The Constitution of the Synchronized Swimming Club

Article 1. Name

The name of this club shall be the Synchronized Swimming Club.

Article 2. Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to pursue competitive excellence, to develop members to be athletes, and to promote the public image of synchronized swimming as a fun and challenging sport.

Article 3. Membership

Section 1.

Membership shall be open to any person who is a student, alumni, administrator, member of the faculty or staff of William and Mary, or is a community member interested in synchronized swimming.

Section 2.

Members shall register with United States Synchronized Swimming.

Article 4. Officers

The officers of this organization shall be president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, and team captain. The governing board shall be comprised of the above-mentioned officers. Other offices may be created by the governing board, as needed. Only currently enrolled students at the College of William and Mary may hold office.

Article 5. Duties of Officers

Section 1.

The President shall:

a)Preside over all meetings of this organization, with the exception of practices;

b)Make sure that all officers are effectively performing their duties;

c)Be responsible for attending all Recreational Sports meetings or appoint an alternate;

d)Keep Recreational Sports informed of all club business;

e)Be responsible for ensuring club compliance with the rules of William and Mary Recreational Sports, as are designated in the “Guide to the Sport Club Program”.

f)Be an intermediary between the team and the coach.

g)Inform members of practices, meets, events, and other important announcements.

h)The President shall be a rising junior or higher.

Section 2.

The Vice-President shall:

a)Preside over meetings in the absence of the President;

b)Will assist the President in her duties;

c)Be responsible for the equipment of the organization and for reserving the facilities;

d)Be responsible for the annual alumni letters.

Section 3.

The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

a)Write articles about club events for the school newspaper;

b)Work with members to develop and circulate publicity regarding club activities;

c)Coordinate all club correspondence, including thank you notes and communication with prospective members;

d)Keep record of all club financial transactions, the budget, and reimbursements;

e)Assist in fundraising efforts.

Section 4.

The Team Captain shall:

a)Be in charge of work outs at each practice;

b)Organize choreography for team, trio, and duet routines;

c)Keep the team on track during practice.

d)The Team Captain shall be a rising junior or higher.

Article 6. Elections and Appointments

Section 1.

Elections of the officers shall take place in March, following competition season, for the following year.

Section 2.

A majority vote by those present in addition to votes received in advance shall elect those officers.

Section 3.

Appointments made by the Governing Board must be approved through a majority vote by the club members.

Section 4.

At the end of the fall semester, the team will meet to discuss how the officers are doing.

Article 7. Meetings

Regular and special meetings shall be called and scheduled by the Governing Board. Quorum shall constitute 50% of membership.

Article 8. Dues

Section 1.

Dues shall be paid by each member of the organization each year by

December 1st. After that a late fee can be assessed if deemed necessary by the Governing Board.

Section 2.

The amount to be paid shall be decided on by the Governing Board, and

voted on by the membership; a majority will decide.

Section 3.

Dues shall include membership fees to U.S. Synchronized Swimming.

Article 9. Attendance

Section 1.

If any practice is to be missed, an excuse shall be presented in advance to either the president, team captain, or the coach.

Article 10. Amendments

Section 1.

Amendments to this Constitution may be submitted by any member of the

club. Such amendments shall be submitted in writing to any member of the Governing Board.

Section 2.

Such proposed amendments shall be voted on at the next meeting.

Section 3.

A 2/3 majority of the membership shall be necessary for the adoption of

the amendments to this Constitution.

Section 4.

Any amendment must be approved by the Director of Student Activities,

as is required by the Sports Club Program at William and Mary.

Article 11. Ratification

This Constitution shall become effective upon ratification by a majority of the membership and by approval by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. This Constitution was ratified on September 14, 2014.