shall ensure that all environmental monitoring activities in this project shall be conducted in accordance with the approved QAPP.
The DOW requires submittal of a written quality assurance evaluation report (QAER) during the project sampling period. The quality assurance evaluation report should explain and detail the quality processes and controls used in sampling, both by the laboratory and the field collection operations. The report should summarize the status of sampling, and outline any and all deficiencies and discrepancies in the data collection and analysis process. This evaluation report will be submitted during the sampling period (exact timing of submittal to be determined, but typically will occur after the first sampling event has concluded).
The QAER will include:
1. Raw Data
2. Calibration records of field instrumentation
3. Field sheets
4. Laboratory package, which includes:
a. Cover sheet with signatures
b. Analysis results
c. Qualifiers
d. COCs and sample receipt summary
e. Summary of QC
f. Case narratives, as needed
5. Summary of sampling event and QC data results
6. Map of final sampling sites, if different from QAPP sites
A summary of overall project quality assurance will also be submitted at the end of the project. Templates for the QAPP and QAER are available from the DOW.
The vendor shall be expected to adhere to all relevant DOW Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The SOPs to be used are:
1. DOWSOP03039 – Methods for Collecting Macroinvertebrate Samples as Required for TMDL Alternative Studies and/or Watershed-Based Plans
2. DOWSOP03019 – Measuring Stream Discharge
3. DOWSOP03015 – Sampling Surface Water Quality in Lotic Systems
4. DOWSOP03014 – In-situ Water Quality Measurements and Meter Calibration
The DOW SOPs are located at the following web site:
The vendor shall be expected to participate in three presentations given to the Cane Run Watershed Council as determined by NPS program staff. One presentation shall be given at the beginning of the project to explain data collection to be completed. Another presentation will be given after data collection has been completed to present the results of data collection and to solicit input from the Cane Run Watershed Council for BMP implementation to be included in the watershed plan. A final presentation will be given to present the final content of the watershed based plan.
Project Deliverables
- A nine-key element watershed based plan that is accepted by DOW for implementation and
approved by EPA Region Four staff.
- Development of a DOW approved QAPP.
- Submittal of a written quality assurance evaluation report (QAER) during the project sampling
- All raw data from monitoring efforts.
- Load calculations.
- Submittal of quarterly invoices and progress reports throughout the duration of the project.
- Submittal of a final report outlining all work accomplished throughout the duration of the project.
(Guidelines for the development of the final report shall be provided).
Application Ranking and Selection
When an eligible and complete project application is submitted on time, it will then undergo the process of ranking and selection.
The Kentucky Nonpoint Source Advisory Subcommittee will evaluate project applications based on criteria for a successful project. After the evaluation process is complete, we will notify you whether your project has been selected for funding.
Preference shall be given to vendors with experience at producing a comprehensive nine-key element watershed plan as defined by the Watershed Planning Guidebook for Kentucky Communities which has previously been accepted for implementation by the DOW NPS program and approved by the EPA.
Timeframe for Submittal
Date Activity
February 22, 2016 Project application must be submitted
(or received if hand delivered)
February 23 – 26, 2016 Project application review and selection
Point of Contact
The Agency Contact named below shall be the sole point of contact throughout the application process. All communications, oral and written (regular mail, express mail, electronic mail or fax), concerning this procurement shall be addressed to:
Alyson Jinks
Division of Water
200 Fair Oaks Lane, 4th Floor
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Phone: (502) 564-3410 x. 4911
Fax: (502) 564-0111
Application Submission
Each qualified Offeror shall submit only one (1) application. Alternate applications shall not be accepted.
Applications shall be submitted to the Agency Contact and the outside cover of the package containing the project application shall be marked:
Project Application
Comprehensive Watershed Plan for Cane Run
Name of Offeror
The Project Application Form can be found on the web at:
Unless otherwise instructed, all notices, consents, and other communications required and/or permitted by the Contract shall be in writing. After the award of the Contract, all communications of a contractual or legal nature are to be made to the Agency Contact.
The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, or disability and provides, on request, reasonable accommodation including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and activities. To request materials in an alternative format, contact the Office of Communications and Public Outreach, 5th Floor, Capital Plaza Tower, Frankfort, KY 40601 or call (502) 564-5525. Hearing- and speech-impaired persons can contact the agency by using the Kentucky Relay Service, a toll-free telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD). For voice to TDD, call 1/800-648-6057. For TDD to voice, call 1/800-648-6056.
Funding for this document was provided, in part, by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to the Kentucky Division of Water as authorized by the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987, Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant # PPG BG00D21415