Create Your Own Civilization

This group project requires you to design your own imaginary civilization and explain it in a novella. You will be graded on an individual and group level. Chapter #1 is to be decided and written by the entire group together. Chapters 2-6 will be assigned to individual group members. You must decide amongst yourselves, who will take each chapter. Members must work together in order for the project to logically flow. All writing must turned in electronically using a Microsoft Word document.

Timeline of Assignment:

Monday: You will have today to work during class on this project and assign roles.Work together to complete Chapter #1 and email it to Mrs. Cox.Also discuss and decide information for each person’s individual chapter. For homework, complete a brainstorm web or outline of what you plan to do for your chapter and the visuals to go along with it.

Tuesday: Your brainstorm web/outline is due! You will have today to work during class on this project. Get feedback from your other group members. Make sure everything in the project will mesh and that there are no inconsistencies. Make any necessary changes.Write a first draft of your chapter and sketches of your visuals. For homework, complete a first draft of your chapter and bring sketches of your visuals.

Wednesday:Your first draft (email or print) and sketches are due! You will have today to finalize any plans with your other group members and to work on your visuals. You also need to make a plan for how you will present your civilization. For homework, you must finish your visuals.

Thursday: Your visuals are due!You will have 30 minutes to create your final draft of your chapter on a Microsoft Word document. Your chapter and visuals will be your individual test grade for Unit 1. Please see attached rubric for grading requirements.

Use the next 30 minutes to put your group’s novella together onto the same Microsoft Word document. Please use the font “Calibri” in size 26, in the color black.

Use the next 30 minutes to rehearse your presentation. See attached handout for “Good Presentation Behavior”. Remember to present as if your audience knows nothing about your civilization.

Friday: Your group presentation is due! Each group member should be involved in the presentation. Your presentation will be graded as a group project grade. Please see attached rubric for grading requirements.

Individual Task Rubric:

Level 1 (10 pts) / Level 2 (15 pts) / Level 3 (20 pts) / Level 4 (25 pts)
_____ / One homework assignment was fully completed on the due date. / Two homework assignments were fully completed on the due date. / Three homework assignments were fully completed on the due date. / All four homework assignments were fully completed for each due date.
_____ / Information does not relate to the topic. Task does not correlate with entire civilization / Information is somewhat related to the topic. There are many inconsistencies with the rest of the civilization / Information relates to the topic. There are a few inconsistencies with the rest of the civilization / Information relates to the topic. Task flows easily and completely correlates with entire civilization
_____ / Incomplete and missing essential information, dry and uninteresting, overlaps into other chapter topic, Writing is unclear and difficult to understand / Missing two required pieces of the assigned topic. Basic/Unimaginative ideas. Parts of the writing need clarification to help understanding. / Missing one required piece of the assigned topic. Creative and mostly interesting. Parts of the writing need clarification to help understanding. / Complete with all required information. Creative and interesting. Writing is clear and understandable
_____ / Visuals are basic or incomplete. Minimal effort has been put forth towards project. / Visuals add illustration to the chapter but do not enhance understanding. Quality shows that a low level of effort was put forth towards the project. / Visuals enhance understanding. Detail, neatness, and creativity show that more effort could have been put forth towards the project. / Visuals correlate with writing to enhance understanding of the topic. Details, neatness, and creativity show a high level of effort.
_____ / Total Points Earned / Final Grade for Exam / _____

Group Presentation Rubric: (all members will receive the same grade)

Level 1 (10 pts) / Level 2 (14 pts) / Level 3 (17 pts) / Level 4 (20 pts)
_____ / Members do not seem at all prepared to present / Members are somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking / Members seem pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals / Members are completely prepared and have obviously rehearsed
_____ / Members do not seem to understand their civilization very well and cannot accurately answer questions / Each member is only familiar with their own part of the civilization and can accurately answer only a few questions. / Members show a good understanding of their civilization and can accurately answer many questions / Members show a full understanding of their civilization and can accurately answer almost all questions
_____ / Members were not excited about their project. Very little use of body language. Presentation was dry or boring / Members were kind of excited. Only some body language is used to try to generate enthusiasm / Members seem to enjoy presenting. Body language sometimes showed interest and enthusiasm / Members are excited about the project. Body language reflects their strong interest and enthusiasm
_____ / Most of the information is unclear or unexplained / Some of the information is unclear or unexplained / Most of the information is explained clearly / Information is very clearly explained with extra examples
_____ / Members do not listen to each other, do not share ideas and give no support.
Members act independently from each other / Members rarely listen to each other, share ideas, or give support in the group. Collaboration is irregular / Members usually listen to, share with, and support the efforts of the group. There are only a few "waves" in the group / Members almost always listen to, share with, and support the efforts of the group and mostly work well together
_____ / Total Points Earned / Final Grade for Project / _____