
Appointment of the Municipal Housing Liaison is subject to the approval of COAH and the following documentation must be submitted:

□Ordinance establishing the position of Municipal Housing Liaison; and

□Governing Body resolution appointing the municipal employee to serve as the Municipal Housing Liaison; and

□Evidence of successful completion of COAH Training for Municipal Housing Liaisons, RCA Administrators, and Administrative Agents: Module I.

If the Municipal Housing Liaison is to perform the duties of an Administrative Agent, he or she must submit evidence of a history of successful management of restricted affordable housing units, particularly those produced as a result of the New Jersey Fair Housing Act or through a Mount Laurel court settlement, which shall include:


□Statement of qualifications; and

□Statement of intent to attend any continuing education opportunities provided by COAH.

Approval by COAH is contingent on attendance of necessary continuing education opportunities. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:96-17.4, the Municipal Housing Liaison must successfully complete the Education Program for Municipal Housing Liaisons by 12/2/08 if appointed before 6/2/08 or six months from the date of appointment, or the date of the next education program for Municipal Housing Liaisons, whichever date is later. If the Municipal Housing Liaison is to perform the duties of an Administrative Agent, in order to receive approval, the Municipal Housing Liaison shall also successfully complete the Council’s Education Program for Administrative Agents by 6/2/09 if appointed before 6/2/08 or one year from the date of appointment, or the date of the next Education Program for Administrative Agents, whichever date is later. Up-to-date information regarding the education programs can be found on COAH’s website under Resources for Housing Administrators

Please indicate the types of units/programs you administer:

□For-sale units / □Market to Affordable Program
□Rental units / □Supportive and Special Needs Housing
□Accessory Apartment Program / □Rehab Program
□Assisted Living Residence / □Other (Identify)______

COAH June 2008