School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

QMUL13324 Lecturer in French

Further Particulars

The School of Languages, Linguistics and Film at Queen Mary University of London intends to make an appointment to a Lectureship in French. This is a permanent post, subject to successful probation. The successful candidate should be able to take up their appointment by 1 September 2018, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The University

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is one of the largest colleges of the University of London and prides itself on the high quality of its academic teaching and research. The University is entirely independent and self-governing, funded directly by the Higher Education Funding Council for England. QMUL has around 17,840 students studying for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in three faculties: Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Engineering, and the School of Medicine and Dentistry. Its Strategy 2014 commits QMUL to building on its distinctive position as a leading research-based higher education institution with a strong commitment to engagement in its London location. In 2012 QMUL joined the Russell Group, which represents 24 leading UK universities; it performed very strongly in the REF 2014 assessment of research quality in UK universities.

The University has its roots in four older colleges: Queen Mary College, Westfield College, St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College and The London Hospital Medical College. The main campus at Mile End was historically the home of Queen Mary College, which began life in the 1880s as the People’s Palace, a philanthropic attempt to provide East Londoners with a centre of education, cultural and social activities. The University is situated on four main campuses. The Mile End and Whitechapel campuses are sited just one mile and two miles respectively from the City of London, and only a short journey from other parts of central London. The West Smithfield and Charterhouse Square campuses are located on historic sites in the City of London itself. The College identifies strongly with both its international ambition and its regional context; it is actively committed to participating in the development and regeneration of its local community. In addition to the College’s strong local links in the East of London, QMUL has a distinct transnational character, making for a stimulating and cosmopolitan atmosphere.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Faculty was created in 2010 to support and enhance the work of its eight very successful Schools. The Schools within the Faculty are: Business and Management; Economics and Finance; English and Drama; Geography; History; Languages, Linguistics and Film; Law; and Politics and International Relations. The Faculty is committed to achieving a ranking within the top ten UK universities for most of its research areas by 2020, and to placement within the top decile of UK universities in the National Student Survey.

The School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

The School is located in the Arts One and Bancroft Buildings on the Mile End campus. It currently consists of 54 academic members of staff, as well as around 60 academic-related staff. The current Head of School is Professor David Adger. There are Heads of Departments immediately responsible for particular areas (Comparative Literature and Culture, Film Studies, Modern Languages and Cultures, Linguistics, and the Language Centre). Support staff currently include 17 full- or part-time administrators and assistants. There are excellent technical facilities provided for Film Studies, Linguistics and language teaching, including a multi-media language resources centre, equipped with digital language laboratories and staff resources rooms, two linguistics laboratories with behavioural testing suites (including eye-tracking, sound proof recording, and access to ERP equipment), two film studios, two edit suites and professional film production and post-production equipment. The School offers intellectually challenging single and joint honours undergraduate programmes in Comparative Literature, Film Studies, French, German, Hispanic Studies, Linguistics and Russian, as well as joint honours programmes involving Catalan and Portuguese. The School is responsible for postgraduate taught programmes in Anglo-German Cultural Relations, Comparative Literature, Documentary Film, Film Studies, Linguistics, and Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching.

The School has an excellent record in research and teaching, as shown by its consistently high performance in research assessment exercises, with strong evidence of national, international and world-class recognition in all its disciplines. The School's research strategy is to produce high-quality research in literature, film, linguistics, cultural studies, and intellectual history.

The School has a thriving research culture. There is a wealth of seminars on a wide variety of relevant themes, and several annual lectures. The School currently has some 50 research students. QMUL’s Doctoral College awards research studentships annually on a competitive basis. It works in partnership with academic Schools and Institutes, the Researcher Development team at the Centre for Academic and Professional Development (CAPD), Queen Mary Careers, and the Students’ Union, to offer a wide range of flexible training and development activities, careers support and social events for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. A Graduate Centre, providing state-of-the-art teaching, study, social and IT space, has recently opened at the Mile End campus. The Lock-Keeper’s Cottage provides comfortable study areas, networked computer facilities, a seminar room, and a common room shared by PhD students in the School and in the School of English and Drama. The School is ideally placed to benefit from the incomparable research facilities available in London: there are good holdings in the Library at QMUL, to which can be added the libraries of the various other colleges of the University, the University of London Library (Senate House), the British Library, the Institute of Modern Languages Research, the British Film Institute, and the many other specialized libraries and institutes in the capital city.

French at Queen Mary

Research expertise in French currently covers French language, linguistics, art, thought, literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the present day. Teaching is connected to these research interests and includes strands on art, thought, literature and linguistics as well as the core language programme. Staff also contribute to interdisciplinary teaching on Comparative Literature courses, and to interdisciplinary research events organised between the School’s departments. A full list of the research interests of French and related staff can be found on the School website ( The department also has a Language Co-ordinator, a number of dedicated language teaching staff, and a lectrice / lecteur.

Events and activities involving French include the annual Malcolm Bowie Memorial Lecture, organized in collaboration with the Institute for Modern Languages Research; and the Visual Cultures Forum, which brings together relevant specialists from within and beyond the School.

The appointment

The appointee will be expected to be able to deliver teaching and assessment across undergraduate and, as appropriate, taught postgraduate programmes. Duties will include research and publishing, convening and teaching undergraduate modules, contributing to MA provision as appropriate, (co)-supervising PhD students, and undertaking administrative roles as required within the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures. The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to the life of the School in a more general way, for instance by undertaking appropriate administrative and pastoral duties.

Applications are invited from specialists in any area, but a research background in the visual culture of the French-speaking world (post-1850) is especially welcome.

Job Profile

Core Job Information
Job Title / Lecturer in French
School / Languages, Linguistics and Film / Department / French
Career Family / Academic / Grade / 5
Working hours / Full-time / Appointment period / Permanent
Reports to (job title) / Head of School / Current location / Mile End
Job Purpose
The appointee will contribute to the delivery of high-quality teaching, scholarship, research and administration by:
1. Making significant research contributions to the field
2. Teaching and the assessment of student achievement
3. Contributing to the administration of these and other University activities.
A Lecturer is expected to contribute to the design of new courses or options, to research towards the advancement of the subject, to show promise of continuing development as a scholar and to perform administrative duties allocated to an acceptable standard.
The post holder will be subject to the overall supervision of the Head of School who will agree specific teaching and administrative duties and responsibilities with them, and advise on career development.
Knowledge, Skills & Experience
Requirements / Essential/Desirable
Qualifications / Class 2.1 degree or above (or foreign equivalent) in a relevant field
PhD, or equivalent qualification, in a relevant field / Essential
Experience / Experience of teaching at undergraduate level
Experience of teaching at postgraduate level
Experience of administration in higher education
Demonstrable experience in research with an appropriate publication record for the level of entry / Essential
Knowledge, skills & abilities / Evidence of ongoing research activity at a high level
Ability to teach French language at an appropriate level
Ability to contribute teaching that will meet UG and PG teaching needs in French
Research background in the visual culture of the French-speaking world (post-1850)
Ability to work independently and show initiative, and to work collaboratively
Ability to prioritize and balance competing demands
Organisation of working time between research, teaching and administration
Responsiveness to feedback
Knowledge of pedagogy and research horizons for French
Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to build effective relationships with colleagues and students
Presentation of specialist material in a logical, coherent and engaging manner, both to students and to fellow specialists.
Ability to teach at any level within area of expertise, and across a range of subjects at a more introductory level, and demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment in the process of teaching
Appropriate level of skill in use of IT / Essential
Attitude & disposition / Ability to work constructively and flexibly with colleagues
Enthusiasm for academic work
Ability to organise co-operatively and efficiently
Ability to communicate effectively at all levels
Ability to present specialist material in a logical, coherent and interesting manner, both to students and to fellow specialists
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Excellent presentation skills / Essential
Other circumstances / Availability by 1 September 2018 / Essential
Main Duties and Responsibilities of the Role
  1. To organise and undertake teaching of undergraduate students in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film as agreed with the Head of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, under the overall supervision of the Head of School; this includes providing lectures, classes, and seminars, in a variety of combinations.
  2. To organise and undertake teaching and supervision of MA students in the School under the direction of the relevant MA convenor, the Head of Department, and the Head of School.
  3. To examine as appropriate, including setting and marking of papers, marking and second marking of coursework, and attendance at examination meetings in the School and Faculty.

  1. To publish high-quality research in the form of monographs, journal articles, book chapters or other public output.
  2. To submit, singly or jointly with colleagues, proposals to funding bodies for the financial support of research.
  3. To supervise postgraduate students engaged in research leading to higher degrees.
  4. To participate in the research seminars of the School and the University.
  5. To collaborate with colleagues in research activities, where appropriate, both internally within Queen Mary and externally with other Higher Education Institutes and/or non-academic organisations.
  6. To present papers and other research outputs in national and international seminars, conferences, workshops and other events.
  7. To contribute to the pursuit of evolving imperatives in HE, such as Impact and Knowledge Transfer agendas.

Administration & Management
  1. To offer pastoral care and academic advice to students allocated as advisees.
  2. To offer academic advice to students in relation to teaching undertaken, including two office hours per week during term-time.
  3. To attend meetings of the School and Department, as well as those of other committees and relevant College and University boards as agreed with the Head of School.
  4. To undertake such administrative and other duties as may be required by the Head of Department and/or Head of School.
1.To comply with University, School and departmental policies and codes.
2.To attend courses and other activities associated with staff and professional development.
3.To undertake such other duties as may be reasonably expected by the Head of School.
4.To carry out responsibilities with due regard to the College’s Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety policies.
Working Environment
  1. Contribute to innovations in teaching and learning through the development of teaching materials, of forms of pedagogy, or of appropriate teaching collaborations.
  1. Obtain new knowledge by theoretical and/or practical methods. Engage actively in research at a high level in a particular subject area.
  2. Ensure appropriate dissemination of research by scholarly publication or other outputs appropriate to the relevant academic discipline.
  3. Monitor research findings with a view to commercial exploitation, and to inform the Head of department and Head of Innovation and Enterprise of any appropriate novel research outcomes.
Administration & Management
  1. Comply with relevant University policies and regulations regarding financial matters, harassment, equal opportunities, public interest disclosure, health and safety, intellectual property, data protection or any other rules, regulations or codes binding on the member of staff.
  2. Participate in the University Appraisal Scheme and demonstrate a commitment to continuing professional development.
  3. Undertake such other reasonable duties as may be required by the Head of School from time to time.

Freedom to Act & Decision Making
  1. Play a part in developing national and international research links.
  2. Use expertise, experience and judgement to decide how to design and execute research work.
  1. Organise and undertake teaching in the School as agreed with the Head of the School; this includes providing lectures, classes, and seminars, in a variety of combinations.
  2. Set and mark examinations and coursework as appropriate, including attending examiners’ meetings.
Use experience and knowledge (and an understanding of students’ backgrounds and abilities) to design, deliver and assess teaching and learning.
Communication & Networking
1. Collaborate with colleagues in research activities, where appropriate, both internally within Queen
Mary and externally with other Higher Education Institutes and/or non-academic organisations.
2. Prepare and present papers and other research outputs in national and international seminars, conferences, workshops and other events.
Administration and Management
1. Attend School meetings as required as well other relevant University meetings and boards, as agreed with the Head of School.
With staff at Queen Mary within Department and School:
  1. Interact with research collaborators, in order to achieve research objectives and generate outputs (e.g. publications, presentations).
  2. Liaise with academic colleagues over collaborative teaching, orally and in writing, in order to ensure efficient and successful course delivery as appropriate.
  3. Liaise with, instruct and support part-time staff who contribute to School teaching programmes through written communication, formal and informal oral discussions and appraisal, both preceding and during term time.
  4. Contribute to groups such as the Student-Staff Liaison Committee, or Teaching and Learning Committee.
With staff at Queen Mary outside the School:
  1. Liaise with other administrative directorates in the University in order to support effective research, (e.g. Joint Research Management Office), teaching (e.g. Information Services, Dyslexia and Disability Service or the Registry), and knowledge transfer (e.g. Innovation and Enterprise regarding Intellectual Property protection, exploitation and other Knowledge Transfer).
With students:
  1. Support, teach, advise and facilitate the learning of students in formal teaching sessions (e.g. lectures, seminars, fieldwork, tutorials, and one-to-one supervision) to help them achieve their best potential. Oral instruction, discussion, advice and response, written notes, questions, comments and feedback in a variety of media. Both in term time, and to a more limited extent, out of term time. Capacity to act as personal tutor to students.
With external contacts:
  1. Establish links with academic-related organisations, such as publishers, journals, research councils, charities and other HEIs, in order to:
  • Edit and review scholarly journals
  • Act as member of peer review panels and colleges
  • Collaborate with external colleagues on research projects, in the UK and abroad
  • Administer research networks
  • Organise collaborative conferences
  1. Develop relationships with external organisations to maximise opportunities for Knowledge Transfer, for example:
  • Creative industries research
  • External teaching collaborations
  • Student placements with external organisations
  • Consultancy or policy advice given to business, professional bodies, government or regulatory bodies, not-for-profit organisations, or other users of research

Finance/Resource Management
1.Submit, singly or jointly with colleagues, proposals to funding bodies (including research councils, government departments, private sector and public sector collaborators) for the financial support of research and manage those grants as appropriate.
2. Responsible for obtaining income and managing own research funds (and any PhD students/Research Assistants attached to grants).
People Management
  1. Support and supervise the work of research students as appropriate.
  1. Supervise teaching associates and other teaching support staff as may be required.
  2. Take pastoral responsibility for students in the School as assigned, and to support students in key aspects of personal development planning and the acquisition of relevant skills.

This job description sets out the duties of the post at the time it was drawn up. Such duties may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the duties or level of responsibility entailed. Such variations are a common occurrence and cannot of themselves justify a reconsideration of the grading of the post.
Organisation Chart
Organisation Chart (i)

Organisation Chart (ii)

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