Radio Script.

●  Menu

●  Hi there your listening to Siren FM

●  Where I get my food from and why

●  Michael explanation

●  Well thats enough about us let’s it’s time to hear from you

●  Vox Pop

●  Call for people to tweet in their shopping habits

●  We heard there that some people like to buy their food local from specialist stores such as butchers, we wanted to hear their perspective and hear what they can offer that supermarkets cannot.

●  Butcher Interview

●  Reaction to piece from me and Michael

●  That interview was conducted by our fabulous reporter Louisa who right now is out and about asking people about some strange foods and whether they would dare to eat them.

●  OB Part 1

●  It’s interesting to hear about those crazy food ideas

●  Strange but maybe better or at least more exciting than the foods me and michael have been eating of late

●  Indeed before we embarked on diets of our own creation last week.

●  We recorded moments from this difficult journey and this next clip outlines what the challenge entailed.

●  Diet Diary 1

●  We will be hearing more about these diets later on

●  Please tweet us in with any strange diets you or friends have tackled and how you got on with them.

●  Maybe instead of replacing all the foods we like with healthy ones we could at least make positive changes with the idea of making meals healthier, something that fits very well with that is eggs. I like them fried which is probably the worst for me. What about you Mike?

●  Michael ……

●  Speaking of eggs up next we have a cracking song, excuse the pun, in Dean Martin how do you like your eggs in the Morning

●  Song

●  We’ve had some tweets come in……

●  Well we have heard some seriously delicious foods there but Now it’s time to get mega serious

●  I believe Michael my old mate is about to get rather irate when I trounce him in todays food debate.

●  Well Tom I think you’ll find, that I have have the superior mind, once our arguments have been aligned.

●  Touche, Anyway I’m out of rhymes now. I propose that shopping in Supermarkets is the way forward

●  And I dismiss such a claim and side with the idea of local stores and local produce.

●  Debate, debate, debate, debate, debate, debate.

●  Tom- Conveniance

●  Michael- Personal service correct amounts

●  Tom- Variety choice

●  Michael- Traceability

●  Tom- Branded Products

●  Michael- Expensive

●  Vote for who you think won the debate or which side your on, on our Facebook Page

●  Well things got a little bit heated there, much more than the cold raw foods me and Tom have been eating on these challenging diets.

●  And whilst we are on the subject of diets, were going to from you now about what you have experienced in the way of dieting.

●  Diet Vox Pop

●  Reminder of who we are, Siren etc

●  A few of those diets sounded a bit extreme.

●  I know I thought our were hard enough

●  Some of the diets even sounded like they might have had a negative effect on your health like just eating meat or not eating for two days.

●  This is something we wanted to explore further so got in contact with a nutritionalist for an expert opinion on dieting and eating well.

●  Nutritionalist Interview

●  After hearing that….. link to our diets

●  This next diary entry is from early on in our diets how we were feeling and whether we felt we would be able to stick it out to the end.

●  Diet Diary 2

●  The song there at the end is Vegetables by the Beach Boys.

●  An incredibly weird song if you listen to it in its entirety.

●  The word vegetable is one I don’t want to hear for some time

●  Well I’m afraid you will, what are the words you want to hear?

●  Lists of delicious foods ending with chocolate.

●  Whats that you want to hear chocolate, well lucky you cause that’s up next. Chocolate 1975.

●  Song

●  Well we’ve just heard chocolate which takes us back to the tweets which people have been sending in on what foods they just can’t turn down.

●  Tweets, tweets, tweets. Reminder of contact details.

●  Speaking of sweet sounding things, I think it’s time we headed back out to our reporter Louisa who’s still interrogating people who are trying to enjoy their meals about strange meal ideas from across the globe.

●  OB Part 2

●  Thanks Louisa, reaction to what has been said….

●  Well we have had a lot of fun today and there is more to come, but now it’s time to hear about some of food headlines that have been served up in this weeks news.

●  Food Stories/ headlines

●  Link a story to diets…..

●  So it’s time to hear our final diet diary entry and hear whether or not me and Michael made it to the end of our diet challenge.

●  Diet Diary Part 3

●  Micheal I think you over reacted a bit.

●  No I didn’t rant

●  Come on calm down you’ve got the eyes of a cereal killer atm, get it? Haha

●  Don’t push your luck.

●  Risk it for a biscuit you mean.

●  I don’t believe you sometimes.

●  Well I know my jokes can be cheesy, a bit like that great pizza I had the other day.

●  One more I dare you

●  Well I’m not sure we have time actually, we have just enough time for a few last tweets.

●  Tweets, tweets.

●  And to thank everyone who has contributed to todays show.

●  Including……….

●  Coming up next on Siren we have no adults allowed 4 till 5, and then Drivetime with Phillipa Revitt 5 till 7.

●  I hope you have enjoyed the show, I certainly have, Michael not so much maybe but at least he’s learnt some valuable information.

●  I suppose so and I have realised that some changes to my diet can actually help me feel pretty good and I hope that after this show you do to.

●  To make sure you leave us feeling good, to play us out we have Muse ordering you to do just that with Feeling Good.

●  Song