Note NHS Tayside


Note of the above meeting held at 0900 hours on Thursday 16 May 2013 within the Balgay Room, Conference Centre, Kings Cross, Dundee.


Dr Karen Adam NHS Tayside

Mr Peter Allan Dundee City Council

Dr Phyllis Easton NHS Tayside

Ms Allison Fannin Dundee CHP

Ms Sheila McMahon Dundee City Council

Ms Lucy Rennie Dundee CHP


Elaine Cruickshank Dundee CHP

Dr David Dorward Dundee CHP

Mr John Hosie Dundee City Council

Mr David Lynch Dundee CHP

Ms Catriona Ness NHS Tayside

Ms Lucy Rennie (in the Chair)

In attendance

Ms Carol Smith (note taker) Dundee CHP


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Lucy welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted
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The note of the last meeting was accepted as a true and accurate record.
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Sheila still requires to converse with Alison Peaker re: joint working between Social Prescribing and Psychological Therapies. As agreed at the last meeting, a decision will be made about which service to support with a test of change once the current test with Community Mental Health Teams is completed. It may be that a non-clinical service would take priority. Karen advised of her intention to revive the Stepped Care/ Matched Care Group, which could assist further discussions on social prescribing across Tayside.
The Evaluation Event will now be held in Discovery Point Dundee on 28 August 2013. Mr Sandy Watson has agreed to champion and attend the event.
All other action points have now been completed. / SM
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There were no other matters arising.
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The record of attendance was noted for information.
Sheila spoke to her paper which advised the group of local developments such as the logic model events planned for Coldside on 16 May and Strathmartine on 13 June 2013, and the tests of change, which will be developed over the Summer months. It was noted that Coldside and North East ward summaries, previously circulated, had been taken to the Local Community Planning Partnership (LCPP) meetings.
The new Scottish Government funded link workers for Whitfield and Mill Practices have been held back for the moment as the Scottish Government was keen that the scheme evaluators were in place from the outset. The evaluation advert has been prepared, and as the evaluation costs have increased, this will go out to tender. Sheila advised that the existing link workers are involved with tests of change and other pieces of capacity building work as part of their core remit.
Sheila advised discussions are ongoing with the Scottish Government regarding the shape of the model; Sheila asked the group for their opinion on which model they should choose e.g. whether to remain with existing model or go with mixed-skills model. The group decided they would like to remain with the existing model if there were no objections from the Scottish Government. This would allow link workers to support more complex patients and work with minimum supervision. In addition, it would allow a fuller evaluation of a tested and trusted model. The Core Group and Scottish Government have expressed an interest in developing a volunteer component to the existing model and this will be pursued through the new pilot.
The following points were noted and discussed:
Train the trainers; Equally Well is attempting to spread training throughout the layers of services. Learn pro; the offer to use this system is currently on the table and will be explored further in due course. Mobilisation; Karen stated that other parts of the organisation should be mobilised to work alongside Sheila (as noted within the paper which went to the Endowments Committee) e.g. Organisational Development (OD), and Social Work. This would address the limited capacity of Equally Well at the moment to work across all parts of the system.
Lucy indicated Dr Michelle Watts, Associate Medical Director, Primary Care Services, has spoken of her interest in Social Prescribing. Dr Watts is currently working with Dr Kirsteen Duffy from Whitfield Practice. The group were advised of the population increase at Whitfield, an increase of approximately 500 patients. Dr Watts has indicated that she wants to look at a different model within General Practice, more outreach work etc. Lucy thanked Sheila for the May update.
Lucy advised she had invited Mike Inglis, Governor of Perth Prison, and Jim McGuinness, Service Manager Perth Prison Health Centre to attend the next Healthy Dundee meeting on Tuesday 18 June 2013. Lucy advised that Mike is very keen to network and participate in Social Prescribing.
As Keep Well is currently being delivered in Perth Prison the group were advised that Shona Hyman, Keep Well Programme Co-ordinator and Wendy Reid, Senior Keep Well Nurse will also be in attendance.
Lucy asked Carol to email Steven Dalton from the Alcohol & Drug Partnership to ascertain if he will be available to attend the next Healthy Dundee meeting as it should prove to be an excellent discussion. Sheila reported that she had met with Steven and Vered to share the learning from Equally Well, particularly in terms of asset mapping and community engagement. A question remains as to how the ADP can commission and support non-traditional approaches to the recovery agenda. / CS
Sheila circulated a copy of the email and letter to be forwarded to Sandy Watson regarding the event on 28 August and asked for their comments. A short discussion followed regarding the list of attendees and speakers. Sheila will forward the invitation to Alex Warner for Sandy’s signature and will circulate invitations at the beginning of June.
Karen suggested Dr Gerry McCartney, NHS Scotland, be approached to ascertain if he would be available as keynote speaker. Karen to contact Dr McCartney and advise the group of his response. Peter, Sheila and Karen to meet with Dr McCartney prior to the event if he is available to attend, to provide him with a fuller briefing of the work of Equally Well. Sheila and Carol to organise diary date. / KA
Lucy informed the group that she had met with Sheila, David Lynch and Matt Landsburgh, Vice Chair of the DCHP Committee, on 26 April 2013 to discuss the Scope out of the Transitional Model. David suggested a laid out vision of the model was required as he feels it is not quite comprehensive enough at the moment e.g. pipeline, OD, workforce development, spectrum of social prescribing, a longer term work plan. Lucy suggested that a mini sub group be formed to push this piece of work forward. Lucy, Karen, Allison and Sheila to meet as soon as possible. Carol to organise diary date. / CS
Sheila circulated a copy of the income sheet forwarded by Andy McKillop. Sheila advised that the Scottish Government has committed a second year’s funding to the social prescribing pilot. The second instalment will be transferred in the next financial year. Total funding awarded is £280,000 and evaluation to be included within these costs. The group discussed and noted the information contained within the report.
It was proposed and agreed that the group should now been known as the Equally Well Core Group, there was no other competent business.
***Please note change to date and venue***
The next meeting will be held at 9.00 am on Thursday 25 July 2013, within the Seminar Room, Conference Centre, Kings Cross, Dundee.


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