2009 ACF Fall: Quizbowl is my Hot Hot Sex

Edited by Evan Adams, Auroni Gupta, Will Nediger, Mehdi Razvi, and George Stevens with help by the honorable Seth Teitler
Packet by University of Washington A and South Carolina


1.  Its author responded to criticism of this play in a “Letter on the Comedy of the Imposter.” Near the end of this play, the Norman-born Bailiff Loyal orders the protagonist to vacate his house. Before the action of this play, Argas entrusts the villain with incriminating documents. The title character of this play convinces the protagonist to let him spend more time with Elmire. This play includes the servant Dorine, and ends with the planned marriage of Valere and Mariane. The final act of this play sees an officer of King Louis XIV ordering the title character arrested, saving the house of Orgon and his family. For 10 points, name this Moliere comedy about a religious hypocrite.
ANSWER: Tartuffe

2.  This god’s wife is the mother of the snowshoe god Ullr. In one story, this god prevents the marriage of his daughter Thrudd by posing a series of riddles to the dwarf Alvis. This god’s servant Thialfi loses a footrace to Thought in the land of Utgard Loki. This god dresses up as Freya to retrieve an object stolen from him by Thrym. The sons of Ivaldi make golden hair to replace the lock stolen from this god’s wife Sif. This god’s chariot is pulled by a pair of goats, and he will take nine steps after killing but being poisoned by the Midgard Serpent at Ragnarok. For 10 points, name this Norse wielder of the hammer Mjollnir, the god of thunder.

3.  The flat roofs prevalent in this town owe mainly to the influence of architect Louis-Michel Thibault. One of the traditional boundary markers of this city was formerly called Lion's Rump, and it is bounded to the south by Devil's Peak.. Sailors who confused this city's chief bay with another led to that smaller bay being named False Bay, and one of its main thoroughfares is Adderley Street, renamed from Heerengracht in 1850.Sections of this city that houses the City Bowl include those along Table Mountain, and Guguletu and Nyanga West were its two main black ghettos.Containing the Castle of Good Hope, for 10 points, name this legislative capital of South Africa.
ANSWER: Cape Town

4.  This architect collaborated with Nadir Afonso on a plan which he implemented in The House of the Mad or Radiant City. This architect designed the College of Architecture in the same city in which he designed a rotating metal open hand and the Palace of Justice. This architect included the sections “The Lesson of Rome” and “Eyes That Do Not See” in his magnum opus, Towards a New Architecture, written decades before he served as lead designer of Chandigarh, India. This architect is best known for a church in Ronchamp and a house in Poissy executed in the International Style. For 10 points, name this French architect of the Villa Savoye.
ANSWER: Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris [or Le Corbusier]

5.  Rossi and Hall measured the extent to which this phenomenon affected mu mesons observed at the top of a mountain and at sea level. This concept explains why simultaneity is not absolute for individuals separated by a long enough distance, and in the transverse Doppler effect, it explains the frequency reductions seen by both observers. A gedanken-experiment involving this effect concerns the aging of an individual traveling in space versus one remaining stationary on earth. The twin paradox arises from, for 10 points, what consequence of special relativity whereby clocks in moving reference frames tick slower than those in stationary ones?
ANSWER: time dilation [prompt on "special relativity" before mentioned]

6.  A failed naval expedition led by this country's Blanco Encalada resulted in the 1837 Treaty of Paucarpata, while its 1925 Constitution began its Presidential Republic period. This modern day country was captured in a campaign led by Pedro de Valdivia; that campaign saw fighting against its native Araucanian or Mapuche Indians. This country's Patria Vieja period of independence was ended at the Disaster of Rancagua. Its independence campaign was led by men like the Carrera Brothers and Bernardo O'Higgins, and the 19th century saw the flourishing of its free port Valparaiso. For 10 points, name this South American country led in the 20th century by Salvador Allende and Augusto Pinochet.

7.  One song by this artist claims that “in a box beneath my bed is a letter that you never read.” This singer threatens to “strike a match on all my wasted time” before telling the subject he’s “just another picture to burn.” This artist notes that “I’m not a princess, this ain’t a fairy tale” in the chorus of “White Horse.” In one of her music videos, she communicates with a high school football star by holding up notes to her bedroom window. That video won a 2009 MTV VMA award, despite Kanye West’s stage stealing announcement that “Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time.” For 10 points, name this pop-country singer of “You Belong with Me,” and “Teardrops On My Guitar.”
ANSWER: Taylor Swift

8.  One major pathway involving this compound is the tuberoinfundibular one that transfers it from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. This compound is involved in voluntary motor control via its nigriostriatal pathway, and it binds with lactotrophs in order to inhibit the secretion of prolactin, which is a major antagonist of it. It is the immediate precursor of norepinephrine in the epinephrine synthesis pathway. Antagonists of this neurotransmitter are used to treat schizophrenia, and deficiency of this neurotransmitter can lead to Parkinson’s disease. For 10 points, name this neurotransmitter associated with the brain's pleasure center whose precursor is L-dopa.
ANSWER: dopamine

9.  Daniel Dombrowski’s book entitled “Rethinking this” includes a defence of Charles Hartshorne’s formulation of it. Another formulation of it by Norman Malcolm was criticized by a man who later presented his own version of it, Alvin Plantinga. The fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always one hundred eighty degrees was used in Descartes’ version of this argument, and its original formulation was criticized by Kant, who argued that existence is not a predicate. Gaunilo’s In Defense of the Fool attacks, for 10 points, what a priori argument for God’s existence originally proposed by St. Anselm?
ANSWER: ontological argument or proof

10. This man was criticized by subordinate William Rosecrans for his caution at skirmishes at Rich Mountain and Philippi Races. One of this man’s campaigns was stalled by the trickery of John Magruder, who made him believe that his enemy had substantially more troops. This man led one side at the battles of Williamsburg and the Seven Days Battles, part of the aforementioned Peninsular Campaign, and later his extreme caution also cost him a decisive victory when he left troops in reserve numbering more than the entire opposing army at an 1862 battle which ended the Confederate’s Maryland Campaign. For 10 points, name this general, the first commander of the Army of the Potomac who led Union troops at the Battle of Antietam.
ANSWER: George Brinton McClellan

11. The narrator of this poem mentions the “tale of the murder in cold blood of four hundred and twelve young men” after noting that “not one escaped to tell the fall of the Alamo.” In another section, a woman watches “Twenty-eight young men bathe by the shore.” In the sixth of this poem’s fifty two sections, the narrator suggests answers like the “handkerchief of the lord” to a child’s query of “What is the grass?” The narrator justifies the line “very well then I contradict myself” by declaring “I am large, I contain multitudes.” For 10 points, name this poem which opens with the line “I celebrate myself,” the longest poem Walt Whitman included in his Leaves of Grass.
ANSWER: “Song of Myself”

12. Bentonite acts as an extreme barrier for this class of substances, limiting their mobility due to ultrafiltration. The zeta potential describes electric potential at the double layer interfaces seen in this class of substances. Their stable formation, termed peptization, is opposed by the formation of large clusters of particles in these systems, a process known as flocculation. The Tyndall effect describes light scattering through this type of substance, which is characterized by separate continuous and dispersed phases. For 10 points, name this type of chemical mixture where particles of one substance are dispersed throughout another, examples of which include foams, gels, and emulsions.
ANSWER: colloids

13. Gerrit Lundens’ copy of this painting in London’s National Gallery reveals its pre-cropped state, in which the large arch in the background was closer to the center. A partially out-of-frame man beats a drum on the extreme right of this painting, while in the background a man in armor holds an orange and blue flag. The two main figures are a man dressed in yellow and carrying an ensheathed sword, and a man in a red sash, while many of the background figures are holding pikes. For 10 points, name this painting depicting the company of Frans Banning Cocq, a work by Rembrandt.
ANSWER: The Night Watch [or De Nachtwacht; accept The Company of Frans Banning Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch before mentioned]

14. This author mentions “Callimachus, Who handled marble as if it were bronze,” in a poem that includes “a long legged bird” and “Two Chinamen, behind them a third” inscribed into the title gem. The narrator of another of his poems wishes for “such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make,” and asks “sages standing in God's holy fire” to “be the singing-masters” of his soul after leaving a place that is “no country for old men.” This author of “Lapis Lazuli” also asked “what rough beast” “Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born” in a poem in which “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.” For 10 points, name this Irish poet of “Sailing to Byzantium,” and “The Second Coming.”
ANSWER: William Butler Yeats

15. Fibonacci heaps are used in Johnson's Algorithm to determine this, and an efficient way to determine it via a best-first method is A* [A-STAR]. One variety of this class of algorithms runs in N cubed time in the size of the graph and is the all-pairs approach, which is slower than the Bellman-Ford algorithm of this type. The simplest algorithm for determining this involves a single source and a single destination with nonnegative edge weights and is named for Dijkstra. For 10 points, name this class of algorithms which determines the minimum sum of the weights between two nodes of a graph, exemplified by the quickest way to get between two cities given the time spent on roads between them.
ANSWER: shortest-path algorithms [accept clear equivalents; prompt on “graph search”, “tree search”, or anything else involving searching]

16. This architect used gold leaf and arcade window walls for his Golden Door, part of the Transportation Building in Chicago. This architect’s National Farmer's Bank, which uses terra cotta in its window outlines, is similar to one work that was commissioned by Hascal Taylor. This designer of the Buffalo Guaranty Building used floating ties for one work for which he collaborated with Dankmar Adler, the Auditorium Building, and drew on the exterior ornaments of Reims Catheral for another work largely constructed of red brick. The Wainwright Building was designed by, for 10 points, what architect, whose mantra was “form follows function?”
ANSWER: Louis Henri Sullivan

17. One of these types of events was quelled by Henry le Despenser, and another one was ended by the Battle of Mello. The forces of Guillaume Cale and Etienne Marcel joined together in one of these events, and the apocalyptic preacher Thomas Munzer led one in Thuringia. The Statute of Labourers was a cause of one of these events in England, whose namesake leader was beheaded on the order of the lord mayor of London William Walworth, and Martin Luther wrote Against the Murdering, Thieving Hordes in opposition to one of these events. For 10 points, name these types of events that included the Wat Tyler Rebellion and the Jacquerie.
ANSWER: Peasant Revolts [accept reasonable equivalents, such as Peasant Wars; or Peasant Uprisings; or Popular revolts]

18. This man collaborated with Hans Gerth on Character and Social Structure, and asserted that American labor leaders have subordinated themselves to capitalism in The New Men of Power. Another work by this man denounces the “Grand Theory” of Talcott Parsons and advocates a more human version of sociology. This author of The Sociological Imagination wrote about the Cuban revolution in Listen, Yankee. He described how workers are alienated by a “salesmanship mentality” in one work and argued that the United States is controlled by the “higher circles” of the military, politics, and business in his most famous work. For 10 points, name this sociologist who wrote White Collar and The Power Elite.
ANSWER: Charles Wright Mills

19. In one of this author’s novels, the narrator admires the gambler Hat, and tells of the carpenter Popo who never builds anything useful and the poet B. Wordsworth who is still working on the first line of his epic poem. In addition to Miguel Street, this author wrote about Salim, who opens a shop across from a Big Burger franchise in a country ruled by the Big Man. In another novel, this author wrote about a six fingered journalist who is tricked into marrying into the Tulsi family while working as a sign painter. For 10 points, name this Trinidadian author of A House for Mr. Biswas and A Bend in the River.
ANSWER: Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul