SFI DiscoverProgrammeProjects Call


SFI Discover Programme - Projects Call 10/2013For office use only:


1. Project Title / (no more than 10 words)

2. ProjectSummary Please provide a summary of your project (max 50 words).

The project offers a long term, consistent and coherent complex of activities integrating from primary school to leaving cert audiences. The project facilitates intergenerational dialogue on mathematics, where the fosters continuous communication and collaboration with secondary school teachers and parents of secondary school students.
Based on games and investigative approach

3. Audience

Target Audience Predicted Audience Numbers

 Young People 12 years age and under
 Young People between 12 -16 years age
 Young People between 16 -18 years age
 Young adults between 18-25 years age
 Parents
Teachers (inc. Career Guidance Counsellors)
 General Public
Schools – Primary
Schools – Second Level
 Other (please specify below / Direct engagement
(Target #)
Indirect reach
(Estimated #)
Long term impact
(Projected #)
# people
# people
# people

4. Budget

Total Project Budget / € / Amount sought from the SFI Discover Programme / €
5. Dates
Proposed start date / (dd/mm/yy) / Proposed end date / (dd/mm/yy)
6. Principal Applicant
Full Name: / Title:
Telephone: / Fax
Role in project:
Job title:

7. Please state the name and contact details of all your coapplicants:

If co-applicants are from another organisation / institution a letter outlining their commitment to, and role in, the project should be included as an Appendix to this application form.

Co-applicant 1 / Name / Title
Contact address:
Telephone: / Fax
Role in project:
Job title:
Co-applicant 2 / Name / Title
Contact address:
Telephone: / Fax
Role in project:
Job title:
Co-applicant3 / Name / Title
Contact address:
Telephone: / Fax
Role in project:
Job title:

Note : The previous sections for co-applicants may be duplicated if necessary.

8. ProjectVision

Please provide a vision of what your successfully completed project will look like and what it will have achieved (no more than 250 words).

The project offers a long term, consistent and coherent complex of activities integrating from primary school to leaving cert audiences. The project facilitates intergenerational dialogue on mathematics, where the fosters continuous communication and collaboration with secondary school teachers and parents of secondary school students.
Based on games and investigative approach

9. Project Type

New Project Yes / NoExisting Project Yes / No

If this is an extension of an existing project please outline how the funding will be used to extend, enhance or change the existing project (max 250 words). Please complete the information on project deliverables/evaluation/impact from the previous existing projects at Appendix C

10. Objectives

Briefly highlight the main objectives that the project will deliver.

 Stimulate interest, excitement and debate about STEM through various methods
 Support formal and informal learning within STEM (note that any education related projects
should show evidence of a clear link to the relevant curriculum and should demonstrate the
support of the relevant body e.g. the NCCA etc)
 Promote awareness and understanding of the importance and relevance of STEM to everyday
life, reaching new audiences not normally engaged with STEM, as well as continuing to target
existing audiences
 Encourage new ways of thinking about STEM
 Encourage high quality inter-disciplinary practice and collaborative partnerships
 Investigate and test new methods of engagement, participation and education
 Leverage and support existing programmes
STEM Careers awareness targeted at second-level students, their parents, teachers, guidance
counsellors and other influencers with a focus on, but not limited to, stimulating interest and
understanding of STEM careers in early second level education (1st year to Transition Year).
Such projects should support the objectives of SFI’s Smart Futures Campaign
 Space related projects in association with ESERO Ireland. Page 2 of 6
 Projects that encourage children and young people to engage with, and participate in,
STEM activities outside of the formal education system with the specific aim of increasing
the uptake of STEM subjects at third level and beyond.
After school maths club for junior cycle secondary school students
Designed specifically for students who enjoy mathematics
Aim to provide extra challenge of exciting topics that are normally outside the school curriculum.
Enrich student’s wonderment of mathematics
Introduce mathematical concepts using games and activities
A relaxed, friendly, mathematical environment
Run by third level maths students with the help of a maths teacher from the school
Communication between different people with interest in maths
Encourage an appreciation/enjoyment of maths.
Develop problem solving skills based on an investigative method, pattern guessing, trial-and-error,
Develop independent and team working skills.
Develop an intuitive understanding of some mathematical concepts (e.g. limits, Combinatorics)
Give students a setting that encourages them to become passionate about mathematics
Encourage an appreciation/enjoyment of maths.
Develop critical thinking – a wish to understand rather than accept rules blindly
Teach a structured programme which includes extra-curriculum concepts/methods as well as developing curriculum concepts through problems and examples, in a natural and systematic way, and aligned to requirements of international curricula for that age
Prepare the grounds for sportive Maths –team contests, Olympiads
Open up horizons to the larger mathematical context – an intuition for how vast and rich it is

11. ProjectDetails

Please give a detailed overview of the project including information on the roles of the various project partners.

We provide a complex, integrated system of activities aimed at young people between 11 and 18 years, designed to ignite their interest in, and enjoyment of mathematics, to nurture their development through constant long-term engagement with beautiful maths, in a friendly supportive atmosphere among like-minded peers.
We are people who enjoy maths ourselves and we work together as a team …
Our activities have a strong practical/playful element, they ecourage an investigative spirit and foster team work. Our participants love our programmes because we love maths and we always strive to find the beautiful unique element in each activity. We gather some of the best logical/strategy/intelligence games on the market and make the the centerpieces of our lessons, while developing and highlighting their mathematical aspects. We thus show their deep connections with the maths contained in the school curriculum and simultaneously we enhance the appeal of the curriculum.
We have a global perspective: our students participate in international events like the onlie team maths competition Purple Comet, … We seek to allign ourselves to the mathscirles curricula internationally. Thus we prepare our students to become competitive... on a global basis.
Our programme is organized in a sequence of stages:
1st year junior cycle students and more recently, 5th and 6th in schools via activities run after hours or during lunchtime, in collaboration with the local teachers. We have opened collaborations with 25 schools in the Cork area.
2nd and 3rd year students receive invitations to the Junior Mathematics Enrichment programme through their schools. We send letters to 100 schools each year. For the 2014 programme, schools in Waterford have also received invitations for the newly opened local section of the Junior Mathematics Enrichment. Typically teachers would make a short presentation of the programme during class time and hand in invitations to the interested students. The teachers from the schools hosting maths circles are particularly eager for their 2nd -3rd year students to avail of this opportunity to continue the fun of maths circles within UCC.
We send a separate set of letters to all schools in the Munster region. This is in collaboration with other senior mathematics enrichment centres and as such happens later in the year.
In addition, word-of-mouth chanells are active and efficiet in difussing information about our programme. We receive weekly and even dayly inquiries from parents who wish for their children to be registered in the programme. We are in constant contact with the parents of the children via an electronic mailing list. The parents send us informal feed-back on their children enjoyment of our sessions, they

12. Audience

Briefly outline the target audience the project is aimed at and how they will be accessed (max 150 words). Refer specifically to the figures outlined in Q2 and how these will be achieved.

1st year junior students are reached via activities run in schools after hours or during lunchtime. We collaborate with 25 schools in the Cork area. Circles range between 8-25 students each.
We send invitations to 2nd and 3rd year students through their schools. We contacted 116 schools this year. Typically teachers make a short presentation of the programme and hand in invitations to interested students. Similarly, senior students are invited through their schools.
We have active mailing lists for registered participants o activities hosted by UCC and WIT: 150 participants in the 2nd year Junior Maths Enrichment. 46 registered for the 3rd -4th year follow-up. Based on last year's numbers, we expect 130 senior cycle participants starting in December.
We maintain two webpages: one dedicated to the development of maths circles throughout Ireland, the other carrying schedules, resources, venue locations for local activities.
Parents/teachers contact us almost weekly by phone/email.
Shorten words, add in media, workshops, mail

13. Outcomes

Please give details of the expected outcomes of the project (max 250 words).

Please outline the anticipated immediate effects – audience numbers, appreciation, opinions etc. Also consider effects on attitudes, or on behavior, over a longer period of time.

14. Evaluation

Please outline how you will know the target audience has benefited from the project and whether it has been successful or not (max 250 words).

Please consider the following areas for evaluation – progress against objectives, impact, success, outcomes and value for money.Please outline how you will address the following questions:What difference has the project made? Where has it added value? What would/would not have happened without the project? How would you justify the project and the money spent?

15. Partnerships

Please let us know about the relevant partners (individuals and organisations) who you are planning to work with to help develop the project (max 150 words). A letter,on official headed paper, outlining their commitment to and role in the project should be included (in an appendix) from each partner organisation.

16. Funding

Pleasecomplete the table below to detail the total project costs, including any funding which has already been secured.

Project Costs
Total Project Costs
Requested SFI Discover Programme Funding
This amount should not exceed 50% of the total project costs
Other Sources of Funding
Indicate what funding has been secured and what has only been applied for

Is your organisation an SFI Eligible Research Body? Yes /No

Please see to check

If NO please complete Part B below

If YES please complete Part C below


Organisation Name:
Telephone: / Fax:
Legal Status: / e.g. company limited by guarantee, limited company etc.
Registration No. (including Charitable Reg. No.)
Auditors: / Name:
Partner with responsibility for audit:
Solicitors: / Name:
Phone: Fax:
Bankers: / Name:
Account Officer:
Organisational Structure & Management
Please supply ALL of the following information:
  1.  Please provide details of your organisation structure in chart form, detailing positions and names of post holders:
  1.  Please provide a detailed Curriculum Vitae of your Organisation’s Chief Executive Officer (or equivalent position):
  1.  Please provide detailed Curriculum Vitae for other senior management :
Please outline the track record of your organisation in the area of public engagement
(max 2 pages)
Documentation to be provided with the application:
Please supply ALL of the following information:
  1.  A copy of the most recent Annual Report
  1.  A signed copy of the most recent Audited Financial Statements (if applicable)
  1.  A copy of the organisation’s current Tax Clearance Certificate



For Official Use Only / DP14xxxxx
SFI Discover Programme / CLOSING DATE
2 December 2013
TITLE OF PROPOSAL (up to 50 words)
Signatures below confirm acceptance and agreement with the SFI grants and awards Terms and Conditions, and that the institution ensures the applicant meets eligibility requirements, and that the project is in full agreement with all legal and regulatory matters governing research in Ireland, and all details provided are correct.
Correspondence Address:

Appendix A Details of Proposed Team including CVs

Appendix B Referees (including contact details)

Appendix C Details of past projects (if applicable)

If the current application is an extension of an existing project please provide the following information on the project.

1.Project Title: Maths Circles/Maths Enrichment

2.Lead organisation:

3.Project Partners (Formal partners in the project):

4.Project Team Members, Organisation and Role:

5.Please provide a summary of your original objectives (250 words)

6.Please provide a short summary description of the project you delivered (250 words)

7.Please outline if and how the project met these objectives – were they not met, met or exceeded.

8.Please outline the main deliverable/achievements from your project.

9.Please outlines any issues that affected the implementation of the project?

10.Audience – type and numbers participating:

Please outline the numbers participating and the evidence for those numbers

  • Primary Audience:
  • Secondary Audience:

11.Participation from other organisation local national and international?

12.Total cost of the project:

13.All sources of income received:

14.How was your project evaluated?

15.What were the key findings?

16.Was an evaluation report prepared: Yes / No. If yes attached a copy as a single PDF file.

17.Did your project receive any traditional media coverage? Please provide a summary overview. Do not attach a media book.

Evening Echo August 11, 2012

“Beautiful minds think alike as duo pick UCC” Evening Echo August 23, 2012

18.Did your project receive any social media coverage? Please provide a summary overview.

19.If this project received funding from SFI please outline the benefits to the project of receiving this funding.

20.If you would like to add any further information not covered by the above please add this here.

Appendix D Declaration of Bona Fides


Name of Principal Applicant:

Please tick Yes or No as appropriate to the following statements relating to the current status of your organisation

Please 
1. / The Principal Applicant is bankrupt or is being wound up or its affairs are being administered by the court or has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations.
2. / The Principal Applicant is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations.
3. / The Principal Applicant, a Director or Partner or Co-Applicant, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata or been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business.
4. / The Principal Applicant has not fulfilled its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other State in which the tenderer is located.
5. / The Principal Applicant, a Director or Partner or Co-Applicant has been found guilty of fraud.
6. / The Principal Applicant, a Director or Partner or Co-Applicant has been found guilty of money laundering.
7. / The Principal Applicant, a Director or Partner or Co-Applicant has been found guilty of corruption.
8. / The Principal Applicant, a Director or Partner or Co-Applicant has been convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation.
9. / The Principal Applicant, a Director or Partner or Co-Applicant has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying agency.
10. / The Principal Applicant has contrived to misrepresent any information relevant to this application.

I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the provision of inaccurate or misleading information in this declaration may lead to my organisation being excluded from participation in this and future funding calls.

Signature / Date
Name / Position
Telephone / Email

Appendix E Checklist

Application Submission Checklist

In order to allow SFI to fully evaluate completed applications, you should ensure that the response includes ALL of the following information:

  1.  Completed application form
  1.  Signed Bona Fides
  1.  CVs / details of proposed team (Appendix A)
  1.  Referees (Appendix B)
  1.  Details of past projects (if applicable) (Appendix C)

The above checklist is for guidance purposes only and SFI will not accept any responsibility for omissions from this checklist or in application. Applicants are advised to read all the documentation and appendices in full in order to provide a comprehensive application.

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