Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Notes: Chapter 39 Reading Guide (page 1022-1047) – Immunity from Disease

Section 39.1 – page 1022

1.  What is a pathogen?

2.  How do microorganisms live symbiotically with us?

3.  What is an infectious disease?

4.  Viruses and some intracellular bacteria need to be in a host cell to reproduce. What is meant by the term “host cell”?

5.  How are endemic and epidemic diseases different?

6.  How do antibiotics work and what are they effective against or not effective against?

7.  What is antibiotic resistance?

8.  Why did Streptococcus pneumoniae become pencillin resistant?

Section 39.2 – pg 1031

Heading 1 - Innate Immunity:

9.  What are white blood cells?

10.  What is Innate Immunity?

11.  How do skin and body secretions protect us?

12.  What is inflammation?

13.  What are phagocytes?

14.  Describe macrophages

15.  What is interferon?

Heading 2 - Acquired Immunity:

16.  What is acquired immunity?

17.  How is acquired immunity different from innate immunity?

18.  What is lymph?

19.  What is a lymph node?

20.  What is a lymphocyte?

21.  Describe antigens:

Heading 3 – Antibody Immunity (a type of acquired immunity)

22.  What do T-cells do?

23.  What is a B-cell?

24.  What activates a B-cell?

25.  What does a B-cell become when activated?

26.  What does an activated B-cell produce and secrete into the bloodstream?

27.  What is a memory B-cell?

28.  What advantage does a memory B-cell give a person?

Heading 4 – Cellular Immunity (another type of acquired immunity)

29.  What is a cytotoxic T-cell?

30.  What causes allergic reactions?

31.  What is an autoimmune disease?

Heading 5 – Passive and Active Immunity

32.  What is passive immunity?

33.  What are two ways passive immunity is conferred (given)?

34.  What is active immunity?

35.  What is a vaccine?

36.  What advantage do vaccines give the person getting one?

Heading 6 – AIDS and the Immune System

37.  What does HIV stand for and how is it transmitted?

38.  What cells does HIV attack?

39.  What is the disorder caused by HIV?

40.  HIV is a retrovirus. What does that mean?

41.  How does HIV kill a person?

Page 1046 and 1047: Chapter 39 Assessment: Check your understanding

5. ___ 6. ____ 7. _____8. _____ 17. ____ 18. ____ 19. ____20. ____ 21. ____