SNC 4M: Nutritional Science Unit Homework
Intro to Nutritional Science and Digestive System
1. Be able to label and provide the function for all the parts of the digestive system.
2. Be able to define key terms like nutrient, digestion, ingestion, egestion and absorption.
Biological Chemistry and Macromolecules
1) Where in your digestive system would the macromolecules we have discussed be broken down?
2) What other things do we need in our diets besides the macromolecules discussed today?
3) From Austin Powers, Fat Bastard says he went on the Atkins Diet in which “Carbs are the enemy”! Is this a safe thing to do, eliminate carbohydrates? Why or why not?
Vitamins and Minerals
1) Be able to distinguish between the roles of the different vitamins and minerals.
2) What is the difference between a vitamin and a mineral?
3) What is a dietary supplement? How can they be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the situation?
Proper Diet
1) From the website, find out how many calories you need per day.
2) For each food group, state what conditions or illnesses they help prevent and write down one tip the Canada Food Guide suggests.
3) Prepare a healthy meal guide for one school day for yourself.
4) Compare what you created in number 3, with yesterday, how well do they match? Are you over or under your recommended caloric intake?
5) What are three ways you could easily decrease your fat intake?
6) What are three harmful conditions a healthy diet could prevent?
Body Image
1) State and explain the four dimensions of body image.
2) What are two disorders associated with having a negative body image?
3) How can one change their view of their own body?
Calories and Calorimetry
1) Define calorie and calorimetry.
2) What does calorimetry measure?
3) Are calorimetry experiments exothermic or endothermic reactions? Explain.
Digestive Disorders
1) For each part of the digestive system, determine a disorder associated with that particular portion and determine what general type of disorder it is (structural, malabsorptive or inflammatory).
2) If someone had their gall bladder removed, what type of dietary changes would they have to make.
3) Is obesity a digestive disorder? Why or why not?