Consultant Delivery Guide


Version 2.0 Final

Prepared by


Table of Contents

1 Introduction 6

1.1 Overview 6

1.2 Who Should Read This Guide 6

1.3 How to Use This Guide 6

2 Offering Description 7

2.1 Introduction 7

2.2 What is a PLA? 7

2.3 IaaS PLA Fabric and Fabric Management 7

2.4 IaaS PLA Azure Addendum 8

2.5 Cloud Platform Integration Framework 8

3 Offering Delivery 8

3.1 Design Decisions Based on the IaaS PLA Azure Addendum 8

3.2 Skillset Requirements 9

3.2.1 Microsoft Azure 9

3.3 Pre-Engagement Phase 9

3.3.1 Offering IP 9

3.3.2 Deliverables 9

3.4 Azure IaaS Foundations Phase 10

3.4.1 Key Activities 10

3.4.2 Offering IP 10

3.4.3 Deliverables 11

3.5 Development and Test Environment Automation Phase 11

3.5.1 Key Activities 11

3.5.2 Offering IP 12

3.5.3 Deliverables 12

3.6 Azure IaaS Migration Phase 12

3.6.1 Key Activities 13

3.6.2 Offering IP 13

3.6.3 Deliverables 13

3.7 Hybrid Cloud Jump Start Outcomes 14


1  Introduction

1.1  Overview

This document provides information on the delivery of the Hybrid Cloud Jump Start Offering. Specifically, the team on this engagement is responsible for utilizing and customizing the following content:

·  IaaS PLA – Azure PLA Addendum

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – Solution Alignment Workshop

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – Work Breakdown Structure

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – Proof of Concept (POC) Guide

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – Automation Samples

·  Azure Development and Test Environment Automation Jump Start Offering materials

·  Datacenter Consolidation and Migration Jump Start Offering materials

The engagement is typically scoped to six weeks of delivery time by one consulting resource with architect oversight.

1.2  Who Should Read This Guide

This document is designed to assist the delivery team’s consultants and architects responsible for delivering the Hybrid Cloud Jump Start. The document explains how to use the Jump Start Offering materials to educate the customer on Azure IaaS, help them extend their datacenter to Azure, establish development and test environment automation, and migrate up to twenty virtual machines to Azure.

Assistance for presales and engagement planning phases can be found in the presales material, as part of the Offering content.

1.3  How to Use This Guide

This document will help you verify you have the correct level of understanding of all deliverables that are required as part of this Solution and ability to facilitate the design decisions required to establish the customer’s adoption of Azure IaaS and hybrid architectures. This document also provides a baseline set of skills necessary for a successful Offering delivery.

IMPORTANT: All delivery resources should be provided a copy of the final Statement of Work and/or Work Order that was negotiated with and delivered to the customer. The Statement of Work (SOW)/Work Order (WO) is the controlling document and final say on scope and deliverables. The SOW/WO may deviate from the standard Offering materials if changes were required during pre-sales. If you encounter any discrepancies between the Offering materials and the signed SOW/WO, be sure to bring them to the attention of the engagement manager.

2  Offering Description

2.1  Introduction

The Hybrid Cloud Jump Start is the lead offer for the Modern Datacenter and Cloud Infrastructure priority area. The Offering scope includes introducing Microsoft Azure to customers, helping initial connectivity and consumption of Azure infrastructure services, establishing development and test environment automation in Azure, and migrating up to twenty virtual machines to Azure. This Offering can be delivered on its own or as a pre-requisite to other Azure related Offerings such as StorSimple Planning and Deployment, Data Migration Assessment, SharePoint on Azure IaaS, etc. The Hybrid Cloud Jump Start attempts to cover all of the information required to get a customer “up and running” on Azure as rapidly as possible.

The Hybrid Cloud Jump Start introduces the customer to these concepts, drives initial planning and design discussions, and establishes an initial Azure consumption plan (such as which datacenter capabilities will be extended to Azure and how). The engagement then proceeds to help the customer automate the creation and management of development and test environments in Azure. Finally, the engagement concludes with the discovery, assessment, and migration of up to twenty virtual machine to Azure. The end state of the Hybrid Cloud Jump Start is a customer connected to Azure, using Azure for development and test environments, and running workloads in Azure virtual machines.

2.2  What is a PLA?

A Product Line Architecture (PLA) is a set of rules and architectural patterns that provide a method for predictable and supportable deployments. The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Product Line Architecture provides detailed guidance for designing and deploying private cloud architectures. In many cases, the customer may have already deployed a Microsoft-based private cloud, either on their own or through a Datacenter Infrastructure and Management engagement and now wish to extend their cloud infrastructure to Azure.

2.3  IaaS PLA Fabric and Fabric Management

The definition of the fabric is all of the physical and virtual resources under the scope of management of the fabric management infrastructure. The fabric is typically the entire compute, storage, and network infrastructure—usually implemented as Hyper-V host clusters—being managed by the fabric management infrastructure (System Center).

When consuming Azure, all of the fabric and most of the fabric management Solution are provided by Azure and the customer or consumer of Azure takes advantage of the Azure Management APIs to control their deployments and then consumes the virtual machines and other Azure services. To establish a hybrid cloud, the customer can extend their datacenter fabric and fabric management to include Azure. The outcome is that virtual machines could run on either fabric (on-premises or Azure) and System Center management can be extended to cover resources running on the Azure fabric.

The IaaS PLA Fabric and Fabric Management Architecture Guides can be found under the Datacenter Infrastructure and Management Offering.

2.4  IaaS PLA Azure Addendum

The IaaS PLA Azure Addendum extends the IaaS Fabric and Fabric Management PLA with guidance for customers extending their infrastructure to Microsoft Azure. The Azure Addendum covers a wide range of Azure architecture and design considerations and recommended practices. Like the IaaS PLA itself, the Azure Addendum attempts to consolidate into one document the major topics areas and technologies relevant to extending a customer datacenter to Azure.

The IaaS PLA Azure Addendum is included as part of the Hybrid Cloud Jump Start Offering IP.

2.5  Cloud Platform Integration Framework

The Cloud Platform Integration Framework (CPIF) provides workload integration guidance for onboarding applications into a Microsoft Cloud Solution. CPIF describes how organizations, Microsoft Partners and Solution Integrators should design and deploy Cloud-targeted workloads utilizing the hybrid cloud platform and management capabilities of Azure, System Center and Windows Server. The CPIF domains have been decomposed into the following functions:

By integrating these functions directly into workloads, ‘platforms’ can be developed which allow for further configuration by tenants to implement extended software services.

The Cloud Platform Integration Framework (CPIF) IP can be found under the Datacenter Infrastructure and Management Offering.

IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that delivery resources read each of the CPIF pillar documents, particularly the Architecture pillar.

3  Offering Delivery

3.1  Design Decisions Based on the IaaS PLA Azure Addendum and CPIF

IMPORTANT: It is assumed that all <Partner> Services team members on the engagement are familiar with the IaaS Fabric and Fabric Management PLAs and deeply familiar with the Azure Addendum and CPIF Architecture pillar.

As organizations look to utilize a hybrid cloud architecture, they are typically looking for a more cost effective way to provide IT services to their users. While these organizations may not be ready to fully adopt the public cloud, the hybrid cloud gives the organization the flexibility to use both private and public cloud resources.

In addition to an existing Windows Server 2012 R2 and System Center 2012 R2 private cloud infrastructure the customer may already have in place, the following Microsoft Azure services will likely be in scope minimally for discussion and potentially for production pilot in an Azure IaaS Foundations engagement:

·  Azure Accounts and Subscriptions

·  Azure Active Directory

·  Azure Storage

·  Azure Networks (VNETs, S2S, ExpressRoute)

·  Azure Virtual Machines

·  Azure Management APIs / Resource Manager / Azure Automation

·  PowerShell DSC

·  System Center Management Packs for Azure

·  Azure Migration Accelerator and/or DoubleTake Move

The Azure Addendum and the Hybrid Cloud Solution Alignment Workshop cover each of these topics in depth.

3.2  Skillset Requirements

The knowledge required for delivering an Hybrid Cloud Jump Start is extensive, encompassing the infrastructure services provided by Microsoft Azure, depth in automation and scripting, experience using migration tools, and Windows Server and System Center as discussed in the PLA documents and Azure addendum.

3.2.1  Microsoft Azure

·  Microsoft Azure IaaS Virtual Machines

·  Microsoft Azure Storage

·  Microsoft Azure Networking

·  Microsoft Azure VPN

·  Resource Groups, Affinity Groups and Availability Groups

·  Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

·  Microsoft Azure PowerShell / Azure Automation /DSC

·  Azure Migration Accelerator and/or DoubleTake Move

IMPORTANT: In order to be qualified to deliver this engagement, you must have experience with Microsoft Azure concepts and features, particularly in IaaS VMs, Networks, Storage, and VPN and preferably have completed the Microsoft Azure and the Next Generation of Infrastructure Solutions course available through MS Involve.

If you have not previously attended training in these areas or delivered a similar engagement before, your MUST notify the engagement manager so that additional resources and/or oversight is made available.

3.3  Pre-Engagement Phase

The pre-engagement process is critical to confirm that both the client and <Partner> Services have aligned expectations for the engagement. The client should agree to provide a project manager to drive the engagement and help escalate issues to help to find solutions for any problem that could occur. Workloads, duration, and schedule should be discussed during this period.

3.3.1  Offering IP

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – Customer Presentation

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – Engagement Kickoff Presentation

3.3.2  Deliverables

Project Phase / Service Deliverable Name / Service Deliverable Descriptions /
Engagement Kick-off / Customer Kick-off presentation (incudes vision/scope) / PowerPoint presentation detailing the engagement vision and scope

3.4  Azure IaaS Foundations Phase

The purpose of the Azure IaaS Foundations phase is to educate the customer and integrate Microsoft Azure infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) capabilities into the customer environment. This is designed to establish foundational understanding of Microsoft Azure, establish connectivity and initial configuration of the customer Microsoft Azure environment.

3.4.1  Key Activities

A key part of this phase is the Hybrid Cloud Solution Alignment Workshop. The workshop requires all Solution stakeholders’ participation. The main goals of the Hybrid Cloud Solution Alignment Workshop are:

1.  Educate the customer on the capabilities and features of Azure infrastructure services

2.  Educate the customer on Microsoft workloads in Microsoft Azure

3.  Make design decisions for the compute, storage, network, and management layers of Microsoft Azure

4.  [Optional] Make design decisions on System Center integration with Azure

Once the delivery team has developed the target architecture and usage of Azure, it will then establish the production Azure environment. This will include:

·  Establish their Azure subscriptions and configuring co-administrators

·  Implementing Azure S2S VPN connectivity between the on-premises datacenter and Azure

·  Integrating their on-premises Active Directory with Azure Active Directory

·  Establishing storage accounts

·  Establishing virtual networks and routing between virtual networks

·  Uploading virtual machine images

·  Creating virtual machines

·  Demonstrating Azure PowerShell, Azure Automation, and other Azure capabilities

Finally, this phase will include creation of several test cases, which will include a definition of the environment and scenarios that will be tested to validate the Solution (such as creating virtual machines, testing the migration of a virtual machine from on-premises to Azure, etc.).

3.4.2  Offering IP

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – Solution Alignment Workshop

IMPORTANT: The Solution Alignment Workshop presentation is a large slide deck that includes deep technical content on all of the Azure infrastructure services in scope for Azure IaaS Foundations. Consultants delivering this Offering should be trained and comfortable educating the customer on all the technologies utilizing this set of materials. You do not need to deliver the entire slide deck. If during envisioning the customer focused on particular topics (i.e. networking and not storage or more automation and less networking) you can hide or not present those sections. We do recommend at least presenting the overview slides of all the Azure services and then determining which detail section to present. The more content presented the better, as the goal of this engagement is to get customer understanding the full breadth of Azure capabilities.

·  Hybrid Cloud Jump Start – POC Guide

IMPORTANT: This document does not include step-by-step instructions. Given the nature and pace of change in Azure, document-based step-by-step instructions become out of date very quickly. Rather, this document links to published step-by-step instructions on TechNet and other documentation sources that are kept up to date. As such, not all of the step-by-step procedures lead directly to the desired outcome for the POC. The delivery resources on the engagement can use these as a guide and a starting point but it is assumed those resources have Azure training and expertise which they can use to bridge any gaps between the procedures and the desired outcome.

3.4.3  Deliverables

Project Phase / Service Deliverable Name / Service Deliverable Descriptions /
Azure IaaS Foundations / Solution Alignment Workshop Results Report / Word document capturing any design or implementation decisions made during the Solution Alignment Workshop(s)
Azure IaaS Foundations / Azure S2S VPN Configuration Script / Script text file containing the configuration settings for the selected Azure S2S VPN gateway

3.5  Development and Test Environment Automation Phase

The purpose of the Development and Test Environment Automation Phase is to design a development and test environment automation Solution using Microsoft Azure and to configure automation for management of a centralized lab repository and setup of discrete lab environments based on these configurations.