DUE DATE: FRIDAY, February 26, 2016

Ancient Egypt Final Project – Create your own Board Game

Task: Your group works for a game-board manufacturer. It is your job to create agame that takes the players on a journey through Ancient Egypt. Together, youwill create a game the reviews all of the information that we have learned about ancient Egypt.


  1. This is a group assignment. You may choose who to work with, but you must have 3 or 4 people in the group.
  2. You must divide up the work equally. An example of how to do this:

-Information gatherer


-Supplies gatherer

-Question/Answer creator

  1. You must create at least 30 questions and answers for your game board.
  2. The questions/answers can range in amount of questions per topic but must include all of the following areas:

-Geography of Ancient Egypt

-Social Classes of Ancient Egypt (Pyramid/Order of classes)

-Pharaohs/King Tut

-Religion of Ancient Egypt (Gods/Goddesses)

-Writing of Ancient Egypt (Scribes/Hieroglyphics)

-Daily Life (jobs, people, etc)


  1. Write directions and rules for your game so that your classmates can pick up the game and play it.
  2. Make sure the content and difficulty level of your questions are appropriate for your classmates’ abilities.

Constructing the Game Board:

  1. Design and make a board game. Use cardboard, tag board, or file folders. Decorate the board with art that relates to Ancient Egypt. There should be a START and FINISH box connected by at least a 20-space path.
  2. Make up questions that relate to the unit of study or book. PRINT them neatly on 3” X 5” index cards cut in half. Divide your questions between the required topics (geography, social classes, etc).
  3. On a sheet of lined paper, write the answers to the factual questions. Glue this paper to a piece of construction paper and label it ANSWERS.
  4. Make up and write the rules for the game.How does someone win the game? What is the object?
  5. Create the game pieces for your game – they should be creative and relate to Ancient Egypt.
  6. Play the game through once. Adjust (fix or correct) parts of your game as needed.
  7. If you need die or dice, they can supplied by the teacher when your game is turned in.

Before Beginning: Think about these questions

OBJECT OF THE GAME: Decide how the game is won.

EQUIPMENT: What is necessary to play the game. (Game board, die, cards, etc.)

SET UP: How do you set up the board before play? How do you decide who takes the first turn?

RULES OF PLAY: How does a player move around the board? Are there penalties for wrong answers? How

many players can play?

DUE DATE: FRIDAY, February 26, 2016

10 points / 8 points / 6 points / 4 points / 2 points
Design and Creativity / Everything is neatly
created and directions
were followed
completely. / Game board is excellent
but some parts are a
little sloppy. / Game board is complete
but 1 or 2 elements are
missing and it could be
neater. / Most of the directions
were ignored and the
board is sloppy. / There is a game board
but it is not colored and
no extra efforts were
made at creativity
Questions / There are 30 questions
and answers, and they
are well incorporated into
the game. / A couple of questions or
answers are missing or
incorrect. / Some questions are
missing OR one could
play the game with
answering most
questions. / Half of the questions are
missing OR questions are
hardly used in the game. / Many questions are
incorrect or missing and
very few are required to
play the game.
Format and Purpose / The purpose of the game
relates directly to the
civilization and the game
board represents the
society. / The purpose closely
relates to the civilization and
the game board
somewhat represents
the society. / The purpose partially
relates to the civilization and
the game board doesn’t
clearly represent the society. . / The purpose slightly
relates to the civilization but
does not represent the society. / It is unclear what the
purpose and civilization of
the game are from the
Directions / Directions make it
perfectly clear how to
play the game. They are
neatly typed with minimal
grammatical errors. / Directions are typed but
have 2-3 minor grammatical
errors. They are somewhat
unclear or 1 step is missing. / There are more than 3
errors. Directions are
unclear and 2-3 steps could
be added to clarify. / Errors in grammar interfere
with understanding of the
directions. Much revision is
needed. / Complete revision needed.
Many steps are missing or
incomplete and it is very
difficult to understand how
to play the game.
Content and Difficulty / Questions and rules of play
are of an appropriate level--
not too difficult and not too
easy. / Rules of play are age
appropriate but some
questions are too easy or
too difficult. / Game is a bit too simple for
the grade level and some
questions are too easy. / Game is very simple and
most questions are too
easily answered. / Game is not appropriate for
the grade level and
questions are too easy or too

Total Points Possible: 50