Application for Lingua Editor-in-Chief

(Due April 1st, no joke. Send to )

About the Position

Editor-in-Chief runs the operations at Lingua. They hire staff (usually two other staff members, a designer and a business manager, but this is up to the discretion of the editor-in-chief), organize meetings, and assign tasks. They are ultimately responsible for all Lingua publications including: the fall and winter zines, spring journal, Facebook content, website posts, Tweets, advertising, and all other media that Lingua may choose to publish. The Lingua editor-in-chief networks with student artists and writers to encourage them to submit the journal and with SPU staff and faculty to encourage Lingua’s on-campus visibility. The Lingua editor-in-chief is also responsible for any events that the journal hosts during the year. The editor-in-chief serves on the Board of Student Media and reports to the journal’s faculty advisor.

Position Requirements

Applicants for this position must be highly organized and strong communicators. Applicants for this position must have at least a 2.5 GPA and are willing and able to attend ASSP’s Student Leadership Conference in Seattle held in September.




Campus Address:

Home Address:



Cumulative GPA:

Please include:

  1. A résumé
  2. Samples of writing or other relevant work
  3. Two letters of recommendation (at least one of which shall be from an SPU faculty member)

Respond to the Following Questions:

Given the Christian focus of this University, briefly describe your own faith commitment.

How will your commitment be integrated into your decisions as Editor-in-Chief?

What do you see as the unique purpose of SPU? What is the role of this student media outlet inthe SPU community?

In what ways do you support the University’s mission and expectations?

What experience, training, and strengths do you bring to this position? In what area(s) would youneed additional training and preparation?

What are your reasons for applying for this position? What do you hope to learn from this positionand this experience?

State your philosophy and goals for this position. How will your leadership change the policiescurrently implemented?

How would this position affect your academic performance and other personal commitments?