Questions on reproductive System

I-Mention in short

*parts of male urethra

*comparison between male and female urethra

*ducts of male reproductive system

* ducts of female reproductive system

*glands of male reproductive system

* glands of female reproductive system

*threats that may cause production of abnormal sperms

*functions of testis

*gonadotropic hormones and their effects in male and in female

*effects of testosterone

*secodry sex characters

*functions of overy

*parts of uterus

*layers of uterine wall

*common medical problems met with from prostate

*role of bulbourethral gland

*factors analysed in semen

*risk factors for cancer cervix

*comparison between male and female gametes

*stages of menstrual cycle

*secondary female sex characters

*role of progesterone hormone

*results of fertilization

*the primary germ layers and to what they develop

*physiological effects of pregnancy on the GIT

II-Define the following


*spermatic cord








*ovarian cycle

*uterine cycle

*menstrual cycle



*time of ovulation






III-True or False

*gonads produce gametes

*gonads are mixed glands

*sex hormones play vital role in development and functions of reproductive oprgans

*sex hormones play vital role in sexual behavior and drives

*the first part of ductus d. lies in the scrotal sac

*after vasectomy,sperms are still produced

*after vasectomy,sex drives and secondary sex characters are retained

*the first part of urethra is surrounded by prostate

*urine and sperms never pass at the same time

*during ejaculation,bladder sphincter constricts

*seminal vesicle produces 60%of fluid volume of semen

*seminal vesicle secretions nourishes and activates the sperms

*sperms and seminal fluid enter urethra together during ejaculation

*male has only one prostate

*prostate is located immediately anterior to the rectum

*prostate is examined by digital ex. through the anterior rectal wall

*the energy fuel for sperm is fructose

*semen is slightly alkaline

*the alkaline semen helps neutralize the acidic vagina

*sperms are very sluggish under acidic condition

*there is no direct continuity between fallopian tube and ovary

*many ova are lost in pelvic cavity

*in late pregnancy,uterus is felt above the umbilicus

*endometrium is the site of implantation

*myometrium is important only during labour

*sperm production in male continues throughout life

*the total supply of eggs by a female is already determined by the time she is born

*the females reproductive ability usually continues throughout life

*meosis occurs inboth male and female gonads

*by birth,oogonia no longer exists

*by birth,the primary oocytes are present in ovaries

*a small number of oocytes are activated each month

*the first meotic division begins during growth of the follicle

* the first meotic division produces two cells that are dissimilar in size

*the mature follicle contains secondary oocytes

*follicle development takes 14 days

*some women have lower abdominal pain with ovulation

*usually only one of the developing follicles which burst

*maturing follicles which are not ovulated deteriorate rapidly

*the second meotic division occur only if sperm penetrates the secondary oocytes

*the polar bodies has no cytoplasm

*the function of polar bodies is to contain half of chromosomes

*if fertilization does occur,the embryo produces a hormone very similar to LH

*human chorionic gonadotropin causes the corpus luteum to continue producing its hormone

*lack of ovarian hormones causes the blood vessels of endometrium to go into spasm

*ovulation occurs at the end of proliferative stage

* proliferative stage of uterine cycle results from rising estrogen level

*secretory stage of uterine cycle results from rising progesterone level

*at puberty,production of ovarian hormones begin

*progesterone does not contribute to secondary sex characters

*during pregnancy,placenta is the main source of progesterone

*mammary glands are modified sweat glands

*second meotic division occur after the sperm penetrate the oocyte

*fertilization leads to zygote formation

*zygote is the first cell of the new individual

*rapid mitotic division begins after fertilization

*implantation is usually completed 14 days after after ovulation

*the most common reproductive problems in adults is infection

IV-Fill spaces

*the main function of ductus deferens is to propel live sperms from ------into------

*------are male gametes

*------are female gametes

*the exocrine function of testis is production of------while its endocrine function is production of------

*the fibrous connective tissue capsule of testis is called------

*termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks is called------

*the testis is divided into large number of lobules by------

*the actual sperm forming factories are------

*the first part of male duct system is------

*in connective tissue surrounding the seminiferous tubules are the------cells which produce------hormone

*------is a highly coiled tube that lies on the superior and posterolateral side of the testis

*------is a temporary storage site for the immature sperms

*in epididymis,sperms take about ----days to become mature and able to swim

*ductus deferens runs upward from ------through the------into the pelvic cavity

*ductus deferens with blood vessels and nerves with connective tissue sheeth are enclosed in a tube called------

*the end of ductus def. Joins with the duct coming from------to form------duct.this duct runs in ------gland to enter the ------

*------is the part of urethra from prostate to beginning of penis

*------is the urethra that runs within the length of penis

*seminal ves. Secretion is rich in ------and ------

*the duct of each seminal ves.joins with the ductus def. on the same side to form------

*the amount of semen ejaculated is about------,each milliter has about------sperms

*sperms live in a temperature ------degrees lower than the body

*the primary reproductive organ in male is------and in female is------

*the distal end of fallopian tube is called------,it has finger-like projections called------

*the oocyte is carried through fallopian tube by------and------

*the journey of cvulated oocyte to reach the uterus needs------days

*the oocyte, after ovulation is viable up to------

*the usual site for fertilization is------

*to reach oocyte,the sperm must swim through------and------and------

*spread of infection from fallopian tube to the pelvis may lead to severe infection called----

------.this is common cause of female ------

* by birth,the primary oocytes is surrounded by single layer of cells called------

*------is located in the pelvis between the urinary bladder and rectum

*the major part of the uterus is called------,its superior rounded region above the enterance of f. tubes is the------.Its narrow outlet thar protrudes into the vagina is called------

*the inner layer or mucosa of the uterus is known as------

*rhythmic sloughing of the endometrium in absence of pregnancy is called------

*------is the most important diagnostic test for early detection of cancer cervix

*the distal end of vagina is partially closed by a thin mucosal fold called------

*the physiological end of menstrual cycle is called------

*production of female gametes is called------while of male gametes is------

*at birth,primary oocytes number is about------,its number decreases to about------at puberty

*cyclic changes in the overy is called while in the uterus is------

*------hormone is the stimulus for growth of the is released from------

it starts function at ------

*the maximum number of ova that female may release is about------

*the first meiotic division produces large cell called------and a very tiny cell called----

*ovulation occurs due to ------hormone,it is released from------

*ovulated secondry oocyte is surrounded by 2-3 layers of cells called------

*ruptured follicles change into glandular structure called------,it produces------hormone

*in second meotic division,secondry oocyte divides into------

*cell meosis in male produces------functional cells while in female it yields------cells

*the pigmented area in the nipple is called------,the------protrudes from its center

*------open to the outside at the nipple carrying milk

*the ovum lives for------while sperm lives------

*for fertilization to occur,intercourse must occur no more than------hours before ovulation and no later than------hours later

*the sperm completes its journey in------while the ovum needs------to reach uterus

*the early stage of embryonic development is called------

*the developing embryo reaches the uterus about------days after ovulation or on day------of the woman,s cycle

*blastocyst produces an LH-like hormone called------

*pregnant woman needs about ------additional calories daily

*the gonads do not begin to form until about------,

*when embryonic reproductive structures are identical,they are said to be in------stage

*whether male or female structures will form depends entirely on weather ------hormone is present or not

*inflammation of testis is called------

V-Match table A with Table B

Table A Table B

( ) LH 1-secreted by blastocyst

( )FSH 2-hormone of prgnancy

( )estrogen 3- for spermatogenesis and oogenesius

( )progesterone 4-leads to corpus luteum formation

( )hCG 5-developes female sex characters

( )testosterone 6-developes male sex characters

( )prolactin 7-milk ejection

( )oxytocin 8-milk formation

9-stimulates metabolism

10-posterior pituitary hormone