North American Energy Standards Board

801 Travis, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77002

Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail:

Home Page:

Via email and posting

January 25, 2012

TO: NAESB Board Committee – Gas Electric Harmonization and posting for interested parties

FROM: Rae McQuade, NAESB President

RE: Announcement of Agenda For Organizational Meeting of the Gas-Electric Harmonization Committee

Dear Committee Members,

As noted in various email communications and posting on our NAESB web site, we have scheduled an organizational conference call on January 27 at 1:00 pm C, and follow-up conference call/web cast on February 15, from 1 pm to 4 pm C, to begin addressing issues raised in the NPC report and other energy industry actions related to gas-electric harmonization.

The agenda and background documents follow, as do the instructions for joining the call/web cast, and a list of the members of the committee. The background documents are quite extensive, and if you have others that should be considered, please forward them for inclusion. As with all our meetings, these events are open to any interested party. Please contact Veronica Thomason (, 713-356-0060) should you need additional information. .

Your leadership and industry insight on this very difficult market transformative issue is crucial to our success in preparing responses and directions for Board consideration. As we have noted in other communications, this committee will advise the Board on the direction the organization should take with regard to gas-electric market harmonization. We are so pleased that you have been able to see your way to joining this effort – as we know there are many competing projects that demand your attention. Once the committee recommendations are considered by the Board and approved, if those recommendations identify areas for standards development by NAESB, those recommendations would then be passed on to the appropriate Executive Committees for action.

We have an exploder list set up for the committee members (), and a distribution list for sending out notices and work papers, of which the committee members are already included. Should any interested party wish to join the distribution list for the Board Committee on Gas-Electric Harmonization, please contact the NAESB office. We have a roster of committee members posted on the web site (, and we have a page set up for the calendar of meetings and materials (

Feel free to call me (, 713-356-0060), Michael (, 501-614-3206) or Valerie (, 423-751-6096) should you have any questions.

Thanks so much for devoting your time to this committee --


Rae McQuade

President, North American Energy Standards Board

Gas-Electric Harmonization Committee Conference Call/Web Cast – January 27, 2012

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North American Energy Standards Board

801 Travis, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77002

Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail:

Home Page:

Conference Calling and Web Conferencing Details

for the January 27 and February 15 Committee Conference Calls/Web Casts

Jan 27 / 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm C / Board Committee on Gas-Electric Harmonization -
Web Cast & Conference Call / ·  Call in number
·  Access Code
·  Security Code / 866-740-1260
Feb 15 / 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm C / Board Committee on Gas-Electric Harmonization -
Web Cast & Conference Call / ·  Call in number
·  Access Code
·  Security Code / 866-740-1260

To join a conference call:

• Dial the 11-digit toll free call-in phone number shown above for the specific meetings

• An automated attendant will ask you to enter a seven-digit access code (shown in the table above)

• The automated attendant will ask you to record your name.

• Please note that if the conference leader has not yet initiated the conference call, you will be placed on music hold until the conference leader starts the conference.

• The automated attendant will then ask you for a four-digit security code (shown in the table above)

Please place your phone on mute unless you are speaking. For those participants that do not have a mute feature on your phone, please press (*6) to mute your phone and (*7) to un-mute your phone. Putting the conference call on hold may cause music to be played over the discussion and if so, the NAESB office will contact the on-hold line to have it disconnected.

If the meeting has the web conferencing feature enabled, to join the web conference, go to and enter the same access code and security code. Please note that if the conference leader has not yet initiated the web conference you will view a screen that states, “The Chairperson has not yet arrived. Please standby for your web conference to begin.”

ReadyTalk recommends that you test your browser and network connections for compatibility prior to participating in a web conference. To do so, go to If you have problems joining a conference call or need technical assistance, please contact ReadyTalk Customer Care, 1-800-843-9166.

Gas-Electric Harmonization Committee Conference Call/Web Cast – January 27, 2012

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North American Energy Standards Board

801 Travis, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77002

Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail:

Home Page:

Web Cast & Conference Call – Friday, January 27, 2012 – 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Central - DRAFT AGENDA /
/ # / Agenda Item /
1:00 P / 1. / Welcome
a) / Welcome to members
b) / Antitrust Guidelines (Guidance)
c) / Identify Committee Members In Attendance
d) / Adopt Agenda
2. / Organizational Discussion
a) / Scope of the Committee
b) / Operation of the Committee and Expectations
c) / Schedules and Deliverables
3. / Plan for the February 15 meeting
4. / Upcoming Meetings and Other Business
5 / Adjourn

Background Documents:

· -- MIT Study, The Future of the Electric Grid

· -- MIT Study, The Future of Natural Gas

· -- FERC-NERC Joint Task Force Report on Outages and curtailments During the Southwest Weather Event on February 1-5, 2011

· - North American Natural Gas Midstream Infrastructure Through 2035: A Secure Energy Future Executive Summary Prepared by the INGAA Foundation

· -- Implications of Greater Reliance on Natural Gas For Electricity Generation Prepared For the American Public Power Association

· - NAESB current Gas Nomination Standards and Gas-electric Coordination Standards

· - Electricity Advisory Committee Interdependence of Electricity System Infrastructure and Natural Gas Infrastructure

· - NERC 2011 Special Reliability Assessment: A Primer of the Natural Gas and Electric Power Interdependency in the United States

· -- NERC Gas/Electricity Interdependencies and Recommendations, 2004

· -- NPC Prudent Development – Executive Summary

· – NPC Prudent Development – Ch. 3 – Natural Gas Demand

· - Excerpt of NAESB Bylaws

Gas-Electric Harmonization Committee Named Members /
Member / Company /
Catherine Abercrombie / ConocoPhillips Gas and Power Marketing
Vicky Bailey / BHMM Energy Services, LLC
Susanna B. Barry / Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
Jim Buccigross / 8760 Inc.
Ralph Cleveland / AGL Resources, Inc.
Craig Colombo / Dominion Resources
Valerie Crockett (Co-Chair) / Tennessee Valley Authority
Alex DeBoissiere / The United Illuminating Company
Michael Desselle (Co-Chair) / Southwest Power Pool
Bruce Ellsworth / New York State Reliability Council
Christopher Freitas / US Department of Energy
Arthur Fusco / Central Electric Power Cooperative Inc.
William Gallagher / Vermont Public Power Supply Authority
Bob Gee / Gee Strategies Group, LLC
Michehl Gent / Open Access Technology International, Inc.
Joseph Hartsoe / American Electric Power Service Corp.
Jesse D. Hurley / Shift Research, LLC
Kevin Kirby / ISO New England, Inc.
Richard Kruse / Spectra Energy Transmission
Gregory Lander / Capacity Center
Wayne Moore / Southern Company
Rana Mukerji / New York Independent System Operator, Inc. (NYISO)
Lou Oberski / Dominion Resources Services, Inc.
Randy E. Parker / ExxonMobil Gas and Power Marketing Company (a division of ExxonMobil Corporation)
Marty Patterson / American Midstream Partners, LP
Andrew Rodriquez / North American Electric Reliability Corporation
Keith Sappenfield / Encana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc.
Commissioner Timothy Simon / California Public Utility Commission
Rick Smead / Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Terence (Terry) Thorn / KEMA Gas Consulting Services
Sue Tierney / Analysis Group, Inc.
Kenneth L. Yeasting / Cambridge Energy Research Associates

Representatives (Invited) – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Gas-Electric Harmonization Committee Conference Call/Web Cast – January 27, 2012

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