Electronic Science Department
Kururkshetra University, Kurukshetra
Lesson Plan
M Tech. Micro Electronics and VLSI Design, II sem
(wef session 2014-15)
Paper: MMVD 202
Embedded System Design using 8051
Unit I
Unit I
Embedded systems – Introduction, role of processor and other hardware units, real-life examples, embedded systems on chip,
Introduction to CISC and RISC architecture. Structural units of processor, processes selection for embedded system,
memory devices for embedded systems and allocation of memory, DMA, interfacing memory, processor and I/O devices.
References :
1. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems, Architecture, Programming and Design, TMH, 2003
2. The 8051 microcontroller – by Ayala (Penram)
3. Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller by Predko, Myke,, TMH, 2003
4. The 8051 MicroController& Embedded systems by MA. Mazidi& JG. Mazidi (Pearson)
5. Designing Embedded H/W By John Catsoulis (O’Reilly)
Abbreviations: SA: Short Answer type, LA: Long Answer type, CA: Concept based Answer Type, DP: Design Problem type ,
Lesson No / Contents / Objectives / References / Evaluation (Question Type)1 / Introduction to Embedded systems, role of processor
and other hardware units in Embedded system design,
real-life examples / 1. Students should be able to understand the basic of Embedded Design.
2. Be able to understand the different processors and other hardware units and how it is used in embedded design.
3. Be able to comprehend the embedded system by better visualization of real time examples. / 1,2,4 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
2 / Embedded systems on chip / 1. Students should be able to understand the System on chip design.
2. Be able to comprehend its use in various applications.
3. Be able to identify various reasons to use on chip embedded systems. / 1,2,5 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
3 / Introduction to CISC and RISC architecture. / 1. Students should be able to visualize the role of CISC & RISC in processor operation.
2. Be able to visualise the different architectures.
3. Be able to differentiate between these architectures. / 1,2 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
4 / Structural units of processor, / 1. Students should be able to understand the different structural units of processor. / 1,2,5 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
5 / Processor selection for embedded system / 1. Be able to differentiate between embedded processor and other general purpose processors and how to use them in specific application. / 1,2,5 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
6 / Memory devices for embedded systems / 1. Students should be able to understand various memory devices used in embedded systems.
2. Be able to describe the function of memory in different applications. / 1,2 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
7 / Allocation of memory. / 1. Be able to comprehend the concept of memory allocation. / 1,2 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
8 / DMA / 1. Students should be able to Understand the concept of DMA.
2. Be able to understand DMA architecture.
3. Be able to describe various modes of operations in DMA. / 1,2 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA, LA
9 / Interfacing memory, processor and I/O devices. / 1. Students should be able to interconnect processor , memory and IO devices
2. Be able to understand the concept of Address bus, Data bus and control bus signals. / 1,2 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA, LA, CA
Unit II
Devices for embedded systems: I/O devices, timer and counting devices, Microprocessor and Micro controllers: differences, 8-bit micro controllers - comparison. Types of microcontrollers. The 8051 architecture: microcontroller hardware, I/O pins, ports and circuit, external memory, counter & timer, serial data input/output, interrupts.
Lesson No / Contents / Objectives / References / Evaluation (Question Type)1 / I/O devices / 1. Students should be able to list various IO types.
2. Be able to describe the classification of serial communication ports.
3. Be able to describe the classification of parallel communication ports.
3. Be able to comprehend the sophisticated interfacing features of device ports. / 1,2,4,5 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
2 / Timer and Counting devices. / 1. Students should be able to understand the use of timer cum counting devices.
2. Be able to comprehend the states in timers.
3. Be able to list various types timers. / 1,2,4 / Sess: SA & CA & DP
Exams: SA & CA & DP
3 / Microprocessor and Micro controllers: differences, / 1. Students should be able to understand the different types of microcontrollers. / 1,2,4 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
4 / 8-bit micro controllers – comparison, / 1. Be able to list the differences between microcontrollers and microprocessors. / 1,2,4 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
5 / Types of microcontrollers. / 1. Be able to list the various features of different versions of 8 bit microcontroller.
/ 1,2,4 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
6 / The 8051 architecture:
I/O pins,
ports and circuit, / 1. Students should be able to describe the hardware features of 8051 microcontroller.
2. Be able to list the internal registers of the 8051 microcontroller and their functions.
3. Be able to draw the machine cycle for the 8051 microcontroller.
4. Be able to state the physical differences between the port 0,1,2, and 3 I/O pins. / 1,2,4,5 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
7 / external memory, / 1. Be able to interface external memory with port 0,1,2, and 3 I/O pins. / 1,2,4,5 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
8 / counter & timer, / 1. Be able to describe the various operating modes of the timer/counters and associated control registers. / 1,2,4,5 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
9 / serial data input/output / 1. Be able to describe the various operating modes of UART and associated control registers. / 1,2,4,5 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
10 / Interrupts. / 1. Be able to list the types of interrupts the interrupt program addresses and the interrupt control registers. / 1,2,4,5 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
Unit III
Programming of 8051 – instruction syntax, addressing modes, external data moves, code memory read-only data moves, push and pop opcodes, data exchange, logical operations, arithmetic operation, jump and call instructions.
Lesson No / Contents / Objectives / References / Evaluation (Question Type)1 / Programming of 8051 – instruction syntax, code memory read-only data moves, / 1. Students should be able to explain why assembly language programming is used.
2. Students should be able to use commands that place data in register, internal memory and external memory. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA,CA
Exams: SA,CA
2 / addressing modes / Be able to list the data addressing modes. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA,CA
Exams: SA,CA
3 / external data moves / Be able to use commands that get data from ROM addresses. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA,CA
Exams: SA,CA
4 / push and pop opcodes. / Be able to describe how data is pushed and popped into stack. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA,CA
Exams: SA,CA
5 / data exchange / be able to use commands that exchange data.
. Be able to write programs for data movement, data storage. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA,CA
Exams: SA,CA
6 / Logical Operations / 1. Students should be able to use byte level AND, OR, XOR and NOT Boolean instructions.
2. Students should be able to use bit level AND, OR and NOT Boolean instructions.
3. Be able to use bit level set, clear and data moving instructions.
4. Be able to use 8 bit and 9 bit rotate instructions. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA,CA
Exams: SA,CA
7 / Arithmetic Operations. / 1. Students should be able to increment and decrement the content of registers and RAM .
2. Be able to do signed and unsigned addition and sbstraction.
3. Be able to do unsigned multiplication and division.
4. be able to do BCD addition. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA,CA
Exams: SA,CA
8 / Jump and Call Instructions. / 1. Students should be able to predict the range of jump opcodes.
2. Be able to use bit and byte conditional and unconditional jump opcodes.
3. Be able to write and call subroutines.
4. Be able to discuss how CPU uses the stack to store call opcode return address.
5. Be able to write small programs using calls and interrupts. / 2,3,4 / Sess: SA & CA & DP
Exams: SA & LA & CA & DP
Unit IV
Real word interfacing with 8051: external memory, 8255, ADC, DAC. RTOS – basics and relevance in embedded system, typical applications hardware – software co-design in an embedded system: project management, design and co-design issues in system development process, design cycle, emulator and in-circuit emulator (ICE), use of software tools for development of an embedded system, issues in embedded system design.
Lesson No / Contents / Objectives / References / Evaluation (Question Type)1 / Real word interfacing with 8051: external memory, 8255 / 1. Students should be able to discuss the design of 8051 based system.
2. Students should be able to interface 8051 with external memory.
3. Be able to calculate external memory access times.
4. Students should be able to interface 8051 with Extended IO. / 1,2 / Sess: SA & CA & DP
Exams: SA & CA & DP
2 / Real word interfacing with 8051: ADC, DAC / 1. Students should be able to interface 8051 microcontroller system to A/D and D/A converters. / 1,2 / Sess: SA & CA & DP
Exams: SA & CA & DP
3 / RTOS – basics and relevance in embedded system. / 1. Students should be able to understand the basics and use of RTOS in Embedded systems. / 1,5 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
4 / Hardware – software co-design in an embedded system: / 1. Students should be able to describe hardware software Co-designing aspect.
/ 1 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
5 / Project management / 1. Be able to understand system project management aspects. / 1 / Sess: SA & LA
Exams: SA & LA
6 / Design and co-design issues in system development process / 1.Students should be able to describe co design issues. / 1 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
7 / Design cycle / 1. Students should be able to describe action plan in design cycle for system hardware software Co-designing. / 1 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
8 / Emulator and in-circuit emulator (ICE) / 1.Students should be able to use In Circuit Emulators.
2. Use of software tools for development of an embedded system / 1 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA
9 / Issues in embedded system design / 1.Students should be able to address the key issues in embedded system design. / 1 / Sess: SA
Exams: SA