April 2017 Retired Association Meeting

Call to Order:


The membership offered prayers for the following members who lost loved ones: Sister Carol and Brother Phil Constantino who lost their nephew Justin; Brother Willie Worth who lost his Son, Vaughn Jr.; Honorary Member Pam Moore who lost her Father, Robert;

The membership prayed for a speedy and complete recovery for: Brother Fred Holzberger; Brother Al Senes;

It was noted at the meeting that former Assistant State Attorney and Judge Howard Chasnow passed away.

Pledge of Allegiance:

Guests: Pat Gates has assisted the Retired Association through the years with Health Insurance advice. She was instrumental with having Calvert Internal Medicine come on board when CIGNA HMO became the county provider. Most recently she has assisted in the Medicare D transformation. Her background is in Medical Admiration. She is married to Brother Morgan Gates.

The COPS Ride committee was in attendance;

Mike Burley New York Life; Jeff Seibel Morgan Stanley;

Former State Attorney Bob Bonsib;

New Retirees: Robert Fox #1545

Seldom Seen: Jimmy White, John Hipps, Donnie Bell; Dave Mitchell, Orlando Barnes;

Old Business:

1) Lunch with Charlie Ward: Olde Town Cafe Leonardtown on April 12 at 11:30 AM, at Three Brothers Prince Frederick on April19 at 1130 AM at Marie’s La Plata on April 20 at 11:30 AM, and at the Double T Diner in Annapolis on April 26 at 11:00 AM

2) May Meeting: Reading of the names from Final Roll Call; Civilian Retirees welcome,

3) FOP Police Memorial Service May 4, 830 AM breakfast 10 AM ceremony.

4) Tickets for the reunion are now on sale. You can purchase tickets by sending payment ($20.00) per ticket along with a self-addressed stamped envelope to me. Make payment out to George Swope 3311 Karen Dr. Chesapeake Beach, Md. 20732. I will also have tickets at the retirees meeting, starting on April 5th. Tickets can also be purchased via Paula Speiden at Headquarters, Lt. Murray at SOD, Det. Bernard Nelson at CID, and Det. Jason Swope or Mike Riess at NED. The cutoff date to purchase tickets is August 26h, 2017. Tickets MUST be PURCHASED in advance. NO TICKETS will be sold at the door. Desert is not included with the meal, so we are asking that you consider bringing some type of desert to share. Ginny Krantz has volunteered to coordinate any photos that you wish to bring. Please try and have photos in a frame or protective cover of some type. Bruce Evartt will also be there to take current photos of your liking. He will be able to print them out for a price to cover his materials. Remember this is open to all retired, active officers, civilians, and prosecutors. If you have any questions contact me at:,or 301-651-9594. Hope to see everyone there. Thanks. George.

5) Medicare D Update: Members have been saving money by obtaining a Giant Savings Card; If you are travelling on vacation go to the MEDICARE website and locate pharmacies in that area that accepts Medicare D;

6) Ocean City Dates October 19 through October 22, Grand Hotel

7) This is an Election Year: Think of candidates to be on the Retire Association Board. Also, a FOP Election year

8) Thank you cards from Brother John Big Foot Peterson’s family and from Payton Foster, daughter of Brother Rex Foster.

9) Active member Joe Bunce spoke about his LLC that seeks donations to aid Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Blood Cancer patients. His foundation assists those fighting the disease right now.

10) Many thanks to Brother Jodie Groves who found deceased Brother Bill Clark’s Valor Medal for sale on e-bay. Jodie purchased it with hopes of returning it to Bill’s family. The FOP will reimburse Jodie for the price of the medal.

Vice President Report: Vice President McKay has been in touch with Brother Paul Clements who lives in Ridge in St. Mary’s County. She will pick Brother Clements up and bring him to the May meeting. Pam went to Treasurer Win Kinports home and wished him a Happy 87 Birthday. She bought him a card for all to sign.

Secretary Report:740 members

Treasurers Report: The Treasury has $37,498.53

Finance Committee Report: Requests from Brother Buzz Sawyer (Go Fund Me Page) and Brother Willie Worth; The Finance Committee authorized $250 to each member. The membership raised an additional $1200 to be divided amongst the two Brothers families.

FOP News: President Teletchea spoke on how hard First Vice President Angelo Consoli works in Annapolis. He spoke on both Angelo’s dedication and intelligence in understanding how Annapolis works.

2) Vice President Consoli relayed to the membership most anti police bills had been killed.

3) Angelo was most proud of having passed, a bill started by deceased Past President Tony Walker many years ago. Nick named the Home Town Heroes bill a retired Public Safety Officer at the age of 55 years will pay no state taxes on the first $15,000 of his pension.

4) Active officers living in the jurisdiction where they serve will be given a $2500 property tax credit.

Raffles: 50/50: $148 was won by Brother Kenny Bogue who gave the entire amount to the donation of the two Brothers requesting assistance from the Finance Committee.

The Attendance Raffle for April is $250; Brother Gene Wiles was not in attendance.

Attendees: 70

Good of the Order:

Dine 4 the Cure of pancreatic cancer. The All-American Steakhouse in Edgewater is going to donate 10% of their intake on April 11from 4 to 9 PM to the Lombardi Cancer Center in the name of deceased Brother Tony Prestrandea.

Brother Bruce Evartt is looking to add to his Unity Tour fund to benefit his 300-mile bicycle ride to assist the National Police Memorial.

Dinner: Too Blessed to be Stressed: Ham, Mashed potatoes, Green Beans, Salad with ranch, Cookies