Born: 17 January 1924, Widnes,Lancashire, U.K.
Wade Deacon Grammar School, Widnes.
King’s School Chester
University of Liverpool: M.B., Ch.B. (1947)
(Distinctions in Anatomy & Pharmacology)
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (1947)
M.D. (1949), University of Liverpool.
Thesis: The streptococci of subacute bacterial endocarditis
1947House Physician, Liverpool Royal Infirmary
1947 – 1949Assistant Lecturer in Bacteriology, University of Liverpool
1949 – 1977 Member of Scientific Staff, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AA
1949 – 1951 Bacteriologist and Virologist, MRC Common Cold Research Unit, Harvard hospital, Salisbury, Wilts
1952 – 1953 Bacteriologist, Royal Air Force Institute of Pathology and Tropical Medicine, Halton, Aylesbury, Bucks
1953 – 1957Seconded from NIMR to West African Council for Medical Research Laboratories, Lagos, Nigeria.
1957Seconded to the Rockefeller Institute, New York
1965-WHO Regional Reference Laboratory for Arboviruses
Reference Expert on Arboviruses, Public Health Laboratory Service
1967-Chairman, Arbovirus Study Group, International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses.
1977 – 1988Reader in Bacteriology, SirWilliamDunnSchool of Pathology, University of Oxford
1977 – Professorial Fellow, WadhamCollege, Oxford (and Emeritus Fellow from 1989)
British Society for Cell Biology
1955 – 2006Member, Society of General Microbiology
1955 -Fellow, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1967-1972Member of Editorial Board, Journal of General Virology,
1970 – 1972Group Convenor for Virology, Society of General Microbiology
1971 – 1972Member of Council, Society of General Microbiology
1972 – 1977Meetings Secretary, Society for General Microbiology
1973 – 1978Secretary and Vice-President, Royal Institution
1973 – 1976Councillor, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1975-Member of Editorial Board, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
1976-Member of Editorial Board, Archives of Virology
1980 – 1981Vice-President, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1.McEntegart, M.G. and J.S. Porterfield, Bacteraemia following dental extractions. Lancet, 1949. 254(6579): p. 596 - 598.
2.Porterfield, J.S., The streptococci of subacute bacterial endocarditis. 1949, University of Liverpool: Liverpool.
3.Porterfield, J.S., Classification of the streptococci of subacute bacterial endocarditis. J Gen Microbiol, 1950. 4(1): p. 92 - 101.
4.Lovelock, J.E. and J.S. Porterfield, Blood coagulation; its prolongation in vessels with negatively charged surfaces. Nature, 1951. 167(4236): p. 39-40.
5.Lovelock, J.E., et al., Further studies on the natural transmission of the common cold. Lancet, 1952. 2(6736): p. 657-60.
6.Porterfield, J.S., The haemagglutination-inhibition test in the diagnosis of yellow fever in man. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1954. 48(3): p. 261 - 266.
7.MacDonald, T.C., et al., Impregnation of handkerchiefs, ultra-violet lighting, and other control methods in prevention of upper respiratory disease. Br J Prev Soc Med, 1955. 9(1): p. 33 - 38.
8.Boorman, J.P. and J.S. Porterfield, A simple technique for infection of mosquitoes with viruses; transmission of Zika virus. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1956. 50(3): p. 238-42.
9.Porterfield, J.S., Further studies on the yellow fever haemagglutination test. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1956. 50(4): p. 344 - 353.
10.Boorman, J.P. and J.S. Porterfield, A small outbreak of yellow fever in the Gold Coast. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1957. 51(5): p. 439 - 449.
11.Porterfield, J.S., Use of goose cells in haemagglutination tests with arthropod-borne viruses. Nature, 1957. 180(4596): p. 1201 - 1202.
12.Boulger, L.R. and J.S. Porterfield, The isolation of a virus from Nigerian fruit bats. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1958. 52(5): p. 421-4.
13.Porterfield, J.S., D.E. Hill, and A.D. Morris, The isolation of a virus from the brain of a horse with 'staggers' in Nigeria. British Veterinary Journal, 1958. 114: p. 425-434.
14.Macnamara, F.N., D.W. Horn, and J.S. Porterfield, Yellow fever and other arthropod-borne viruses; a consideration of two serological surveys made in South Western Nigeria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1959. 53(2): p. 202-12.
15.Porterfield, J.S., Plaque production with yellow fever and related arthropodborne viruses. Nature, 1959. 183(4667): p. 1069-70.
16.Porterfield, J.S., A plaque technique for the titration of yellow fever virus and antisera. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1959. 53: p. 458-66.
17.Porterfield, J.S., A simple plaque inhibition test for antiviral agents: application to assay of interferon. Lancet, 1959. 274(7098): p. 326 - 327.
18.Porterfield, J.S., A simple plaque-inhibition test for the study of arthropod-borne viruses. Bull World Health Organ, 1960. 22: p. 373-80.
19.Porterfield, J.S. Tissue culture techniques applied to viruses of the tick-borne encophalitis complex: an approach through the study of other Group B viruses. in Biology of viruses of the tick-borne encephalitis complex. 1960. Smolenice: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague.
20.Porterfield, J.S. The application of the plaque inhibition test to viruses of the tick-borne encephalitis complex. in Biology of viruses of the tick-borne encephalitis complex. 1960. Smolenice: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague.
21.Porterfield, J.S. and A.C. Allison, Studies with poxviruses by an improved plaque technique. Virology, 1960. 10: p. 233-44.
22.Porterfield, J.S., D.C. Burke, and A.C. Allison, An estimate of the molecular weight of interferon as measured by its rate of diffusion through agar. Virology, 1960. 12: p. 197-203.
23.Porterfield, J.S. and C.E. Rowe, Hemagglutination with arthropod-borne viruses and its inhibition by certain phospholipids. Virology, 1960. 11: p. 765-70.
24.Porterfield, J.S., M.C. Williams, and J.P. Woodall, A plaque technique for the primary isolation of arthropod-borne viruses. Nature, 1960. 188: p. 252-3.
25.Baron, S., J.S. Porterfield, and A. Isaacs, The influence of oxygenation of virus growth I. Effect on plaque formation by different viruses. Virology, 1961. 14: p. 444-9.
26.Hitchcock, G. and J.S. Porterfield, The production of interferon in brains of mice infected with an arthropod-borne virus. Virology, 1961. 13: p. 363-5.
27.Isaacs, A., J.S. Porterfield, and S. Baron, The influence of oxygenation on virus growth. II. Effect on the antiviral action of interferon. Virology, 1961. 14: p. 450-5.
28.Porterfield, J.S., Israel-Turkey meningo-encephalitis virus. Vet Rec, 1961. 73: p. 392 - 393.
29.Porterfield, J.S., Studies with Tahyna virus. Acta Virol, 1961. 5: p. 274 - 277.
30.Porterfield, J.S., Cross-neutralization studies with group A arthropod-borne viruses. Bull World Health Organ, 1961. 24: p. 735 - 741.
31.Porterfield, J.S., The nature of serological relationships among arthropod-borne viruses. Adb Virus Research, 1962. 9: p. 127 - 156.
32.Porterfield, J.S., Titration of some common cold viruses (rhinoviruses) and their antisera by a plaque method. Nature, 1962. 194: p. 1044-7.
33.Porterfield, J.S. and M.J. Ashwood-Smith, Preservation of cells in tissue culture by glycerol and dimethyl sulphoxide. Nature, 1962. 193: p. 548 - 552.
34.Williams, M.C., J.P. Woodall, and J.S. Porterfield, O'nyong-nyong fever; an epidemic virus disease in East Africa. V. Human antibody studies by plaque inhibition and other serological tests. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1962. 56: p. 166-72.
35.Bearcroft, W.G., J.S. Porterfield, and R.N. Sutton, The Isolation and Identification of Ukauwa, a Bunyamwera Group Virus, from Nigeria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1963. 57: p. 308-12.
36.Porterfield, J.S., The plaque inhibition test. , in Immunological Methods, J.A. Ackroyd, Editor. 1964, Blackwell Scientific: Oxford. p. 341-362.
37.Porterfield, J.S., Interference and Interferon, in Techniques in Experimental Virology, R.J.C. Harris, Editor. 1964, Academic Press: London.
38.Porterfield, J.S. and J.S. Ash, Arbovirus antibodies in avian sera. Nature, 1966. 212(60): p. 431-2.
39.Porterfield, J.S., Animal Tissue Culture. Methods in Virology, 1967. 1: p. 525 - 536.
40.De Madrid, A.T. and J.S. Porterfield, A simple micro-culture method for the study of group B arboviruses. Bull World Health Organ, 1969. 40(1): p. 113-21.
41.Wolff, H.L., et al., Yellow fever neutralization tests carried out on blood samples collected on filter paper strips. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1970. 64(4): p. 474.
42.Armstrong, J.A., J.S. Porterfield, and A.T. De Madrid, C-type virus particles in pig kidney cell lines. J Gen Virol, 1971. 10(2): p. 195-8.
43.Porterfield, J.S. Arbovirus sensitivity of cloned Aedes aegypti cells. in 3rd International Colloquium on Invertebrate Tissue Culture. 1971. Smolenice, Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences.
44.Salim, A.R. and J.S. Porterfield, A serological survey on arbovirus antibodies in the Sudan. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1973. 67(2): p. 206-10.
45.David-West, T.S. and J.S. Porterfield, Dugbe virus: a tick-borne arbovirus from Nigeria. J Gen Virol, 1974. 23(3): p. 297-307.
46.De Madrid, A.T. and J.S. Porterfield, The flaviviruses (group B arboviruses): a cross-neutralization study. J Gen Virol, 1974. 23(1): p. 91-6.
47.Fenner, F., et al., Family and generic names for viruses approved by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, June 1974. Intervirology, 1974. 3(3): p. 193-8.
48.Holliday, R., J.S. Porterfield, and D.D. Gibbs, Premature ageing and occurance of altered enzyme in Werner's syndrome fibroblasts. Nature, 1974. 248(5451): p. 762-3.
49.Porterfield, J.S., et al., Bunyaviruses and bunyaviridae. Intervirology, 1974. 2(4): p. 270-2.
50.Bailey, L., J.F. Newman, and J.S. Porterfield, The multiplication of Nodamura virus in insect and mammalian cell cultures. J Gen Virol, 1975. 26(1): p. 15-20.
51.Porterfield, J.S., The basis of arbovirus classification. Med Biol, 1975. 53(5): p. 400-5.
52.Porterfield, J.S., et al., Bunyaviruses and Bunyaviridae. Intervirology, 1975. 6(1): p. 13-24.
53.Mitchell, D.N., et al., Isolation of an infectious agent from bone-marrows of patients with multiple sclerosis. Lancet, 1978. 2(8086): p. 387-91.
54.Porterfield, J.S., et al., Togaviridae. Intervirology, 1978. 9(3): p. 129-48.
55.Mitchell, D.N., et al., Failure to isolate a transmissible agent from the bone-marrow of patients with multiple sclerosis. Lancet, 1979. 2(8139): p. 415-6.
56.Peiris, J.S. and J.S. Porterfield, Antibody-mediated enhancement of Flavivirus replication in macrophage-like cell lines. Nature, 1979. 282(5738): p. 509-11.
57.Bishop, D.H., et al., Bunyaviridae. Intervirology, 1980. 14(3-4): p. 125-43.
58.Halstead, S.B., J.S. Porterfield, and E.J. O'Rourke, Enhancement of dengue virus infection in monocytes by flavivirus antisera. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1980. 29(4): p. 638-42.
59.Porterfield, J.S., [Arboviruses - structure and classification (author's transl)]. Med Trop (Mars), 1980. 40(5): p. 493-8.
60.Peiris, J.S., et al., Monoclonal anti-Fc receptor IgG blocks antibody enhancement of viral replication in macrophages. Nature, 1981. 289(5794): p. 189-91.
61.Peiris, J.S. and J.S. Porterfield, Antibody-dependent enhancement of plaque formation on cell lines of macrophage origin - a sensitive assay for antiviral antibody. J Gen Virol, 1981. 57(Pt 1): p. 119-25.
62.Porterfield, J.S., Antibody-mediated enhancement of rabies virus. Nature, 1981. 290(5807): p. 542.
63.Millican, D. and J.S. Porterfield, Relationship between glycoproteins of the viral envelope of bunyaviruses and antibody-dependent plaque enhancement. J Gen Virol, 1982. 63 (Pt 1): p. 233-6.
64.Peiris, J.S. and J.S. Porterfield, Antibody-dependent plaque enhancement: its antigenic specificity in relation to Togaviridae. J Gen Virol, 1982. 58(Pt 2): p. 291-6.
65.Peiris, J.S., J.S. Porterfield, and J.T. Roehrig, Monoclonal antibodies against the flavivirus West Nile. J Gen Virol, 1982. 58(Pt 2): p. 283-9.
66.Porterfield, J.S., Immunological enhancement and the pathogenesis of dengue haemorrhagic fever. J Hyg (Lond), 1982. 89(3): p. 355-64.
67.Porterfield, J.S. and M.J. Cardosa, The role of heterologous antibody in producing enhanced replication of dengue virus, in Arbovirus Research in Australia, T.D. St. George and B.H. Kay, Editors. 1982, CSIRO & QIMR: Australia. p. 121 - 124.
68.Porterfield, J.S., et al., Antibody mediated enhancement of dengue virus yields in mouse macrophages using human sera, in Viral Diseases in South East Asia and the Western Pacific, J.S. Mackenzie, Editor. 1982, Academic Press: Australia. p. 515 - 520.
69.Cardosa, M.J., J.S. Porterfield, and S. Gordon, Complement receptor mediates enhanced flavivirus replication in macrophages. J Exp Med, 1983. 158(1): p. 258-63.
70.Halstead, S.B., et al., Comparison of P388D1 mouse macrophage cell line and human monocytes for assay of dengue-2 infection-enhancing antibodies. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1983. 32(1): p. 157-63.
71.Gollins, S.W. and J.S. Porterfield, Flavivirus infection enhancement in macrophages: radioactive and biological studies on the effect of antibody on viral fate. J Gen Virol, 1984. 65 ( Pt 8): p. 1261-72.
72.King, A.A., J.J. Sands, and J.S. Porterfield, Antibody-mediated enhancement of rabies virus infection in a mouse macrophage cell line (P388D1). J Gen Virol, 1984. 65 ( Pt 6): p. 1091-3.
73.Porterfield, J.S. and M.J. Cardosa, Host range and tissue tropism: Antibody dependent mechanisms, in Concepts in Viral Pathogenesis, A.L. Notkins and M.A.B. Oldstone, Editors. 1984, Springer-Verlag: New York. p. 117 - 122.
74.Porterfield, J.S. and J.O. Tobin, Viral and bacterial infectious diseases. Br Med Bull, 1984. 40(3): p. 283-90.
75.Gollins, S.W. and J.S. Porterfield, Flavivirus infection enhancement in macrophages: an electron microscopic study of viral cellular entry. J Gen Virol, 1985. 66 ( Pt 9): p. 1969-82.
76.Phillpotts, R.J., J.R. Stephenson, and J.S. Porterfield, Antibody-dependent enhancement of tick-borne encephalitis virus infectivity. J Gen Virol, 1985. 66 ( Pt 8): p. 1831-7.
77.Porterfield, J.S., Antibody enhanced viral growth in macrophages. Immunol Lett, 1985. 11(3-4): p. 213-7.
78.Westaway, E.G., et al., Flaviviridae. Intervirology, 1985. 24(4): p. 183-92.
79.Westaway, E.G., et al., Togaviridae. Intervirology, 1985. 24(3): p. 125-39.
80.Cardosa, M.J., et al., Interaction of West Nile virus with primary murine macrophages: role of cell activation and receptors for antibody and complement. J Virol, 1986. 57(3): p. 952-9.
81.Gollins, S.W. and J.S. Porterfield, A new mechanism for the neutralization of enveloped viruses by antiviral antibody. Nature, 1986. 321(6067): p. 244-6.
82.Gollins, S.W. and J.S. Porterfield, pH-dependent fusion between the flavivirus West Nile and liposomal model membranes. J Gen Virol, 1986. 67 ( Pt 1): p. 157-66.
83.Gollins, S.W. and J.S. Porterfield, The uncoating and infectivity of the flavivirus West Nile on interaction with cells: effects of pH and ammonium chloride. J Gen Virol, 1986. 67 ( Pt 9): p. 1941-50.
84.Kimura, T., S.W. Gollins, and J.S. Porterfield, The effect of pH on the early interaction of West Nile virus with P388D1 cells. J Gen Virol, 1986. 67 ( Pt 11): p. 2423-33.
85.Porterfield, J.S., Antibody-dependent enhancement of viral infectivity. Adv Virus Res, 1986. 31: p. 335-55.
86.Gelber, R.H., et al., Viral challenge in leprosy: viraemia, interferon, and specific antibody production. Lepr Rev, 1987. 58(2): p. 155-64.
87.Kimura, T., et al., [Early interaction of the flavivirus West Nile virus with mouse macrophage cell line P 388D1: pH-dependent fusion between the virus particles and cell membranes]. Uirusu, 1987. 37(1): p. 103-9.
88.Phillpotts, R.J., J.R. Stephenson, and J.S. Porterfield, Passive immunization of mice with monoclonal antibodies raised against tick-borne encephalitis virus. Brief report. Arch Virol, 1987. 93(3-4): p. 295-301.
89.Calisher, C.H., et al., Antigenic relationships between flaviviruses as determined by cross-neutralization tests with polyclonal antisera. J Gen Virol, 1989. 70 ( Pt 1): p. 37-43.
90.Porterfield, J.S., Yellow fever in West Africa: a retrospective glance. BMJ, 1989. 299(6715): p. 1555-7.
91.Shiu, S.Y., et al., Envelope protein sequences of dengue virus isolates TH-36 and TH-Sman, and identification of a type-specific genetic marker for dengue and tick-borne flaviviruses. J Gen Virol, 1992. 73 ( Pt 1): p. 207-12.
92.Porterfield, J.S., The National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill. Arch Virol, 1995. 140(7): p. 1329-36.