2014-2015 Senior Human Resource Executive Forum Series

The forums are open to the top level HR leader in Corporate and Partner member companies. There is one for companies with 250 or more employees, and one for companies with fewer than 250 employees. Each provides invaluable opportunities for networking and discussion of critical HR issues likely to impact the success of your organization.

Meeting topics are determined by forum participants and focus on issues that arise during the forum season. Past topics include succession planning, creating a culture of accountability, and strategic HR initiatives. Attorneys and consultants serve as guest speakers, providing information and expertise on selected topics. Due to the sensitive nature of discussion topics, anything discussed at the meetings is confidential and should not be shared outside the group.

The Sr. HR Executive Forums meet monthly from 8-9:30 a.m. beginning in October and ending with a combined session of both groups in May that includes a catered breakfast and special guest speaker. Coffee will be provided at each regular meeting. Meetings are held at 150 State Street (free parking available on-site) on the dates listed below.

Large Company Forum: (251+ employees): Oct 7, Nov 11, Dec 9, Jan 6, Feb 3, Mar 3, Apr 14, May 14*

Small Company Forum: (less than 250 employees): Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 16, May 14*

A nonrefundable registration fee of $185 covers all eight meetings in the series. Also, the qualifications of those who register are reviewed to ensure the level of expertise is commensurate with the group. If you or another staff member is interested in registering, please complete the form below and return by Sept. 9, 2014 to: RBA HR Forums, 150 State Street, Suite 400, Rochester, NY 14614 or fax (585) 244-4864 or email to . Please contact Kathy Richmond at (585) 256-4618 with questions.

Please register me for the following 2014/15 Sr. HR Executive Forum (please check one):

Large Company Series (251+ employees) / Small Company Series (less than 250 employees)
Name / Title
Company / Phone
Address / Fax
Choose a payment method: / Registration Fee: / $185
Enclosed is check # / made payable to Rochester Business Alliance
Please send invoice to the attention of / PO#
Credit card number / Security code
* to ensure security, please fax credit card info or email form without credit card info (check CC box) and we will call to get it
Name on Card / Card Type (check one): / Visa / Mastercard
Signature / Exp. Date
Credit Card Billing Address (if different)
Send credit card receipt to this e-mail

Note: submission of your registration form indicates your agreement to pay regardless of the number of meetings you are able to attend. RBA membership must remain in good standing for participation to continue for the entire series.