The European Community supports the network “European Light Sources Activities – Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers, I3 ELISA”, embedded in the Area “Research Infrastructure” under the FP7 programme "Structuring the European Research Area".

This integrating activity opens up a very large network of existing facilities to the entire European user community and is a bottom-up approach targeting a variety of different disciplines. The open access and the resulting exchanges will lead to a better integration of national facilities. This project has strategic objectives:

·  to support transnational users of national facilities in the domain of synchrotron and FEL science;

·  to conduct a set of joint research activities (JRAs) targeting this issue in three crucial areas: FEL components, detectors and optics.

The I3 project ELISA will continue the IA-SFS support for specialized workshops, meetings and schools with the objectives to

(I)  stimulate new ideas for transnational collaboration and

(II)  prepare new generations of users.

For more detailed information on the I3 project ELISA see

ANKA Procedure for Refunds to EU Users

For the access to ANKA the ELISA project provides a limited financial support to scientists coming from institutes in the European Community and Associated States, outside Germany. The contract with the EC serves to support, among others, the mobility costs of visiting scientists and their costs of using the infrastructure.

Documents and Information
Detailed information about the procedure
Application Form: Funding for Users from EU or Associated States
Reisekostenantrag of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
EU User Group Questionnaire
ANKA User Feedback
Project EU Summary Report

For any problem or information, please contact us by e-mail.

Karlsruhe Institute for Technology

Institut für Synchrotronstrahlung

ANKA User Office, Bau 345

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1

D - 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Phone: +49 721 608 26188

Fax: +49 721 608 26789


EC Support Transnational Access 7th Framework Program

Detailed information about the procedure

a) Around the Refunds

Ø  Who is reimbursed?

Users conducting their research in a Member State of the Community: Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Malta, the Republic of Cyprus, or in an Associated State: Bulgaria, Iceland, Israel, Lichtenstein, Norway, Romania, Switzerland and Turkey, and travelling from these countries to Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and vice versa are eligible to be refunded.

Ø  How many persons are reimbursed?

2-3 scientists per group and per experiment can receive travel support under this program.

Ø  Duration of the reimbursement?

Visits to Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe ANKA will be reimbursed from one day before up to one day after the dates allocated for the experiment, in order to allow experiment preparation and/or sample disposal.

Ø  What is reimbursed?

The maximum refund averaged over the entire trip and the entire group cannot exceed Euro 90,00 per day per person, plus travel expenses.

Concerning travel expenses preference must be given to the most economical means of transportation. In any case the maximum refundable airfare is the roundtrip low cost or economy ticket. The maximum refundable train fare is the second-class roundtrip ticket plus special-train supplements. In case of travel by car (private or hired car), the refund will be made on the basis of kilometres travelled plus motorway tolls and fuel, up to the price of the corresponding 2nd class train fare. All expenses will be refunded after the trip by means of a bank transfer, upon presentation of the corresponding original receipts.


b) What is to do?

Ø  BEFORE the experiment:

The group leader should send the signed application form “Funding for Users from EU or Associated States” to the ANKA User Office (by post) after your beam time has been allocated at least 3 weeks before arriving at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe.

Ø  DURING the experiment:

Additionally for each traveller the German “Reisekostenantrag of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe” has to be completed, attaching the originals of travel tickets and other receipts. Please come to the User Office, we prepare the forms for you and assist you in completing them.

Ø  END of the experiment:

The ANKA User Feedback is a questionnaire; ANKA would like to ask you for. You will receive it together with the ANKA entrance card. Please fill it out and throw it into the white mail box for the User Office at the foyer of the ANKA hall.

Ø  AFTER the experiment:

Each Group Leader is asked by the EU to ensure that the “EU Project Summary Report” is completed and returned via e-mail to the ANKA User Office as soon as possible. It will be used for the Annual EU-report.

So, please, take note that reimbursements will be processed ONLY AFTER receipt of your Project Summary Report.


The EC reporting requirements ask you to acknowledge the support in all publications (reports, papers, posters, etc):

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 226716”.

Travel and Subsistence Reimbursement for Users from EU or Associated States
Please send this application form (by post) to: ( fill out separately for each traveller )
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
Institut für Synchrotronstrahlung ANKA User Office Bau 307
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Phone +49 (0)721-608-26188 / 26288 Fax +49 (0)721-608-26789
Germany E-Mail: Internet:
Project Leader: / ANKA Project No:
Name of Home Institution: / Legal Status of Home Institution1:
Town: / Country:
e-mail: / Phone:
Beam time from: to: / Beamline:
Name of traveler: / Estimated Costs*) / *Comments to costs:
Title: First Name: Family Name: / in Euro
Name of Home Institution: (fill in if not correspondent with above) / Legal Status of Home Institution1:
Town: / Country:
User e-mail: / Phone:
Date of arrival: / Date of departure:
Birthday: / Gender (F or M): / New User2 (Y or N):
Birthplace: / Researcher Status3: / Group leader (Y or N):
Nationality: / Scientific Fields4: (3 fields) / Remote user (Y or N):
Bank name: / Bank address:
Account holder: / IBAN Code: (international bank account number)
SWIFT code:
Privat address:
Date of signature: / Signature of traveller: / Signature of project leader:
Number of support in present year: / Reimbursement: / ANKA Signature:
Yes: No:
Date of receipt:
1 UNI=University, RES=Public Research Organisation, PRV=Private Research Organisation, Non Profit,
SME=Small or Medium Enterprise, OTH=Other
² Answer YES (Y) only if the user has never visited the infrastructure before
³ UND=Undergraduate, PGR=Post-Graduate, PDOC=Post-doctoral researcher, EXP=Experienced researcher, TEC=Technician
4 Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences & Biotech, Earth Sciences & Environment, Engineering & Technology, Mathematics,
Information & Communication Technologies, Material Sciences, Energy, Social Sciences, Humanities


ANKA Project-Number and Project Title
Name of Group Leader
Home Laboratory
E-mail address

1. Project Objectives (no more than 250 words)

2. Project Achievements (no more than 250 words)

3. Main Scientific Field

Physics Chemistry Life Sciences & Biotech

Earth Sciences & Environment Engineering & Technology Mathematics

Information & Communication Technologies Material Sciences Energy

Social Science Humanities

4. FP6 Priority or Specific Discipline

Astronomy/Astrophysics/Astroparticles Atomic& molecular physics

Condensed matter physics High energy & particle physics

Nuclear physics Plasma physics

Quantum electronics & optics Other - Physics