Name:Jayne Mondoy

Title:Director, Office of Religious Education


Jayne Mondoy, diocesan director of religious education since 2005, assists the Bishop in his role as chief catechist in the Catholic Diocese of Honolulu by providing catechetical leadership training, catechist formation, and assisting in the evaluation and planning of catechetical ministries. Mondoy also serves as secretariat of the diocese’s Faith Formation team consisting of the diocesan offices of religious education, youth and young adult ministries, worship, Hawaii Catholic Schools, and the Hawaii Catholic Herald. Prior to her appointment to the diocese Mondoy was the Assistant Principal and Dean of Curriculum and Instruction at Saint Louis School in Honolulu, a Catholic Marianist school for boys.Mondoy holds a master’s degree in pastoral leadership from Chaminade University of Honolulu.

  1. How long have you been a member of NCCL?4 years A diocesan director?8 yearsWhat have you learned in your leadership role and as a member of this organizationthatprovides energy and inspiration to you? Collaboration iskey to strengthening relationships, building Christian community, and effective evangelization.How would you share this withother directorsin the forum setting?I’d share best practices and outcomes developed through diocesan inter-departmental and parish/schools collaboration. Smart use of technology is important for collaboration in a six-island diocese so I’d also share best practices for web-based conferencing, document sharing, and event management.
  1. As you review the DDRE Animators' list of duties and responsibilities, how do you think your gifts and experiences prepare you for this role?I believe my gift/experiences that I shared in item #1 align with the DDRE animator role. Are there additionalareas of responsibilitythat you think might need to be added or enlarged upon? The unique catechetical and evangelical styles, contributions/needs of Asian-Americans and Pacific Island-Americans need to be brought to light more fully.Feel free to discuss yourideas well as how you think thesemightbenefit colleagues in the field?Include pan-Pacific keynote, session and round-table speakers representing Vietnamese, Korean, Filipino, Samoan, Tongan, Micronesian, Hawaiian, etc. Catholic communities.
  1. How does collaboration figure into your personal and professional relationships and roles? Collaboration is alive and well across the diocesan departments. Most recent projects include:
  • Producing professional videos and facilitator guides on the sacraments of initiation with the offices of religious education, worship, Hawaii Catholic Schools, and social ministry;click here to view a brief trailer of our most recent video:
  • Producing a Mass booklet for children in the autism spectrum with offices of religious education, worship, and Persons with Disabilities;
  • Providing retreat and leadership/professional development opportunities in collaboration with the superintendent of schools;
  • Partnering with the Office of Deacon Formation to provide on-line learning classes for applicants and their wives.

How does this prepare you towork with theotheranimators?the NCCLBoard and Executive Director? with colleagues from across the country?I have a wealth of experience in collaborative planning, execution, and communication to share.