Directorate of Public Health
Job Identification: / Senior Health Promotion Officer (Physical Activity, Education)Department: / Health Promotion
Job Holder Ref:
No of Job Holders: / One
Introduction / Health Promotion is a specialist discipline drawing on knowledge of and approaches implicit in a range of disciplines e.g. epidemiology, psychology, statistics, project design and management, sociology and public health theory. It is from this theory that evidence for effective programmes is devised and work procedures and practices are developed – contributing to an increase in health status of the population and a reduction in unhealthy behaviours e.g. smoking and a reduction in disease e.g. CHD.
Job Purpose: / To provide a specialist Health Promotion service in the Uists and Barra.
To develop, implement and monitor Health Promotion strategies and programmes in relation to cancer prevention, mental health and well-being.
To contribute to the health improvement, public health agenda of the Western Isles.
To support the work of the Mental Health Partnership and the Western Isles Cancer Co-ordinating Committee by adding specialist mental health promotion skills and expertise and to contribute knowledge on prevention to the Western Isles Cancer Co-ordinating Committee.
Organisational Chart: / See attached
Scope And Range: / The Senior Health Promotion Officer is responsible for the development of healthy living activities/projects throughout the Uists and Barra. The post also provides the key focus for mental health, well-being and cancer health promotion activity. This requires working in partnership with service users, service providers, statutory and voluntary sector organisations to develop relevant local strategies and action plans as well as delivering, monitoring and evaluating progress.
Main Duties/
Responsibilities: / Professional
To promote inter-agency and partnership working in relation to Health Promotion.
To contribute to the Public Health Agenda of the Western Isles.
To support, motivate and train staff within the Health Service and from other agencies to feel competent and confident to contribute to health promotion activity as required by their own job descriptions.
Main Duties/
Responsibilities (Cont’d): / Education & Research
To undertake community and organisational needs assessments and research, ensuring that health promotion activity is meeting the needs of the general public, service users, service providers and the Public Health Agenda.
Planning & Organisational
Develop, organise and deliver a range of health promotion training in relation to the needs identified at local level, through national and PIN guidelines.
Commission external trainers to deliver training when skills and expertise cannot be delivered “in-house” or the situation is such that an external trainer would be most effective and/or professionally advisable.
Contribute to Policy and Strategy development in relation to key policies.
Train and provide on-going support and supervision for trainers with the Health Service.
Contribute to the PFPI agenda through working with community groups and individuals.
Design, develop, deliver and evaluate training in relation the Dignity at Work Policy for employees in all parts of the Health Service and encourage other employees to become involved in delivering training.
Promote people’s equality and diversity through training and awareness raising.
Co-ordinate all healthy living activities in Uists and Barra in partnership with relevant colleagues e.g. schools inputs, community food initiatives or stress management in the workplace
Communication & Relationships
Develop and deliver communication skills training within the Health Service and to other agency staff. This training is designed to promoted inter-personal relationships, communication skills and contributes to positive emotional health, self esteem and self efficacy. Training is designed to meet the needs of different parts of the health service from senior clinicians, nurses and allied health professionals at all levels and support workers.
Develop group work skills training with service providers and service users so that people can deliver training.
Develop, monitor, evaluate and update Health Promotion strategies and action plans in relation to mental health, well-being, and cancer prevention.
Supervision of clerical staff (1 No.)
Develop and encourage partnership working with other agencies and organisations so that the Health Promotion and public health agenda is understood and opportunities for “joined up” working are created.
Identify financial and other resources in order to be able to deliver the action plans.
Work in partnership with voluntary sector and community groups to advise, encourage, motivate and when necessary provide training for them to develop health promoting activities.
Identify funding for community and voluntary groups to fulfil their health promotion activities.
Main Duties/
Responsibilities (Cont’d): / Managerial (Cont’d)
Manage budget in relation to activities identified by work plan and programme management schedules.
Manage and maintain a safe working environment, including payment of rent, rates and other utilities.
Ensure health and safety standards are met.
Supporting Evidence: / Physical demands of the job
Ability to use a computer effectively and electronic mailing system is essential.
A clean driving licence is essential.
Competent to use visual aids and power point presentations.
Mental Effort
Responsibility for delivering work on time and providing reports to Public Health, Mental Health Partnership, Cancer Committees and the Scottish Executive.
It is essential to work with on own initiative and to self manage work.
To identify innovative ways and to be creative in response to needs identified.
Partnership working to maximise Health Promotion potential throughout the islands.
Emotional Effort
Partnership working and building alliances can at times be very demanding and emotionally draining.
Taking a lead role in the development, design and co-ordination of training and then encouraging people to develop their own health promotion role can be demanding.
Recognising and responding to needs of others who are developing their health promotion role or getting into conflict through work relationship problems and conflicts of interests.
Acting as mentor for people within and outwith the organisation including volunteers.
Supporting Evidence (Cont’d): / Working Conditions
Due to having a Uists/Barra and a specialist remit for the department there are frequent stays in Stornoway, other parts of the islands or the mainland. This requires time away from home which very few people in the NHS as a whole are expected to do.
Confidentiality: / This involves taking the necessary precautions when transmitting information only disclosing it to those who have the right and the need to know it.
All personal health information is held under strict legal and ethical obligations of confidentiality. NHS Staff must follow guidance (NHS Code of Practice on Protecting Patient Confidentiality) before disclosing any patient information. All staff must respect confidentiality of all matters that they may learn relating to their employment, other members of staff, patients and their families.
Health & Safety: / Assist in maintaining own and others' health, safety and security
This involves:
A) Complying with Board health and safety policies, procedures and participating in mandatory training.
B) Maintaining a safe working environment and reporting any issues of concern as appropriate.
NHS Western Isles attaches the greatest importance to the health and safety of its employees. It is the Board policy to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and hazard to health by protecting staff and others including the public from foreseeable hazards compatible with the provision of proper services to patients. The Board expects its entire staff to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. More detailed information is given in departmental safety policies where appropriate.
Ensure own actions support equality, diversity and rights.
This involves:
(a) Acting in ways consistent with the Board's policies and procedures
(b) Treating those you come into contact with equitably and with respect.
(c) Recognising the need for aids or adaptations.
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Job Title: / Senior Health Promotion OfficerDepartment: / Health Promotion
Location: / Stornoway
Factor / Essential / Desirable
Experience / Practical experience of working in health promotion
Demonstrable experience of co-ordination in a multi agency setting
Experience of working within a community development setting / Experience of training and group work skills in a variety of settings in particular working with adults
Qualifications / Educated to Masters level or equivalent in health promotion or public health / A professional qualification in health, social work, community work or education
Knowledge & Skills / Excellent interpersonal, personal, organisational development and negotiating skills
Demonstrable knowledge of current mental health and well being policy at national and local level
To have relevant health promotion knowledge of health education strategies in relation to cancer prevention
To have training and group work skills in relation to health promotion
Demonstrable knowledge of patient focus and public involvement policy
Knowledge of strategy & policy development and of programme design, implementation and evaluation
An understanding of the local island culture
Adequate IT skills / Interested in how people make health change
Experience in teaching communication skills
Disposition / Be a good communicator
To have a non judgemental approach
Other / A clean driving licence
Willing to work away from home on a regular basis / Gaelic speaker
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