Lesson # 3
Grade: 5-6 (3-4 year)
Materials: Whatever pictures, magazines, postcards the teacher has; cardboard, scissors, color pens, pencils, envelopes (sheets of thick paper) for every student. Handouts with examples of letter if possible.
Purpose: The exercise helps to develop interpersonal, interpreting and presentational modes of communication. It also helps to develop writing skills, creative thinking and also teaches to appreciate different peoples ideas and hobbies.
Goals: Learn to write a simple postcard, speak about hobbies, likes/dislikes.
Note: this activity might take more than one class period and there should be a homework done before that.
The exercise can be adapted to different levels.
Directions: Students should be asked ahead of time to fill the form in (see attached paper #1). The teacher looks through the forms, corrects the mistakes if any, and puts each form in the envelope.
The next class period the teacher tells the students that they are going to write a postcard to one person in the class. Teacher goes through the basic phrases used to write a postcard congratulating someone. He/she writes these phrases on the blackboard, shows students an example of the postcard text. If there is an opportunity, the teacher hands every student a handout with the examples of text (see attached paper #2)
Then the teacher models the activity. He/she takes a form (should not be a students form, but his/her own) reads what’s written on it and checks with the students if they understood everything. So the teacher explains that the students will randomly pick a form, that says to whom they are creating a postcard, what does this person like/dislike, what is his/her hobby etc. the task is to write a postcard congratulating this person (any holiday) mentioning persons interests and hobbies. The students should also draw the pictures/ cut and glue ones from the magazines or pictures that represents things the person they are congratulating likes. The teacher shows an example of the postcard. (See attached postcard)
After the students finish making postcards they will have to present them to the person they made it for, congratulating him/her orally and introducing his/her interests/likes.
NB: The teacher should regulate the time and procedures. There should be a procedure created in case a student takes his/her own form.
Paper #1
What is your favorite color?
What are your favorite food and drink?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What don’t you like to do?
Paper #2
Dear John!
I congratulate you on New Years Day! ( Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fathers Day, Birthday)
I wish you good luck, happiness, joy! ( Success, strong health, good grades at school…)
I know that you like football (reading, playing computer games, apples), so I hope you like this postcard.
Best wishes, ( Sincerely yours, Best regards, Have a good day)