General Books about Chaplaincy:

Understanding Muslim ChaplaincyGilliat-Ray, S., Ali, M.M. and Pattison, S. 2013.. Farnham Ashgate

Chaplaincy: The Church’s Sector MinistriesLegood, Giles. 1999.. London: Cassell

Being a ChaplainThrelfall-Holmes, M. & Newitt, M. 2011.. London: SPCK

Work of the Chaplain (Work of the Church by Naomi Paget, Judson Press 2006

Handbook for Chaplainsby Mary Toole; Paulist Press International,U.S. (1 May 2006)

Articles in Crucible: The Christian journal of social ethics (2011, Oct-Dec):

Brown, M. 2011. Editorial: Chaplains and the Mission of the Church.

October-December issue: 3-6

Hayler, P. 2011 Doing a New Thing: Chaplaincy as Entrepreneurship.

October-December issue: 17-24

Todd, A. J. 2011b. Chaplaincy leading Church in(to) the public square.

October-December issue: 7-15

Chaplaincy to Armed Forces:

Chaplains in Conflict: the Role of Army Chaplains Since 1914; Louden, S. H. 1996.. London: Avon Books

The Royal Army Chaplains’ Department 1796 - 1953: Clergy Under Fire; Snape, M. 2008.. Woodbridge: Boydell Press

Military Chaplaincy in Contention: Chaplains, Churches and the Morality of Conflict Todd, A. J. (ed.) 2013 Aldershot, Ashgate

Chaplains in the RAF: A Study in Role Tension; Zahn, G. C. 1969.. Manchester: Manchester University Press

Chaplaincy to Education:

Fresh Experiences of School Chaplaincy (Education) [Paperback] by Diane TregaleGrove Books Ltd (2011)

School Chaplaincy: An Introduction [Paperback] by David PohlmannMosaic Press (1 May 2013)

School Ethos and Chaplaincy [Paperback] by David O’Malley Don Bosco Publications (2 Mar 2008)

Pillars of the Church: supporting chaplaincy in Further and Higher Education, Church House Publishing. 2002.

Evaluating the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Guidance, Adams, N. and Adams, Y. 2012. National Council of Faiths and Beliefs in Further Education. Available at:

Making space for faith: values, beliefs and faiths in the learning and skills sector: A report on the national enquiry into opportunities for spiritual and moral development in further education, National Ecumenical Agency in Further Education (NEAFE) and the Faiths in Further Education Forum (FIFEF). 2007.

Available at:

Chaplaincy to Healthcare:

Call the Chaplain: Spiritual and Pastoral Caregiving in Hospitalsby Kate McClelland Canterbury Press Norwich (25 April 2014)

Hospital Chaplaincy in the Twenty-first Century: The Crisis of Spiritual Care on the NHS Swift, S. 2014.. 2nd Ed. Aldershot/Burlington VT: Ashgate

The Hospital Chaplain’s Handbook: A guide for good practiceCobb, M. 2005.. Norwich: Canterbury Press

The Potential for Efficacy of Healthcare Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the NHS (UK). Mowat, H. 2008. Aberdeen: Mowat Research

What Do Chaplains Do? The Role of the Chaplain in Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Patients. Mowat, H. and Swinton, J. 2007. Aberdeen: Mowat Research

Hospital chaplaincy: Modern, Dependable? Orchard, H. 2000. Sheffield: Lincoln Theological Institute

Chaplaincy to Prisons:

Prison Ministry: Hope Behind the Wall (Haworth Series in Chaplaincy by Dennis Pierce Routledge (13 Mar 2006)

Religion in Prison: Equal Rites in Multi-Faith SocietyBeckford, J. & Gilliat, S. 1998.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The growth of Muslim chaplaincy in Britain, 1970-2007Gilliat-Ray, S. 2008;In Barker, E. (ed.) 2008. The Centrality of Religion in Social Life: Essays in honour of James A. Beckford. Aldershot: Ashgate: 145-157

The Role and Contribution of a Multi-Faith Prison Chaplaincy to the Contemporary Prison Service.”Todd, A. J. and Tipton, L. 2011. Report to the National Offender Management Service. Available at:

Chaplaincy to Workplaces:

Bridgebuilders – Workplace Chaplaincy a HistoryMalcolm Torry, (Canterbury Press, 2010)

Mastering Monday: Experiencing God’s Kingdom in the workplace John D Beckett,(IVP, 2006)

Putting Theology to Work A Christian understanding of daily work by Malcolm Brown,(Grove, Cambridge 1994)

Engaging Mission – The Lasting Value of Industrial Mission for Today, Peter Cope and Mike West, (Grosvenor House, 2011)

God at Work: Living every Day with Purpose, Ken Costa, (Continuum, 2007)

A Christian Understanding of Daily WorkGraham Dow, (Grove, Cambridge, 1997)

Thank God it’s Monday Mark Greene,(Scripture Union, 3rd edn 2005)

Supporting Christians at Work Mark Greene,(Administry/LICC, 2001)

Called to Account: Adding Value in God’s World Richard Higginson,(Eagle, 1993)

Get a Life: Winning Choices for Working People Paul Valler,(IVP, 2008)

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