DUE DATE: FRIDAY, February 26, 2016
Ancient Egypt Final Project – Create your own Board Game
Task: Your group works for a game-board manufacturer. It is your job to create agame that takes the players on a journey through Ancient Egypt. Together, youwill create a game the reviews all of the information that we have learned about ancient Egypt.
- This is a group assignment. You may choose who to work with, but you must have 3 or 4 people in the group.
- You must divide up the work equally. An example of how to do this:
-Information gatherer
-Supplies gatherer
-Question/Answer creator
- You must create at least 30 questions and answers for your game board.
- The questions/answers can range in amount of questions per topic but must include all of the following areas:
-Geography of Ancient Egypt
-Social Classes of Ancient Egypt (Pyramid/Order of classes)
-Pharaohs/King Tut
-Religion of Ancient Egypt (Gods/Goddesses)
-Writing of Ancient Egypt (Scribes/Hieroglyphics)
-Daily Life (jobs, people, etc)
- Write directions and rules for your game so that your classmates can pick up the game and play it.
- Make sure the content and difficulty level of your questions are appropriate for your classmates’ abilities.
Constructing the Game Board:
- Design and make a board game. Use cardboard, tag board, or file folders. Decorate the board with art that relates to Ancient Egypt. There should be a START and FINISH box connected by at least a 20-space path.
- Make up questions that relate to the unit of study or book. PRINT them neatly on 3” X 5” index cards cut in half. Divide your questions between the required topics (geography, social classes, etc).
- On a sheet of lined paper, write the answers to the factual questions. Glue this paper to a piece of construction paper and label it ANSWERS.
- Make up and write the rules for the game.How does someone win the game? What is the object?
- Create the game pieces for your game – they should be creative and relate to Ancient Egypt.
- Play the game through once. Adjust (fix or correct) parts of your game as needed.
- If you need die or dice, they can supplied by the teacher when your game is turned in.
Before Beginning: Think about these questions
OBJECT OF THE GAME: Decide how the game is won.
EQUIPMENT: What is necessary to play the game. (Game board, die, cards, etc.)
SET UP: How do you set up the board before play? How do you decide who takes the first turn?
RULES OF PLAY: How does a player move around the board? Are there penalties for wrong answers? How
many players can play?
DUE DATE: FRIDAY, February 26, 2016
10 points / 8 points / 6 points / 4 points / 2 pointsDesign and Creativity / Everything is neatly
created and directions
were followed
completely. / Game board is excellent
but some parts are a
little sloppy. / Game board is complete
but 1 or 2 elements are
missing and it could be
neater. / Most of the directions
were ignored and the
board is sloppy. / There is a game board
but it is not colored and
no extra efforts were
made at creativity
Questions / There are 30 questions
and answers, and they
are well incorporated into
the game. / A couple of questions or
answers are missing or
incorrect. / Some questions are
missing OR one could
play the game with
answering most
questions. / Half of the questions are
missing OR questions are
hardly used in the game. / Many questions are
incorrect or missing and
very few are required to
play the game.
Format and Purpose / The purpose of the game
relates directly to the
civilization and the game
board represents the
society. / The purpose closely
relates to the civilization and
the game board
somewhat represents
the society. / The purpose partially
relates to the civilization and
the game board doesn’t
clearly represent the society. . / The purpose slightly
relates to the civilization but
does not represent the society. / It is unclear what the
purpose and civilization of
the game are from the
Directions / Directions make it
perfectly clear how to
play the game. They are
neatly typed with minimal
grammatical errors. / Directions are typed but
have 2-3 minor grammatical
errors. They are somewhat
unclear or 1 step is missing. / There are more than 3
errors. Directions are
unclear and 2-3 steps could
be added to clarify. / Errors in grammar interfere
with understanding of the
directions. Much revision is
needed. / Complete revision needed.
Many steps are missing or
incomplete and it is very
difficult to understand how
to play the game.
Content and Difficulty / Questions and rules of play
are of an appropriate level--
not too difficult and not too
easy. / Rules of play are age
appropriate but some
questions are too easy or
too difficult. / Game is a bit too simple for
the grade level and some
questions are too easy. / Game is very simple and
most questions are too
easily answered. / Game is not appropriate for
the grade level and
questions are too easy or too
Total Points Possible: 50