The Vicarage
Great Bedwyn
The light shines in the darkness . . .
These are pretty dark times. A huge bubble of debt has kept the consumer society going; it is now collapsing. Savers worry whether their savings are safe. Pensioners see the value of pension funds shrinking. Borrowers worry about paying off debts. Businesses large and small worry about customers and credit. Workers worry whether they will have a job. Families worry about how they will manage. Governments worry about recession. Everyone worries whether things will get worse.
The Christmas message is one of hope. We revisit those hopes every time we hear the Christmas story: the birth of a Child foretold by prophets, who would save his people. One of the Bible passages we shall hear at Carol services and at Christmas describes Jesus, not as a baby, but with the words “In him was life, and that life was the light of the world. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never mastered it.”
In a dark world we need that light to shine out for us. At Christmas we remember how people’s hopes were realised, but not in the way they expected. What people of Jesus’ time expected was a King; what they got was a Child. By the birth of the Child our present hopes can be realised, but not in the way we might expect them. There is no magic wand that can make the pain and the worry simply disappear. What we are offered, instead, is a source of comfort, strength and guidance.
The Christmas message is one of hope. It is the promise that there is a light shining in the darkness as we make our way forward, a constant companion whenever times seem to be dark. The light shines in the darkness . . .
Your Church in December and January
‘O come, all ye faithful’!
Merry Christmas!Name and Date / Time andService / Sidesmen / Readers andReadings / Prayers / Flowers / Cleaners
Advent 2 / 4pm Christingle / Lesley
Amanda / tba / tba / None / John & Janet
Advent 3 / 11am Baptism / David
Vikki / tba / Amanda / None
Advent 4 / 6pm Carol Service / Lots! / tba / tba / Every-one! / Anne & Amanda
Christmas Eve / 3pm Crib Service / As many as possible / tba / n/a
Christmas Eve / 11.30pm Midnight Mass / Amanda
Chris / tba / tba
Christmas Day / 9.30am Family Service + HC / Amanda+ + / tba / ME
Christmas 1 / 11am 5th Sunday in Ducis / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
Happy New Year!
Name and Date / Time and
Service / Sidesmen / Readers andReadings / Prayers / Flowers / Cleaners
Christmas 2 / 6pm Evensong / David
Chris / tba / Chris / Isobel + all to remove flowers / Bill & Ann
Baptism of Christ / 11am Village Comm. / Amanda
Lesley / tba / Lesley / Dorothy
Epiphany 2 / 11am Morning Worship / Vikki
Mary / tba / Vikki / Audrey / Chris & Vikki
Epiphany 3 / 9.30am HolyComm. / David
Amanda / tba / ME / Anne
Epiphany 4 / 6pm Evensong / Chris
Mary / tba / Mary / Betty / Trish & Marilyn
PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE IS AT 9.30am. This year it will be a Family Service followed by a shortened version of Holy Communion for those who wish to stay on.
Sunday Club will be on Sunday 7th December 10-11.30 in the Village Hall to make Christingles.
Monthly Munch will be on THURSDAY 4th December, 1pm at Providence Cottage
Bible Supper social – 7.30pm on December 15th with Tony Peace in Ham.
Decorating the Church – Donations of holly, greenery and berries would be much appreciated, left in the porch, ready for decorating on Saturday 20th December.
Refreshments! The PCC hopes you will enjoy a little tea with us after the Crib Service and mulled wine and mince pies after the Carol Service.
All good wishes for a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The PCC would like to say how much they appreciate the wonderful volunteers who keep our church going. Whether you contribute financially, musically, arranging flowers, polishing brass, cleaning, reading, ringing bells, keeping up the churchyard and/or leaf sweeping, you are all vital, and we are extremely grateful.
No Sunday Club in January, but again on Sunday 1st February
Monthly Munch will be at Providence Cottage on Wednesday 7th January, at 1pm
Saturday March 14th – Fiona Castle will speak here at a Ladies’ Breakfast. Details in February but, ladies, do keep the date free – she is such an inspiring speaker and breakfast will be a treat!
The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2008
In 2008 the Chutes raised a total of £1294.03 for the Poppy Appeal. That is about £265 less than last year but that was a record. Congratulations to everyone!
The total includes: the sale of wreaths for the Remembrance Day Service, collections in the Pubs and Club, plus the house to house collections.
On behalf of the Royal British Legion, I would like to thank all the volunteer collectors for their hard work; also the people of the two Parishes who gave so generously. The annual Poppy Appeal is the Legion’s principal fund raising event. It is through your help and generosity that it can continue to provide support to millions of ex-service men and women and their dependants.
If anyone would like to make a further donation, they can be sent to me at Old School House, Chute Standen, SP11 9EE. Cheques should be made payable to “Poppy Appeal”.
Brian Daly 730356
Chute Parish Council
Planning Applications
- 59637/Tr2 Percy/Hyde Cottage, Lower Chute To fell Ash tree in shared drive. No objection by PC.
- 59693/TR1 Box Cottage, Chute Standen. To reduce Sycamore (TPO 458). Under consideration by PC
- 59696/F Melbury Lodge, Upper Chute. To slate roof and retain porch & window. Under consideration by PC
- 59494/F The ‘Carthouse’ Chute Cadley. Additional information re conversion to holiday accommodation. Under PC review.
Planning Application Outcomes
- 59492/F Lowerhouse Farm. Convert barn to self catering annexe No objection by PC (with proviso) Now approved by KDC with condition.
- 59534/TR2 Vallance Cottage. Various tree works. No objection by PC. Now approved by KDC.
Beat the Criminals – Get Registered
In the November Issue I advised all with an email facility and who wanted to be kept advised of actual and potential crime in the area to get their email address registered with PC Mark Randle. I am told there has been a very low response. There are something like 145 homes in this Parish and a high proportion are believed to be on-line - but only a handful of addresses had been registered. This is a bit worrying / puzzling – not to mention a bit dispiriting for PC Mark Randle who is trying his best to provide us with an effective (timely) service. To get registered just send him a brief message on ‘’ Incidentally, he tells me he sends his crime alerts out on a ‘blind ‘ address list so your address will be protected.
Holiday Period Collections on 24th December (Recycling) and 31st December (Refuse) will take place as usual. Now that’s what I call service!
Used Christmas Cards - In January remember that these must not be placed in recycling boxes. However, KDC have made special arrangements for their collection and recycling and Mr & Mrs Humphrey of the Cross Keys Inn have volunteered to provide a central collection point for us – vote of thanks to them!
Christmas Trees Also in January - if you have a green garden waste wheelie bin you can put your real (not artificial) tree in (or with it) and KDC will collect it for shredding and turning into compost (please remove artificial/non-recyclable decorations). Otherwise they can be disposed of at Household Recycling Centres
Chute Parish Amenity Skip - Weekend of Friday 16th January. An extra (subsidised) general purpose skip has been arranged as soon as practicable after the Christmas holidays. To be placed at the Village Hall to ensure that it is equally available to all members of Chute Parish – thanks go to the Hall Trustees. It can be used for any general domestic waste which cannot be disposed of to recycling.
Advance Note for your diary – Upper Chute Amenity Skip Upper Chute (on Village Green as usual) - Friday 6th February 2009 (for that weekend)
Next Meetings of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday 4th December and 8th January at 7.30pm – venue the Village Hall. As always, you will be welcome to attend. The agenda will be displayed around the Parish and the previous (draft) minutes will be displayed in advance on the Council notice board at the Village Hall.
Seasons Greetings to all - from your Councillors and me.
David Clark (Chute Parish Clerk: Tel 730782)
ChuteForest Parish Council
The Members in considering the budget for financial year 09/10 reviewed the reserves policy and set the general reserve level at 85% of the financial year 08/09 Precept. Then having taken into account the anticipated income and expenditure levels for financial year 09/10 and specific reserves for a new notice board and parish elections set the Precept for financial year 09/10 at £1900 a £150 increase on financial year 08/09.
Members agreed the following donations:
PCC - £25.00
Playing Fields - £210.00
Village Hall - £100.00
Playing Fields
The Chairman reported the successful outcome of the annual ROSPA inspection and that two new cricket wickets had been laid by the cricket team. Members recorded their thanks to Mr Jim Foxen and Mr Chris Stock for their unstinting efforts in the maintenance and furtherance of the vital village facility.
Amenity Skips
Councillor Close reported that the land onto which it was agreed the skip could be placed has just been sold, with the new owner taking possession on 4th December 2008. Unfortunately, the forthcoming owner has no indication of the Council’s proposals, and therefore the skip will be postponed until the Council has an opportunity to discuss and hopefully agree with them on the placement of the skip.
Tidworth Pilot Area Community Board
In the absence of Councillor Caddick the Clerk read out a report from Councillor Caddick saying that for a 12 month trial period there will three elected Wiltshire County Councillors from the Tidworth Community Area on the actual board and that any mutually agreed delegation of local services from Wiltshire County to Towns and Parishes will not take place before April 2010. The next meeting of the pilot board is planned for 12th January 2009 with a final meeting of the pilot board on 23rd February 2009.
Clerk’s Report
Refuse & Recycling: The Clerk informed Members that the Refuse & Recycling collections due on 25th December 2008 and 1st January 2009 will take place one day later than normal with normal day collections resuming on the week commencing 5th January 2009.
Community Area Awards: Nomination forms are available from the Clerk.
Freedom of Information Act
Having considered adopting the New Model Publication Scheme, Members resolved to adopt the New Model Publication Scheme without modification and having considered adopting the draft policy as presented by the Clerk Members resolved to adopt the draft policy.
All requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act should be submitted to the Clerk in writing in the first instance.
County Councillor Report
Wiltshire County Councillor Hall reported that:The Boundary Committee has made its final recommendations which confirms that under the UnitaryAuthorityChuteForest will sit within the Collingbournes & Netheravon Ward of the Tidworth Community Area Board. The Electoral Commission has until 9th January 2009 to make comment. Moreover, it is still anticipated that elections to the Unitary Authority will take place on 4th June 2009. The Implementation Executive set up to oversee the move to the Unitary Authority continue to work to ensure that there is a seamless transition. The members thanked WCC Hall for his report.
Wiltshire Constabulary Report
PC M Randle reported in a written report that there had one call in relation to ChuteForest itself and that is in connection with a dog biting another dog. Enquiries are continuing into this matter. The Neighbourhood bulletin is now being circulated regularly, as and when something happens rather than a fixed publishing date. This gives alot more flexibility and allows him to almost get things out in real time and also means he can get replies /help just as quickly. (email him at and he will do the rest).
The Members thanked PC Randle in his absence for his report
The date of next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 15th January 2009.
Carol Singing – Tuesday 23rd December –6 for 6.30pm
Anyone who enjoys singing carols is invited to join the Cadley Carollers, and children are especially welcome. We meet at Providence Cottage for mulled wine and mince pies and move on at 6.30pm to sing around the houses in Chute Cadley and Lower Chute. Please walk in through the garage, and bring torches.
Amanda Holroyd
December 26th-Boxing Day Walk
11am from outside The Hatchet, a gentle stroll to walk off the Xmas Day excess with a drink or two on route.
Well behaved Dogs and Children welcome
2010 – A Chute Odyssey
As many people will remember, the Chutes produced a Passion Play in 2000 as our millennium project.
The Passion Play successfully involved many different people in The Chutes. Every sector of the community made valuable contributions, using their specific skills and expertise, to achieve the final spectacular production in May 2000.
Many people have voiced the idea that a “similar” production could be staged in 2010, to mark the tenth anniversary of that first play. The main objectives would be to further strengthen the community spirit, engage with the young people of the Chutes and to raise substantial funds for the refurbishment of our main asset - the Village Hall.
With this in mind a small group of people have got together and contacted James Burke-Dunsmore. James is the professional actor and director who played Jesus in the last production, and he is keen to work with us again. However, we will have to raise funds to pay for the cost of staging a new play. This is where the “CHUTE ODYSSEY (the journey towards the ultimate goal)” starts. There will be a series of fund raising events culminating in the play in May 2010, which though different to 2000, would be as sensational and all ours.
Every month in the Chronicle there will be an update on the Odyssey, with details of future events and how everybody can be involved.
The First Step of the Journey
The first event will be a Valentine Day Hop on Saturday 14th February 2009, in the Village Hall. The theme will be “back to skool” (gym-slips and old school ties etc if you like) There will be food, a licensed bar and lots of music. More details to follow but book the date in your diaries now!
Pat Caddick
‘The finest view from any pub garden in the South of England’
Opening Times for Christmas
Christmas Eve12.00 - 01.00
Christmas Day11.00 – 16.00
Boxing Day11.00 -23.00
Saturday 27th11.00 – 24.00
Sunday 28th11.00 -23.00
Monday 29th11.00 - 14.30 & 17.00 – 23.00
Tuesday 30th11.00 – 14.30 & 17.00 – 23.00
Wednesday 31st11.00 – 01.00
Thursday 1st11.00 – 18.00
/ New Years Eve Party80’s Pop Stars Fancy Dress Buffet Dinner
Late Bar
Everyone Welcome /
We would like to wish all our customers and staff a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
The Cross Keys Inn, Upper Chute, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 9ER 01264 730295
DECEMBER 2008Wed. 3rd / 12.00am / Wednesday Club Christmas Lunch / Wyke Down
Thurs. 4th / 7.30pm / Chute Parish Council / Village Hall
Sat. 6th / 7.30pm / Village Christmas Supper and Get Together / Village Hall
Sun. 7th / 10.00am / Sunday Club / Village Hall
Tues. 9th / 7.30pm / Gardening Club Christmas Party / Village Hall
Fri. 12th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
Sat. 13th / All day / Private Function / Village Hall
Sat. 20th / Pm / Private Function / Village Hall
Tues 23rd / 6.00pm / Carol Singing / Chute Cadley
Thurs. 8th / 7.30pm / Chute Parish Council Meeting / Village Hall
Fri. 9th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
Thurs. 15th / 7.30pm / ChuteForest Parish Council Meeting / Village Hall
Sat. 17th / All day / Andover Ramblers / Village Hall
Sun. 15th / Mid day / Private Function / Village Hall
Tues. 20th / 8.00pm / GardeningClub AGM / Village Hall
Sundays / Times vary / Church service – details under ‘Your Church in . .’ / St Nicolas
Mondays / 7.30pm / Line Dancing (please note no Line Dancing from 8th to 29th) / Village Hall
Tuesdays / Quiz Night / Hatchet
Wednesdays / 10.00am / Parents & Toddlers / Village Hall
Wednesdays / 7.30pm / Choir practice / St Nicolas
Thursdays / 7.45pm / Bell ringing / St Nicolas
Thursdays / Curry night / Hatchet
Fridays / 9.30am / Yoga (no classes from 19th Dec to 2ndJan) / Village Hall
Feb 13th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
Feb 14th / Valentine Day Hop / Village Hall
March 13th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
April 9th / Chute Annual Parish Meeting / Village Hall
April 10th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
April 16th / ChuteForest Annual Parish Meeting / Village Hall
May 7th / Local Elections / Village Hall
Chute Gardening Club
A few notes to ensure the evening goes as well as it has done before::
Bring your tickets with you. Or pay on the door for pre-booked tickets.