Make a Borax Bouncy Ball
Objective: To create a new substance by forming a chemical reaction.
- 1 tbsp. white glue
- Food coloring (optional)
- 2 small containers
- 2 stir sticks
- 1/2 tsp. Borax
- 1 tbsp. cornstarch
- 2 tbsp. warm water
- Airtight container
1)Measure and pour the white glue into one small container. If you are using food coloring, add several drops to the glue. Mix the glue and the food coloring with a stir stick.
2)Mix the warm water and the Borax together in the other small container, stirring with the other stir stick until the ingredients mix completely.
3)Measure the cornstarch and add it to the glue. Add 1/2 teaspoon of the borax mixture to the glue also and mix everything together well with the stir stick. As you stir, the mixture will become thicker.
4)Pour the mixture from the container into the palm of your hand. Use your hands to knead the ingredients gently and roll the ingredients into a round ball shape. As you continue to work with the mixture in your hands, it will get harder and less sticky.
5)Bounce the ball onto the floor or ground. It should bounce easily. Store the ball in an airtight container with a lid or it will dry out.
How To Grow a Borax Crystal Snowflake
By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Guide
Objective: Grow a borax crystal snowflake, color it blue if you like, and enjoy the sparkle all year long! A video tutorial showing how to grow borax crystal snowflakes is also available.
- String
- wide mouth jar (pint)
- white pipe cleaners
- borax (see tips)
- pencil
- boiling water
- blue food coloring (opt.)
- scissors
- The first step of making borax crystal snowflakes is to make the snowflake shape. Cut a pipe cleaner into three equal sections.
- Twist the sections together at their centers to form a six-sided snowflake shape. Don't worry if an end isn't even, just trim to get the desired shape. The snowflake should fit inside the jar.
- Tie the string to the end of one of the snowflake arms. Tie the other end of the string to the pencil. You want the length to be such that the pencil hangs the snowflake into the jar.
- Fill the widemouth pint jar with boiling water.
- Add borax one tablespoon at a time to the boiling water, stirring to dissolve after each addition. The amount used is 3 tablespoons borax per cup of water. It is okay if some undissolved borax settles to the bottom of the jar.
- If desired, you may tint the mixture with food color.
- Hang the pipe cleaner snowflake into the jar so that the pencil rests on top of the jar and the snowflake is completely covered with liquid and hangs freely (not touching the bottom of the jar).
- Allow the jar to sit in an undisturbed location overnight.
- Look at the pretty crystals!!! You can hang your snowflake as a decoration or in a window to catch the sunlight.