American Studies

US History Review Sheet

Imperialism Progressivism and World War I

Monday - March 21, 201

Be sure to know the answers to all the focus questions that were given out on these topics. (See Schoolwires for the focus questions. Know all of the bolded vocabulary from the American Nation Reading

- You will be responsible to all the material that was discussed in class about these topics

Key Topics


What were the "push" and "pull" factors leading America into the world in the late 1800's and early 1900's

What are the key similarities and difference s between the U.S. involvement in Cuba and the Philippines?

What are the foreign policies of McKinley, T. Roosevelt and Wilson?

Who was against American imperialism and why?

What was the significance of the Treaty of Paris (1899)?

What was the Turner thesis and how did it play a role during this time period?

How did the media influence American foreign policy during this time?

World War I

What were the pushes and pulls of the United States regarding World War I?

What were the various positions of Woodrow Wilson in the years before and during and after World War I?

How and in what ways was the American public convinced to support World War I?

How was American changed as result of World War I?

How did the experience of women in World War I help their cause for suffrage?

The Progressive Era.

What were the main goals of the Progressive Era?

What was the relationship between the Federal government and State government during the Progressive era?

What were the beliefs of the Progressives when it comes to women's issues?

What was the dispute between the old guard and the new guard when it came to getting an amendment to the U.S. constitutional amendment?