On motion of Mr. Spears, seconded by ______, the following resolution was offered:


A resolution requesting the Administration to identify all streets of substandard width in residential areas of Council District 3 which are too narrow to allow on-street parking without impeding traffic, and requesting the Streets Department, Traffic Engineering Division, to place signs allowing parking on the right-of-way adjacent to all such streets.

WHEREAS, several people have been cited by the Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement for parking cars on the right-of-way between the street and sidewalk in the Old Harvey area ; and

WHEREAS, many of the streets in the Old Harvey area are of substandard width and are therefore too narrow to allow persons living there to park their vehicles on the street without impeding traffic on the street.; and

WHEREAS, most of these houses lack off-street parking areas, making it necessary for residents to park on the grassy right-of way adjacent to their houses to avoid blocking traffic on the street; and

WHEREAS, Section 36-5 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances prohibits parking on the rights-of-way between the paved portion of a dedicated street and the property line of the adjacent landowner within the parish, and/or on the unpaved or non-graveled portion of the front yard area of any private residence or business except where permitted by the appropriate parish department, which permission shall be indicated by the erection of appropriate signs in the area; and

WHEREAS, signage allowing parking should be placed on all rights-of-way adjacent to substandard streets in residential neighborhoods to allow the residents of these areas to park their vehicles close to their homes without impeding traffic and without being in violation of parish ordinances;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE JEFFERSON PARISH COUNCIL, acting as governing authority of said Parish,

SECTION 1. That this Council hereby requests the Administration to identify all streets having substandard width in residential areas of Council District 3 which are too narrow to allow on-street parking without impeding traffic.

SECTION 2. That this Council further requests the Streets Department, Traffic Engineering Division, to place signs allowing parking on the right-of-way adjacent to all streets identified by the Administration as per Section 1 herein.

The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:


The resolution was declared to be adopted on this the 27th day of June, 2012.