CSC125 Final Individual Project

How to tell about three kinds of Iris? – a data-driven approach

Let’s start with data manipulation and analysis, and then come up with conclusions.

-First, you will need to load data (from Wikipedia on iris.csv file in our class folder) into Excel.

-After some calculation and charting, you load the data into Access to get information using queries.

-Then it’s time for you to write a report in Word.

  • In the first part, you need to describe iris in general and then the species as included in Fisher’s dataset. You may include a few pictures to visualize your descriptions.
  • In the second part, report your analysis and explainhowthese results help understand the differences between the three species. You need to include tables and charts (copied from your Excel and Access files) to illustrate your points.
  • In the third and conclusion part, suggest the best approach (or a few approaches if you think they are equally effective) to distinguish the three species.


-Copy data from Wikipedia ( into Excel file. You may also use the iris.csvfile in the Assignments folder on Blackhawk.

-Center and format the title of the table (such as Fisher'sIrisData) adjust row/column size, and add gridlines, as necessary.

-Format the numbers, such that all numbers will show exactly one decimal place (e.g., 5 will be displayed as 5.0)

-Rename the worksheet as Original.

-Insert a new worksheet and name it as ScatterChart. In the new worksheet

  • Copy the Pedal Length label and data (such as C2:C152) in the Original sheet onto column A (such as A1:A151);
  • Use the three species names as column labels of the next three columns (such as B1, C1, and C3);
  • Copy the Pedal Width data for the three species (such as D3:D52, D53:D102, and D103:152) into the corresponding columns (B2:B51, B52:B101, and B102:B151).
  • Insert a Scatter chart using data you prepared in the 4 columns.
  • Format your chart to make it look as close to the one as shown in Figure 1 as possible.

-Save your Excel file in a folder called <Your Name>’s Final Project folder and name the file <Your Name>’s Data File.


-Create a new Access file and name it <Your Name>’s Database.

-Create a table named Iris by importing data from the iris.csvfile in the Assignments folder on Blackhawk. Let Access add an ID field as primary key. Change the data type for the number fields as Number if necessary.

Figure 1 - Sample for Excel Chart

-Create a query to calculate minimum, average, and maximum values for Sepal Length and Sepal Width. Save your query as StatsForSepalData, and export it as an Excel file.

-Insert a new worksheet (named BoxChart) in your main Excel file (<Your Name>’s Data File). Use the data from your query to create two tables in the BoxChart worksheet, in the following format.

Sepal Length / Minimum / Average / Maximum

-Create a Box-and-Whisker chart for each table on the BoxChart sheet, and format the chart in a way similar to Figure 2.

-Savebothfilesand use the tables and charts in your report as needed.


-Create a Word file and name it <Your Name>’s Final Report.

-Follow instructions at the beginning of this file to include three parts in your report.

-Use the Template to format your report. Creating table of contents and table of figures can be made simple by the following steps:

  • Insert page numbers in your file;
  • Insert captions to your figures using References | Insert Caption and number the figures in a sequential order;
  • Format part/section headings using the predefined Heading styles (such as Heading 1) in Home | Styles;
  • Use References | Insert Table of Figures, and put the table of figures on a separate page.

-Using the charts in your report:

  • The box charts can be used to show whether the length/width ranges of different species overlap. If you don’t see a vertical gap between two boxes, then the corresponding attribute (length or width) overlap and cannot be used to determine species by itself.
  • The Scatter chart illustrate whether using two attributes can improve the effectiveness of separating species.

Figure 2 - Box Chart Template

-Use Figure 3from the Wiki page to discuss what two-attribute combination is most effective. (


The report is due by Tuesday December 13 at 2 pm.Save everything (Word, Excel, and Access files) on your Google Drive, in a folder for your Final Report.

Figure 3 - More Options to Use