Multi Ledger Journals
The General Ledger Multi-Ledger Journal program is used to enter journals that may be posted to a user selected ledger including Actual, Budget and Quantity Ledgers. This permits the introduction of non-financial information into the General Ledger.
The process is similar to the standard General Ledger journal entry process. It differs in that the user may specify the ledger to post to and whether the journal is balancing. For Ledger Types defined as a balancing ledger e.g. Actuals, the journal entry can only be a balancing journal for non balancing Ledger Types e.g. Budget Ledger, the user may enter either a balancing or non balancing journal.
All journals are entered via batches. The journal identifier of these batches is system-generated. Journals may be posted to any open period.
The system also checks for entity balance. The General Ledger shape information is read to determine the entities within the General Ledger. The accounts entered in the journal which form part of an entity are checked for balance before leaving data entry mode. Journal batches that balance are considered READY and may be posted immediately after entry, or may be individually reviewed and posted or all READY journals can be posted at one time.
Two types of journals may be entered with this program. Normal journals, NRM and reversing journal,REV. Reversing journals will automatically create a journal at the end of the current period that reverses the posting.
To add a new multi-ledger journal, select the Add option from the menu.
In update mode, unposted journals, in READY and HELD status, may be updated. However, posted journals cannot be modified.
Unposted journals may be deleted. Deletion of posted journals is not permitted.
The Other menu option displays the Other pull-down menu offering the user the following options.
- Current post
The Current post option allows the user to post the currently displayed journal if it is in READY status.
- All post
The All post option allows the user to post all READY journals.
- Upd Password
The Upd Password option allows the user to update password.
- Load Journals
The Load Journals option allows the user to load multi ledger journals from a tab delimited file. See load journal below for further explanation. There are 2 options of file format available. The file format loaded is controlled by configuration option GLEXPORTVERS.
- Set input mask
The Set input mask option allows the user to set a GL account code and/or journal description mask for bulk entry of journal line items.
- Reversal
The Reversal option allows the user to create a journal to reverse the currently displayed journal. A dialog box is displayed informing the user that a reversal journal is about to be created and must be posted once created. The user is prompted to proceed if they accept, the user is then prompted to view the new reversal journal. If they accept, the reversal journal is displayed and the user can choose the Current post option from the Other menu to post it.
- Notes
The Notes option allows the user to display any notes stored against the current journal. The Notes function is available in the Multi-Ledger Journal program. Select the Notes function key while in insert or update mode to enter information on the journal currently being entered.
To see an example of load file format with configuration option GLEXPORTVERS=1 or to see an example of load file format for GLEXPORTVERS=2.
Link to sample spreadsheet or budget spreadsheet.
Screen: gl_mljnl
Journal / INPUT / The Journal field is used to display the unique journal number that is automatically generated.
Ledger / INPUT / The Ledger Type field is used to enter the ledger that is to be effected by the journal. Ledgers are maintained by the Ledger Type program. The Zoom option is available to select from all valid ledgers.
Ledger Description / DISPLAY / The Ledger Description field is used to display the description for the ledger type selected.
Date / INPUT / The Date field is used to enter the entry date of journal. This field will default to the system date but may be overwritten. The Calendar option is available to select from all valid options. The date is checked to ensure the date is within the year and period entered for the journal.
Journal Type / INPUT / The Journal Type field is used enter the journal type. NRM=Normal, or REV=Reversing. Entry of this field is mandatory.
Year / INPUT / The Year field is used to enter the year to which the journal will post. This field will default to the current GL year but may be overwritten.
Period / INPUT / The Period field is used to enter the period number for the period to which the journal will post. This field will default to the current GL period but may be overwritten.
Description / INPUT / The Description field is used to enter a description up to 70 characters for the journal. Entry of this field is mandatory.
Source / DISPLAY / The Source of the journal is automatically set to MAN=Manual by the system or PCM=Project Costing Multi Ledger, if a General Ledger Multi-Ledger is created automatically by the posting of a Project Costing Multi Ledger Journal.
Currency / INPUT/DISPLAY / The Currency field is used to enter the currency for the transaction. If UTMULTICURRENCY is set to N=No this field is a display field and will default to the code for local currency. If UTMULTICURRENCY is set to Y=Yes, selection of currency is possible. The Zoom facility is available to select valid currency codes.
Rate / INPUT/DISPLAY / The Rate field is used to enter the rate to be used foreign currency transactions. If the config UTMULTICURRENCY is set to N=No this field is a display field and will default to 1. If UTMULTICURRENCY is set to Y=Yes this field displays the current exchange rate for the selected currency. This field may be overwritten.
Balancing / INPUT / The Balancing check box is used to indicate if the journal should contain balancing entries. If the ledger type definition indicates that the ledger is balancing then the balancing check box must be ticked. If the ledger type definition indicates the ledger is not balancing then the balancing can optionally be ticked or not. This permits the user to enter adjustment entries on non-financial entries and ensure the entries balance.
Status / DISPLAY / The Status field is used to display the current status for the journal. NEW, HELD, READY or POSTED
Postdate / DISPLAY / The Postdate field is used to display the date the journal was posted to the system.
Debits / DISPLAY / The Debits field is used to display the sum of all debit transaction within the journal
Credits / DISPLAY / The Credits field is used to display the sum of all credit transaction within the journal
Balance / DISPLAY / The Balance field is used to display the sum of all debit and credit transaction within the journal
Account / INPUT / The Account column is used to enter the account code for the account that is to be effected by the journal. The Zoom facility is available to select from all valid entries.
Description / INPUT / The Description column is used to enter a description for the journal line item of up to 50 characters long. This field is default to account description for the account entered but may be overwritten.
DR/CR / INPUT / The DR/CR column is used to indicate the debit side or the credit side to which the transaction line item belongs. Default is based on the natural sign of the account entered.
Debit / INPUT / The Debit column is used to enter the amount that is to be debited from the selected account. Entry of this field is mandatory if the DR/CR field is set to DR.
Credit / INPUT / The Credit column is used to enter the amount that is to be credited to the selected account. Entry of this field is mandatory if the DR/CR field is set to CR.
Screens - Load Journals
Screen: gl_mljnlload
JOURNAL LOAD - Screen: gl_mljnlloadFIELD / TYPE / USAGE
Load Filename / INPUT / The Load Filename field is used to enter the location and filename of journal load file. The information contained in this file will be used to create multi-ledger journals. The file format as described below must be in a Tab Delimited Format similar to the Excel Text (Tab Delimited txt file). Journals will be created based on Ledger Type, Date and Journal Type (NRM/REV). Journals will be created as HELD and will need to be manually posted. The Data in the Load file will be validated and if any errors are found an error report produced and the file rejected. For a file containing journals for multiple periods e.g. budgets the program will create one journal for each period contained in the file.
Auto Balancing / INPUT / The Auto Balancing check box is used to indicate if the journal that is being loaded is to be auto balancing. If this box is ticked the file will be marked as auto balancing.
Journal Number / CHARACTER / Journal Number or 0 for automatic Journal number. Maximum size 8 characters. If a journal number is entered this journal number is checked.
Ledger / CHARACTER / Valid Ledger type ie: A (Actual). Maximum size 2 characters. This field must be in uppercase.
Date / DATE / Date must be within an Open Ledger Period and valid.
Journal Description / CHARACTER / Journal Header text. Maximum size 70 characters.
Type / CHARACTER / Journal Type. Must be either NRM (Normal) or REV (Reversing). This field must be in uppercase.
GL Account / CHARACTER / General Ledger Account code. Must be a valid General Ledger Account code.
Detail Description / CHARACTER / Journal Line item text. Maximum size 50 Characters.
Amount / DECIMAL(16, 2) / Journal Line item amount +ve or -ve ie: 300.00 or -500.00
Currency / CHARACTER / Three character currency code.
Rate / DECIMAL(10, 4) / Currency rate.
Journal Number / CHARACTER / Journal Number or 0 for automatic Journal number. Maximum size 8 characters.
Ledger / CHARACTER / Valid Ledger type ie: A (Actual). Maximum size 2 characters. This field must be in uppercase.
Year / DATE / Year must be setup in Common Period.
Period / DATE / Period must be within an Open Ledger Period within the specified year.
Journal Description / CHARACTER / Journal Header text. Maximum size 70 characters.
Type / CHARACTER / Journal Type. Must be either NRM (Normal) or REV (Reversing). This field must be in uppercase.
GL Account / CHARACTER / General Ledger Account code. Must be a valid General Ledger Account code.
Detail Description / CHARACTER / Journal Line item text. Maximum size 50 Characters.
Amount / DECIMAL(16, 2) / Journal Line item amount +ve or -ve ie: 300.00 or -500.00
Currency / CHARACTER / Three character currency code.
Rate / DECIMAL(10, 4) / Currency rate.
Error Messages
Refer to Appendix D - Standard Error Messages
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