Edmonton Historical Board Bylaw


The purpose of this Bylaw is to continue the Edmonton Historical Board.


Bylaw 13601 is ready for three readings.

This Bylaw is authorized under the Municipal Government Act. A majority vote of City Council on all three readings is required for passage.

If Council wishes to give three readings during a single meeting, then prior to moving third reading, Council must unanimously agree “That Bylaw 13601 be considered for third reading”.

Position of Department

  • The Edmonton Historical Board approved this bylaw at its meeting on February 24, 2005.
  • The Community Services Department supports this Bylaw.

Report Summary

Bylaw 13601 replaces Bylaw 10794 under which the Edmonton Historical Board is currently established.


  • The Edmonton Historical Board is currently established under Bylaw 10794, as approved by City Council on May9, 1995.
  • In 2002, the Edmonton Historical Board reviewed the bylaw under which the Board is established. Members determined that there was a need to update the bylaw and began the revision process.
  • Bylaw 13601 reflects the current functioning of the Board. All changes are outlined in Attachment 2, however changes of special note are as follows:
  • The responsibility of the Board to advise Council on the selection of historic resources for inclusion in the Register of Historic Resources was transferred to City Administration in 1995. Therole of the Edmonton Historical Board to advise City Administration in the maintenance of the register is now reflected in the bylaw [section 6(f)].
  • The ability for the Board to apply for and receive grants, with the approval of the City Manager, is now reflected in the bylaw. The most recent example of this activity is the Board’s involvement with the centennial book project “Naming Edmonton – Ada to Zoie”.
  • The Board is requesting the inclusion of an advocacy role in its mandate, as outlined in sections 6(2) & (3) of the bylaw. The Board works closely with Provincial bodies such as the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation and sees a need to set out a process that will ensure that the Board is representing Council’s position.
  • Board composition has been increased by two citizens-at-large to a total composition of 11 members. In addition, one of the current representative positions has been changed to that of citizen-at-large.
  • If the bylaw is approved, the status of one of the current Northern Alberta Pioneers and Descendants Association representatives will change to that of a citizen-at-large through an appointment report to City Council.
  • The selection of a Chair and Vice-Chair from among citizen-at-large members reflects the current practice of the Board.
  • Current sub-committees of the Edmonton Historical Board have been specifically mentioned in the new bylaw.

Legal Implications

The Edmonton Historical Board is a Council Committee established by bylaw under the authority of the Municipal Government Act. Changes to the mandate of the Board must be done by bylaw.

Background Information Attached

  1. Bylaw13601
  2. Detailed Comparison of Information in Current Bylaw transferred to Proposed Bylaw – Edmonton Historical Board
  3. Bylaw 10794, Current Edmonton Historical Board Bylaw
  4. City Policy A1425, Policy to Maintain and Amend the Register of Historic Resources in Edmonton

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Attachment 2

Detailed Comparison of Information in Current Bylaw transferred to Proposed Bylaw – Edmonton Historical Board

Detailed Comparison of Information in Current Bylaw transferred to Proposed Bylaw

Edmonton Historical Board

Current Bylaw Sections / Comments and Reference Numbers in Bylaw 13601
  1. This bylaw establishes the method of appointment, responsibilities and terms of office of the Edmonton Historical Board.
1The purpose of this bylaw is to establish the Edmonton Historical Board and to prescribe powers, duties, functions, structure and procedures.
  1. The purpose of the Board is to act in an advisory capacity directly to Council regarding all matters relating to the history of the City of Edmonton.
/ REWORDED and Moved to Part II – Establishment
4 – Establishment – The Edmonton Historical Board is hereby established as a Council Committee.
5 – Purpose – Subject to the provisions of this bylaw and all other City, Provincial, or Federal laws, the Board will:
(a)advise Council on matters relating to City of Edmonton historical issues and civic heritage policies; and
(b)encourage, promote, and advocate for the preservation and safeguarding of historical properties, resources, communities, and documentary heritage.
  1. The meanings of the following words and phrases are:
(1) “Board” Edmonton Historical Board.
(2) “City” The City of Edmonton
(3) “City Clerk” The individual appointed under Bylaw 10920, The City Clerk’s Bylaw
(4) “Nominations Committee” The Committee of Council responsible for the Edmonton Historical Board
(5) “Council” The Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton
  1. (6) “Register of Historic Resources in Edmonton” The list of buildings and structures within the City of Edmonton which are eligible for designation as Municipal Historic Resources as adopted by Council and amended by the General Manager of the Planning and Development Department
/ Definitions for:
  • “City Clerk” – REMOVED
  • “Nominations Committee” – REMOVED
  • “City Manager” – ADDED
  • “Register of Historic Resources in Edmonton” – REPLACED with a definition for the “Inventory of Historic Resources in Edmonton” to reflect current practices
Standard phrasing used for remaining definitions
  1. The Board will be composed of volunteers. Preference will be given to residents of Edmonton or the Greater Edmonton Area.
/ REMOVED – City Policy C475, Civic Agencies Appointments, sets out standard criteria
REPLACED with standard wording regarding remuneration and expenses:
13(1) Membership on the Board is voluntary and no remuneration will be paid for serving as a member.
13(2) Members shall be reimbursed for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses to attend each meeting of the Board and its sub-committees in accordance with City policy.
  1. Nine (9) members will be appointed to the Board by City Council.
/ Combined with sections 7 and 8 of the old bylaw. Number of citizens-at-large have been increased by two as well as changing one representative position to that of citizen-at-large – REWORDED as follows:
7(1) The Board will consist of 11 members appointed by City Council, as follows:
a)9 citizens at large
b)one representative of the Northern Alberta Pioneers and Descendants Association; and,
c)one representative of the Edmonton and District Historical Society.
  1. The Nominations Committee responsible for this Board will recommend six (6) members at large to Council for appointment to the Board. The remaining three (3) members will be recommended by the agencies noted in items #7 and #8 below.
/ REMOVED – selection of citizens-at-large follows normal procedures outlined in City Policy C475, Civic Agencies Appointments
  1. The Northern Alberta Pioneers and Descendants Association may recommend two (2) members to Council for appointment to the Board.
/ REWORDED – Combined with section 5 of old bylaw – now section 7(1)(b) of new bylaw.
  • Number of representatives has been reduced to one
  • The current member filling the removed representative position will be reappointed to one of the newly-created citizen-at-large positions

  1. The Edmonton Chapter of the Historical Society of Alberta may recommend one (1) member to Council for appointment to the Board.
/ REWORDED – Combined with section 5 of old bylaw – now section 7(1)(c) of new bylaw.
Standard current wording for boards to outline basic attendance. / NEW
8 The Board will request Council to terminate the appointment of any member who is absent from three consecutive meetings, or who misses three regular meetings in six months unless the absence is authorized by resolution of the Board.
  1. Council will, prior to December 31 of each year, appoint the (9) Board members for one (1) one-year term.
/ The wording has been REPLACED with standard wording:
7(2) Each appointment made by Council is for a term of one year, to a maximum of six consecutive terms.
  1. The Heritage Officer and City Archivist or their designates will serve as advisors to the Board, and will ensure full liaison and consultation between the Board and the Civic Administration on heritage and planning matters.
/ The role of specific administration, other than the City Manager, should not be in an establishing bylaw -- section REWORDED as follows:
17 The City Manager or his/her designate(s), will act as advisor and resource to the board.
  1. Current members of Council are ineligible for appointment to the Board.
/ REMOVED – appointments of Council Members are outlined in City Policy C473, Appointment of Members of Council to Civic Agencies
  1. Regular meetings of the Board will be held monthly in the City of Edmonton Archives or elsewhere within the City at the discretion of the Board. The time and place of regular meetings will be determined by the Board.
/ REPLACED with standard wording:
12(1) Subject to this bylaw, the Board shall follow the procedures prescribed by Bylaw 12300, the Procedures and Committees Bylaw.
12(2) The Board will meet at the call of the Chair.
12(3) The Board will meet at least four times each year unless otherwise determined by the Board.
12(4) Members shall be given at least three business-days’ notice of a Board meeting.
NOTE: Three-day notice of meetings exceeds the minimum requirement of 24 hours notice. The Board however wishes to receive notice three business-days in advance of meetings.
  1. Special meetings may be called on twenty-four (24) hours notice to members and the public by the Chairman or at the request of two (2) or more members of the Board provided (24) hours notice is provided to the members and the public.
/ Combined with Section 12 of old bylaw and REWORDED with standard wording and setting out notice of three business-days.
  1. A quorum of the Board will be no less than three (3) Board members.
/ Section has been REPLACED with standard wording:
12(5) Quorum for the Board is a majority of the existing appointed members of the Board.
  1. There should be a regular order of business at every meeting. Each meeting will follow the procedures set out in the Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
/ REMOVED – Council Committees follow the basic procedures prescribed by Bylaw 12300, Procedures and Committees Bylaw.
  1. The Chairman will have a vote on any motion and in the event of a tie, the motion will be lost.
/ REMOVED – not required
  1. The Board may appoint committees not limited to members of the Board, in order to deal with any matters included in the duties of the Board.
/ REPLACED to reflect current standing sub-committees and standard phrasing:
14(1) The Board may establish sub-committees as required, including but not limited to the following sub-committees:
(a)Historic Resources Review Panel;
(b)Heritage Outreach Committee;
(c)Recognition Awards Committee; and
(d)Historical Plaque Committee
14(2) The Chair will be an ex-officio member of all sub-committees.
14(3) The Board may appoint persons from outside the Board to a sub-committee.
14(4) Sub-committees shall:
(a)be chaired by Board members; and
(b)report back to the Board for consideration of findings.
14(5) Sub-committees may solicit input from the public.
  1. Administrative support for the Board will be provided by the Parks and Recreation Department through the City Archives as determined by Council.
/ REPLACED with standard wording as follows:
16 Professional, technical and administrative support to the Board, as determined in consultant with the Board, will be provided by the City Manager.
  1. The members will be appointed to the Board for a term of one (1) year.
/ REWORDED – Combined with section 21 and moved to PART III – new wording:
7(2) Each appointment made by Council is for a term of one year, to a maximum of six consecutive terms.
  1. All members will remain in office until their successors are appointed.
/ REMOVED – not required as guidelines for appointments are covered in City Policy C475, Civic Agencies Appointments
  1. No member will serve for more than six (6) one-year consecutive terms, but retiring members will be eligible for re-appointment at the end of their first one (1) year term.
/ Combined with section 19 and moved to PART III – REWORDEDas follows:
7(2) Each appointment made by Council is for a term of one year, to a maximum of six consecutive terms.
  1. In the event of a vacancy occurring, the person appointed by Council to fill the vacancy will hold office for the remaining term of his predecessor.
/ REMOVED – not required as guidelines for appointments are covered in City Policy C475, Civic Agencies Appointments
  1. Any member of the Board may resign from the Board at any time by sending written notice to the City Clerk. The resignation will be effective from the date stated in the notice, or where no date is stated, then upon the date when the resignation is received by the City Clerk.
/ REMOVED – not required as guidelines for appointments are covered in City Policy C475, Civic Agencies Appointments
  1. Any member may be removed by Council at any time.
/ REMOVED – not required as guidelines for appointments are covered in City Policy C475, Civic Agencies Appointments
  1. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman will be elected by the members at the first meeting of the year and the names of these officers will be reported to the City Clerk within fourteen (14) days of this meeting.
/ REWORDED as follows to reflect current practice:
9 The Board shall select a Chair and a Vice-Chair from among the citizen-at-large appointments.
  1. The Board will recommend to Council:
(a)the erection of historical memorial plaques and markers; and
(b)the recognition of individuals and groups who have made significant contributions to the historical development or preservation of the City of Edmonton. / REWORDED as follows:
6(1) In particular, the Board will undertake the following activities in fulfilment of its purpose:
(a)publicly acknowledge the efforts of individuals and groups who have:
(i)worked towards the preservation and promotion of Edmonton’s history or significant historical issues; or
(ii)made significant contributions to the historical development of Edmonton;
27. The Board will advise Council on the following matters:
(a)the designation and preservation of historic resources and areas;
(b)the identification and selection of historic resources for inclusion on the Register of Historic Resources in Edmonton;
(c)liaison between Council and community groups on matters of historical concern; and
(d)education for increased public awareness of the history of Edmonton. / In 1995, City Council transferred the authority for the maintenance of the Inventory of Historic Resources in Edmonton to the General Manager of the Planning and Development Department. As the purpose of the Edmonton Historical Board includes advice to Council on all historical matters, section 27 (a) of the old bylaw is no longer required and has been REMOVED.
To more accurately reflect the role of the Edmonton Historical Board in providing advice to City Administration, and in particular in the maintenance of the Inventory of Historic Resources in Edmonton, section 27(b) of the old bylaw has been REWORDED as follows:
6(1) In particular, the Board will undertake the following activities in fulfilment of its purpose:
(e)act as a resource and advisor to City Departments developing directives impacting heritage resources and otherwise working with historical properties, resources, or issues;
(f)assist in identifying and selecting historic resources in Edmonton for inclusion on the Inventory of Historic Resources;
27(c) of the old bylaw has been REMOVED as liaison activities are a normal result of information gathering conducted by an advisory committee rather than being a specific activity upon which a Board would advise Council. Section 12(6) of the new bylaw reflects the Board’s ability to interact with the public as follows:
12(6) The Board may solicit input from the public.
27(d) of the old bylaw has been REWORDED as follows:
6(1) In particular, the Board will undertake the following activities in fulfilment of its purpose:
(b)provide advice to increase public awareness of the history of Edmonton through education or promotion;
  1. The Board may hear and consider representations from any citizen or any group of citizens on any matter relating to the work of the Board in its capacity as liaison between Council and the community at large and may make subsequent recommendations to Council.
/ REWORDED as follows:
6(1) In particular, the Board will undertake the following activities in fulfilment of its purpose:
(d)may hear and consider representations from individuals and community groups on matter of historic concern:
This new section reflects current activities of the Board such as the book project for the City’s centennial “Naming Edmonton – Ada to Zoie”. / NEW
6(1) In particular, the Board will undertake the following activities in fulfilment of its purpose:
(c)on behalf of the City, and with the approval of the City Manager, the Board may apply for and receive grants from foundations and other orders of government to carry out specific projects;
  1. A budget will be prepared annually by the City Archives staff for the Board and submitted through the Parks and Recreation Department to City Council. Once the budget has been approved by Council, the Board may spend any sum as authorized by the Parks and Recreation Department but may not exceed the budget allotment without prior approval from Council.
/ REWORDED to reflect current processes and standard wording as follows:
15(1) A budget for expenses arising from the operation of the Board in the administration of this bylaw will be submitted to Council for approval.
15(2) The budget shall be prepared and presented to Council by the City Manager, in consultation with the Board.
15(3) The Board’s budget will be administered by the City Manager.
  1. Except as otherwise provided, neither the Board nor any member of the Board may authorize any expenditure to be charged against the City of Edmonton.
/ REMOVED – wording not required as Board’s budget is administered by the City Manager – as outlined in section 15(3) of the new bylaw.
  1. The Board will submit an annual report signed by the Chairman to Council through the Nominations Committee responsible for the Board. This report must relate to all activities undertaken by the Board prior to December 31 of each year.
/ REMOVED – basic reporting requirements are outlined in City Policy C476, Civic Agencies Reporting
  1. The annual report of the Board will contain the following:
a)the list of members;
b)the number of meetings held and the attendance of each member; and
c)a description of the Board’s activities during that year. / REMOVED – basic reporting requirements are outlined in City Policy C476, Civic Agencies Reporting
This new section contains standard wording for council committees to define the role of the Chair and Vice-Chair. / NEW
10 The duties of the Chair will be to:
(a) call meetings of the Board;
(b) act as chair at all meetings of the Board; and
(c) represent the Board at Council and its Standing Committees, and at
other public functions.
11 The duties of the Vice-Chair will be to act as the Chair in the Chair’s
This new section reflects the Board’s close relationship with other orders of government, in particular the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation.
The Board is requesting the inclusion of the current standard advocacy wording to ensure the Board has a clear process to assist City Council. / NEW
6(2) In addition to the functions outlined in section 6(1), if the Board identifies an issue under the jurisdiction of another order of government that affects the preservation of historical resources in the city of Edmonton, the Board may advise Council on the issue.
6(3) If the Board wishes to advocate on an issue identified in 6(2) the Board will:
(a)request a decision on Council’s position on the issue;
(b)advocate the City’s position on the issue, as approved by Council; and
(c)include in the Board’s annual report any advocacy actions taken and an evaluation of any results arising from the advocacy action.

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