Take one recording sheet from the folder.

Grab a one bag and put ONE group of TEN items into the cup.

Record the number of leftovers.

Then count the total items (what’s in the cup AND the leftovers).

Record the number word for that number.

Try another bag.


Take one recording sheet from the folder.

Grab a one bag of items.

Count the total items and record the number word for that number.

Now separate the items by putting ONE group of TEN items into each cup. (You may not fill all of your cups each time and you may have some leftovers; that’s ok.)

Record the number of groups of ten you have made as well as the number of leftovers.

Try another bag.

2.NBT.1, 2.NBT.8

Take a picture of your group.

Draw a card with a riddle.

Use any of the base ten materials to figure out the number. Then take a picture of your model (make sure the riddle card is also in the picture.)

Try another riddle.

1.NBT.5, 1.NBT.6, 2.NBT.8

Teacher Note:
This task should be done after students are familiar with a hundreds chart.

Grab a BLANK hundreds chart from the folder.

Record the following numbers in the chart where they belong.

Then fill in their neighbors (the numbers above, below, to the right and to the left).

25 89 64 43 17 46

72 39 12 58 85 77

ROLLING UP (or down) TO 100 K.NBT.1, 1.NBT.2

This is a GAME! The first person to get 100 blocks wins.

How the game is played:

Each person takes a turn rolling the dice.

The number they roll is the number of blocks they get from the bank.

(You may need to trade in a group of ten for a rod from time to time.)

Continue taking turns rolling the dice and getting blocks until someone can make a square of 100.

For a different SPIN on the game, everyone STARTS with a 100 square and works their way to 0. The first person to 0 wins.

How THIS game is played.

Everyone gets a 100 grid. (You may have to trade it in for rods at some point.)

Each person takes a turn rolling the dice.

The number they roll is the number of blocks they give back to the bank.

(You may need to trade a rod for a group of ten blocks from time to time.)

Continue taking turns rolling the dice and giving back blocks until someone is out!

TEACHER STATION K.NBT.1 (for the #s 11-19)

Use the 10x10 array of dots to model with each other.

Use the extra paper to cover up all but two rows of dots. Ask your students, “How many tens? (2) Two tens is called twenty.” Have the class repeat. Show another row and ask again, “How many tens? (3) Three tens is called thirty?” (You probably have students that already know these words – ask rather than telling at first to probe the group.) Continue on with 4 tens, 5 tens and so on until the class has named all of the multiples of ten.

Use the same 10x10 array to work on names for tens and ones. (You’ll need two pieces of paper to cover up parts of the array for this part. Show, for example, four full lines, “forty.” Next, expose one dot in the fifth row. “Four tens and one. What would we call this number?” (41) Add more dots, one at a time, “Four tens and two” (42), “Four tens and three” (43) until students get the hang of it. When the pattern is established, repeat with other decades and ones.

An extension of this lesson would be to give each student their own 10x10 array and blank paper. Call out a number and have them model a number.

You can also pair students up and have them model a different number than their partner and figure out who’s is bigger. They can then write a comparison statement with >, <, or =.

1.NBT.6, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.8


Use the 10x10 array of dots to model with each other.

Use the extra paper to cover up all of the dots except for three rows and ask students how many groups of ten they see. (3 tens) Also have them name the number (30). Use a second sheet of extra paper to help you uncover 4 more dots on the fourth row and have students give you the base-ten name as well as the standard name of the number. (three tens and four and 34). Repeat if necessary to make sure students understand.

Model a decade number (like 30, 40, 50, etc) and have students name it (with both names). Now ask them how you can model ADDING TEN? (by uncovering one more row) What number you will have if you uncover ONE more row? What about TWO rows? THREE? (Model as you go and make sure you always have them give you both names for the number.) Also try adding a single digit number of dots to the decades.

Next try with a non-decade number. For example, model 63 (6 tens and 3). Then model adding ten by moving your papers down, uncovering another row. Ask them what number they have now (7 tens and 3 or 73). Continue with adding tens. Then try and just add a single-digit number of dots.

You can also repeat this same activity with subtracting (or do subtraction right along with addition). Instead of UN-covering you just cover to subtract.

You can also extend it by having students use base-ten pieces at their desk to model what you are doing with the array (making connections between manipulatives).

Afterwards you can also have students use the 10x10 arrays themselves to model traditional paper and pencil problems like 54+10 and 39+10 and 46-10, etc.

1.NBT.6, 2.NBT.8

NOTE: Have students use their OWN hand-made hundreds chart for these tasks.

There are several variations of this task that can be conducted with a full class or can be made into an activity in which two students work together to explore an idea and write about what they have discovered. Use any physical model for two-digit numbers with which students are familiar.

-  Give students one or more numbers to first make with the models and then find on their chart. Use groups of two or three numbers either in the same row or same column. Ask students what they notice about the numbers they model and where they are located on the chart.

-  Have students make all of the numbers in a row or in a column. How are the numbers in the row (or column) alike? How are they different? What happens at the end of the row?

-  Indicate a number on the chart. What would you have to change to make each of its neighbors (the numbers to the left, right, above and below)?


Give a pair of students a bag with 20 connecting cubes; 10 of one color and 10 of another color. Ask students to create one train of 10 (all the same color) and to leave the other ten (other color) free (unconnected).

Have students draw a card from the pile (labeled with the numbers 11-19) and model that number with their blocks. Some students may try and count out with their loose pieces but will quickly realize they do not have enough. Let students talk through trying to use their block of ten and figuring out how many free blocks they need as well. Have students record each number using ten-frames.


Each person in your group will read one of the following passages from Van de Walle’s Base-Ten Concepts and Place Value chapter. If there are more than three of you, two of you can read the same passage.

Take some time to report out to each other what you have read. What “ah-ha” moments did you have while reading?

Children’s Pre-Base-Ten Concepts
pgs 123-top of 124

Goals of Place-Value Development
pgs 124-126

Models for Place Value
pgs 127-top of 129


You are going to stay at this center through TWO rotations. So the next time you hear the timer go off, you will stay put. You may have another group join you. If that is the case, give them the directions (since you’ll already have the hang of this).

There are many “Assessment Notes” in the Chapter on Base-Ten Concepts and Place Value. Keep in mind these are not paper-and-pencil assessments, but instead TRUE formative assessments that will TELL you a lot about what your students may know or not know.

Take a look at them one at a time (pages are listed below) and discuss for two minutes what each of them would tell you about your students? What might your students do if given this assessment? etc

Feel free to write in your book or use the sticky notes at this center!!!

Use the stopwatch to time your discussion so that you can move through most of the assessments.

NOTE: You may not get through ALL of them (that’s ok).

PGS 123, 125, 131, 137, 141, 144, 149, 151