2015Grant-In-Aid Application
1.Great emphasis will be placed on innovative and creative proposals/projects. This is specifically addressed in Question 11 of the application section of this package.
- Applications must demonstrate benefit within the Town of Billerica.
- Grant applications will be accepted only from non-profit entities and groups of individuals serving the Town of Billerica.
- Grant donations may be used in combination with other funding sources. Ability to secure matching funds will be encouraged. The maximum Grant-In-Aid award for 2015is $500.
- Funds may NOT be used for traditional operating and capital expenses.
- Special consideration will be given to applications for which funds will be used to set up permanent endowments so that programs will be assured of continuing year after year.
- Before final selection for grant donations should there be several finalists, candidates may be required to make oral presentations on their program or project.
- The Billerica Alliance re-affirms its policy of providing equal opportunity to all qualified applicants and stresses its commitment that there shall be no discrimination against qualified applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or handicapped status.
- If you are the recipients of a grant donation, you will be required to complete a report on the results of the project in six months from the date of receipt of your donation.
(See Attachment A)
- Members of the Billerica Alliance as individuals are not eligible for grant donations.
- Grant-In-Aid committee members will abstain from voting on any applications received from any entity with which they are involved.
- Deadline for submitting this application is Friday, October 23, 2015.
Mail or Drop Off: Billerica Alliance, Inc. 12 Andover Rd. #1, Billerica, MA 01821.
Grant winners will be announced in November.
- Any incomplete application will not be considered.
A.Please Print or Type.
B.If you have any questions regarding this application, please call the Billerica Alliance Executive Director, Caroline Catlender at 978-667-4174.
C.Deadline for submission isFriday, October 23, 2015.
- Organization /Group Name: ______
- Project Name: ______
- Project Director: ______
- Mailing Address: ______
- Telephone Number: ______
5A.Email Address:______
- Area in which you are applying:
Arts/Cultural ______Charitable______
Civic______Educational______Other (specify)______
7. Total Project Costs:______Total Requested Amount***:______
***Please Note: TheMaximum Grant-In-Aid Award is $500
- Briefly describe your organization’s purpose, anticipated date of completion and its major organizational priorities for the coming year. (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.
- If applicable, describe your Board of Directors composition, listing names and titles of Board Members.
10.Describe the following (attach a separate page if necessary):
a) What are the long term and short term objectives of your project?
b) What portion of the Town of Billerica will be served by your project and what
is the anticipated number of participants of your project?
c)How do you intend to utilize the requested Grant-In-Aid?
11.In what ways do you feel this project is innovative and/or creative?
12.If applicable, list any past projects which either you or your organization has performed relevant to this proposal.
13. Will the requested Grant-In-Aid be used in combination with
other funding sources*? If so, what are the other sources and are these funds
pending or definite?
*Please notify us of any change in the status (pending or definite) of funds.
14.If your program is expected to be an annual project, how will it be funded in the future years?
15. How will you evaluate how the awarded money was used?
16. If applicable, please attach your most recent financial statements and auditor’s opinion. If such is not available, please attach your most recent treasurer’s report.
“I understand that ANY material submitted with this application CANNOT be returned.”
Submitted by:
Submit To:Billerica Alliance
12 Andover Rd, Suite #1
Billerica, MA 01821
Attachment A
This section is required for submission if awarded a Grant-In-Aid. You will be required to file this information six (6) months after the grant is awarded, approximately May of 2016.
1.Summary statement of the project’s major results, including the impact on the Town of Billerica.
2.Please list the strengths of your project.
3.Please comment on this Grant-In-Aid Program