Greetings RYLA Participants,

Hope you are ready for a great weekend of fun, leadership development training, team build, confidence building, fellowship and more.

Copies of all information regarding RYLA are on the Rotary District 7470 website at Click the RYLA link on the right. The student information tab on the left has the RYLA handbook, detailed agenda, FAQs and more. Be sure to review this information as it provides details on what to bring, dates, times, registration and more.

Here is a summary of important information.

1.  RYLA will be held at Drew University, 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, New Jersey

2.  Dates are June 16, 17, 18, 2017. Registration will be from 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm on Friday, June 16, 2017. RYLA will end on Sunday morning, June 18th at 11:30 am. Have your ride pick you up at that time.

3.  Please remember you must be present for the entire time. If you need to leave for an event, test, medical appointment, etc. let me know as you will need to drop out of the program.

4.  Check in will be at McLendon Hall (dorm where you will be staying). On the Drew Campus there will be signs directing you to this location. You may also get a campus map on the Drew University website at Pick up on Sunday is also at McLendon Hall.

Special Reminders

1.  You must bring your own sheets, blankets, pillow, towels, etc. You may wish to bring a sleeping bag if this is more convenient. Dorms are air conditioned and we will be staying in a Leed certified building which is friendly to the environment.

2.  Bring you swim suit as there is a session of recreational swimming in the Drew University pool. You may wish to bring an extra towel.

3.  Sturdy closed toe shoes are a must as there will be outdoor activities involving physical activity.

4.  Don’t bring anything valuable. RYLA is not responsible for lost or missing items.

5.  Regarding food, we are aware that there are peanut allergies, gluten free, and vegetarian needs that will be accommodated. As a participant you are responsible for managing your specific needs. There is a variety of food to accommodate your needs and from past experience is has been very good. In addition to meals there will be plenty of snacks and goodies.

6.  If you have any last minute questions email Barry Kroll, RYLA Registrar at .

Barry Kroll

RYLA Registrar