Culver City Youth Football

2016 Membership Code of Conduct

This document pertains to the responsibilities and actions that all members of Culver City Youth Football (CCYF) must adhere to in order to remain a member in good standing.

  1. I agree to abide by all rules and terms set forth by Pop Warner, the LAC, and CCYF.

I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE: POP WARNER ADULT CODE OF CONDUCT: S1: In order to uphold the goals of Pop Warner and ensure that all participants have the benefit of a safe and fun learning environment, all parents, guardians and other adults and attendees of Pop Warner events, including but not limited to practices, competitions, and banquets, must behave accordingly in a respectful, courteous and sportsmanlike manner at all times. S2: Any adult who is using alcohol, tobacco or non-prescription drugs and/or appears intoxicated at a Pop Warner event, and/or who is flagrantly rude, attempts to intimidate, verbally abuse, heckles, taunts, ridicules, boos, throws objects and/or uses vulgarity or profane language/gestures with an official, coach, volunteer, staff member, participant or other event attendee, must receive a verbal warning and/or be asked to leave a Pop Warner event. The member organization may also provide a written warning to the individual regarding the misbehavior. The adult’s children may also be removed from the event. Any adult who commits one of the above stated offenses a second time, will be banned from any and all Pop Warner events for a period of one year from the date of the second offense, and their children may also be removed from the program(s) for that time period. S3: Any adult who physically assaults an official, coach, volunteer, staff member or participant or threatens grave bodily harm may be banned from any and all Pop Warner events for one year from the date of the offense, and their children may also be removed from any and all Pop Warner programs for that same period of time. After the ban has expired, if the individual commits another offense of the adult code of conduct, the individual will be permanently banned from any and all Pop Warner events and the individual’s children may also be permanently removed from any and all Pop Warner programs.

I agree that CCYF, based on the severity of a first offense, may prohibit the violator from attending the following week’s practice and/or game in lieu of a written warning. I agree that there is NO appeal to any of the above infractions. I agree that instances of the above stated misconduct will stay on file for the duration of the member’s participation in CCYF regardless of the parent organization played for and will be counted as previous events.

  1. I will not partake in any activity, which may be viewed as undermining to the coaching staff to which I am associated or to the CCYF association as a whole.
  1. I understand that the coaching staff was chosen from submitted applications and has passed a background check. Further I understand the staff was chosen based on the best available information and applicants. Once the head coach has been approved by the board of Directors, he/she cannot be removed for failure to provide a winning season. Any complaint regarding the coaching staff must be based on a violation of the rules governing this organization or other misconduct deemed harmful to the children in his or her care.
  1. If I have a problem or disagreement with any member of the coaching staff or association member, I will respond through the appropriate chain of command, in written form, and with my name affixed to the document.
  1. I understand that should I engage in inciting discontent among parents or child members by verbal or written lobby campaigns at practice or via other methods, I am subject to review by the Board of Directors and may be sanctioned as the Board sees fit.
  1. I agree to participate as a member of the team/squad and the association as a whole, in fundraising activities, field assignments, and concession stand duties. I furthermore understand that if my team does not provide the required staffing for these responsibilities, I, as an individual member and my team/squad, may be sanctioned by the Association.

4. I agree to uphold the objective and purpose of CCYF Article II, Section 1.

“The objective and purpose of CCYF shall be to implant firmly in the children of the community, the ideal of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and reverence, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy adults. To achieve this purpose, CCYF will provide a supervised program under the rules, Regulations and Policies of CCYF, the LAC and Pop Warner. All Directors, Officers, Coaches, and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skills or the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future adults is of prime importance.”

5  I understand that I am responsible for reading and understanding the rules and regulations governing my responsibilities as a member of CCYF, the LAC, and Pop Warner. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure my child can consistently attend practices and games on time. I agree that should my child be placed on Scholastic Eligibility for a less than a 70% GPA, it is my responsibility to provide the required progress report by the due date on the Scholastic Eligibility form. I understand that failure to provide an adequate progress report by the due date will result in my child being ineligible to play for the remainder of the season in accordance with Pop Warner rules.

6  I agree to be financially responsible for my child and my participation in the CCYF association by paying all registration and team fees in full. I understand that should I have a check returned for non sufficient funds, I will reimburse CCYF for the amount plus bank fees within 7 days of notification. I understand that CCYF will no longer accept checks from me once an insufficiency has occurred. I understand that no refund will be given after the cut off date established by CCYF for any reason including injuries.

7  I understand that I am responsible for any equipment loaned by the association to my child or me and as such, must replace any lost items at my expense. I further agree to return all equipment at such time as my membership with the association has ended or at the end of each season as directed by the association. Should I fail to return all equipment as agreed or fail to provide all fees due, I understand that CCYF has the right to proceed with collection remedies including but not limited to court proceedings.

8  I hereby understand and acknowledge that as a parent/guardian of a Pop Warner participant it is my responsibility to comply with all rules and regulations stipulated, adopted or recognized by Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc. or any of its member organizations and understand that any non-compliance with any and all rules and regulations may be cause for discipline and/or dismissal of the participant, myself, and/or any spectators or other persons affiliated with the undersigned and the above named participant. By affixing my signature to this document I acknowledge that I have read and understand the body of information herein contained and agree without reserve to comply with all requirements and guidelines as set forth in this document.


Child’s Name Parent or Guardian’s Signature


Date Print - Parent/Guardian’s Name