Chapter Two

Mind-Body Communications Maintain Wellness

Learning Objectives

1. Describe three ways the mind and body communicate biologically.

2. Define psychosomatic illness.

3. Describe and give examples of the placebo effect.

4. Describe how faith, religion, and spirituality affect health.

5. Explain hypnotherapy.

6. Describe meditation and image visualization.

Key Terms

Autogenic Training (28)

Autonomic nervous system (26)

Biofeedback (26)

Hormones (29)

Hypnotherapy (36)

Image visualization (39)

Mandala (38)

Mantra (38)

Placebo effect (32)

Psychosomatic illnesses (30)

Relaxation response (28)

Somatization (30)

Somatization disorder (30)

Virtual reality therapy (36)

Chapter Summary

The human mind can cause changes in body chemistry and physiology. Thoughts and feelings may have positive or negative effects on the organs and cells of the body by altering electrical and chemical signals in the central nervous system and endocrine system. The brain converts the information picked up by the senses into appropriate physiological responses by synthesizing and releasing neurotransmitters and certain hormones. These neurotransmitters and hormones are transported to various regions of the body, where they regulate the physiological processes of their target organs, tissues, and cells; these processes affect health.

The human mind can cure illness and improve health as well as cause disease. Health and well-being begin with state of mind. If you are angry, frightened, tense, or depressed, you can initiate physiological changes in the body that may result in disease. If your mind is relaxed—at peace with itself and the environment—the functioning of your body will be harmonious and enhance wellness. Different techniques can be used to achieve relaxed mental states and to increase mind-body harmony. Self-hypnosis, relaxation, autogenic training, meditation, and positive mental imagery can all stimulate beneficial changes in physiology, improve behavior, and change unhealthy habits.

Psychosomatic illnesses are caused by fear, anxiety, and stress. They can often be cured or greatly alleviated by addressing the causes of the stress and practicing mental and physical relaxation. Placebo effects may produce healthy changes because of a person’s belief in the particular placebo employed. Belief, faith, and suggestion all have the capacity to heal and to prevent illness.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates vital body processes and helps maintain homeostasis without conscious control. Conscious thoughts, images, stress, and fear all influence how well homeostasis is maintained and also how far from normal the body’s physiological functioning deviates. Harmonious interaction of all parts of the brain and body help to maintain optimal wellbeing.

The human mind has immense healing powers. Because state of mind is an important factor influencing health, individuals should be aware of how open to suggestion their minds can be. Some people use prayer as a tool to help heal themselves or others. Generally, scientists view the efficacy of prayer for healing with skepticism, although they recognize that prayer can be a helpful relaxation technique. Anyone can learn simple mind-body relaxation techniques to use in times of illness and stress or simply to maintain wellness.

Lecture Outline

Mind-Body Communication

• The mind can affect health in powerful ways.

• Joy, creativity, and contentment lead to a state of mind-body harmony.

• This communication can be tested with biofeedback.

The Autonomic Nervous System

• The brain influences health and healing through a special group of nerves that control virtually all of the body’s organs and functions.

• Mediates most of the mind’s effects on the body.

• ANS activities normally operate without conscious control.

• Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS tend to work in opposition.

Quieting the Autonomic Nervous System

• It is possible to counteract ANS agitation by daily meditation or 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time to focus and reflect on the day to come or the day that has passed.

The Relaxation Response

• The relaxation response is a physiological pattern that is the opposite of autonomic system activation.

—Mantra meditation

—Progressive muscle relaxation

—Guided imagery

Autogenic Training

• Autogenic training teaches a person to use auto suggestion to establish a balance between the mind and body through changes in the autogenic nervous system.


• Chemical substances that affect many physiological processes.

• Nervous system signals and hormones cause physiological changes.

• Epinephrine, both a neurotransmitter and a hormone, initiates changes experienced in response to a perceived threat, including increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, sweaty palms, and nervous stomach.

The Immune System

• The immune system is responsible for combating infections and illness and ridding the body of foreign organisms and toxic substances.

The Mind and Wellness

• Psychosomatic illnesses are caused by mental states that change physiology in harmful ways.

• These are not imaginary illnesses; the symptoms are real.

• For an emotional or mental state to change physiology, a process referred to as somatization must occur.

• Somatization disorder is the occurrence of physical symptoms without any bodily disease or injury present.

The Mind Can Create Wellness

• Studies show that positive emotions are associated with healthful biological changes.

• Humor can have a positive effect on health by increasing comfort levels and decreasing stress and anxiety.

The Placebo Effect

• Healing brought about by belief in treatment that has no medical value in itself.

• Almost any physiological or psychological condition responds to placebos.

• As much as 50% of a drug’s effectiveness is the result of the placebo effect.

• The mechanisms responsible for placebo effects are unknown.

Faith and Healing

• Faith healing by priests, shamans, and medicine men has a long history.

• All religions embody concepts of spiritual healing.

• Doctors who say, “I’m sure you’ll feel better soon” are practicing healing by the power of suggestion.

Spirituality, Religion, and Health

• There appears to be an association between religious practices and health.

• Studies suggest the more dedicated people are in attending church the healthier they are.

• Fifty percent of Americans believe that their faith has helped them recover from a particular illness or injury.

Hypnosis and Healing

• The use of hypnotherapy for healing has had a turbulent history.

• Used to

—Cure illness

—Aid in smoking cessation

—Treat eating disorders

The Relaxation Response

• Meditation; focusing attention on a repeated sound (mantra), symbol (mandala), breathing, or chanting, producing a state of deep relaxation.

• Power of suggestion; when the mind is focused and relaxed, it is more open to suggestion, both positive and negative.

• Image Visualization; mental imagery can be used to reduce pain, alter unhealthy habits, improve performance etc.

Study Guide and Self-Assessment Workbook

2.1 The Relaxation Response

2.2 Autogenic Training

2.3 Anchoring

2.4 Image Visualization

2.5 Progressive Muscle Relaxation

2.6 Massage

2.7 Leaving It at the River

Additional Resources

American Psychosomatic Society

6728 Old McLean Village Drive

McLean, VA 22101

(703) 556-9222