"Life" the most mysterious stuff. Sometimes we realize that life is very simple and we should take it in a normal way, but at the very moment we get to realize ..it is not as simple as it looks. Problems and worries are in multitude. To achieve anything (even smaller one) one have to go through a multitude of abstraction (actually say hidden) that you must have to face with the heart full of courage and most importantly patience. The moment at which you elude from these ,everything get vanished.

According to my little bit of experience..patience and cool-mindedness is the key to success.

Here ,I am going to mention some simple yet powerful steps which hopefully will change the entire coarse of one's life if being followed on a regular basis:-

·  Just try to live your life in a discrete way (means stepwise). Just focus on bit wise improvement and integrate the unit into a life full of passion and decency.

·  In present scenario everyone is engaged in enhancing their bank account and it’s a good think, but up to some extent rather I would suggest create a love account. Deposit certain amount of love and affection daily into this account. Once our great honorable president missile man Dr APJ Abdul Kalam had said “Life is too short to be loved then how a human being manage the time for the hatred” .Now the word “Love ” is itself a very mysterious word which I will elaborate later. One more thing you can’t love others until and unless you love yourself. You can’t love yourself until you have a confined and concentrated mind, because mind is the master of one’s entire body as well as soul. Nourish your mind with constructive thinking and this is possible only when you will develop the trait of loving others. If you have tendency of being in the state of hatred and anger, it’s just like you hold red hot coal in your palms and trying to harm others.

·  Don’t exaggerate the things. Unfortunately, most of us have this drawback in our character.

·  Keep yourself engaged in some constructive work. It’s like the same as empty mind is the in habitat of devils (wrong things).

·  Power of positive thinking (i.e. optimism) can never be ignored. In fact this has been the biggest asset of my character. But my view about the positive thinking seems to have slightly modified .In the short span of my life I have seen things getting very good to good, good to bad and bad to worst. In simple words I mean to say that hope for the best but be prepared and alert for the worst (worst means really worst I mean it). There is a famous axiom (actually it is told in positive sense and it signifies the power of ambitious thought) “Anything you can dream/think/envision can be materialized into reality”. But according to my little bit of experience (it’s totally a personal view) this axiom is 100% true for negative/destructive things also.

·  Goal setting and mentioning it on a piece of paper: It will radiate energy within you. It seems little bit odd but trust me it really works.

·  Build a positive performance pressure. I would like to elaborate this concept. General concept is that “secrecy is the key to success”. But in practical life story is not so. If you reveal your plan/target to your counterparts, it will create some extra pressure (actually say positive pressure) on you to hit the goal and you will endeavor to achieve your mission. Those who encapsulate the things seldom get success.

·  Life is about creating yourself. Try to have fun in small things. Listen to the chirping of birds, whistle of strong gust of wind, appreciate the natural beauty ,walk in the wood, sit alone the sea shore have a casual walk to some unknown place, drench in the rain, feel every pearl of rain drops ,organize some tour with your companions at a regular interval and much more. Live your life in such a way as if it’s the last day of your life. Enjoy the present .Don’t let it for the future. And one personal view people of West Bengal are very much aware of this fact..:).

·  Always believe in yourself and be yourself because it’s only your caliber and stamina which will lead you to the path of everlasting success and enlightment. Never expect from others and also don’t let others expect from you.

Finally, I would like to say Happiness is not a destination; it’s a journey in the pursuit of happiness.

(My beloved friends this was my first blog, so please excuse me for any mistake and suggest me anything you feel regarding my improvement)

With warm regards

Your truly

Shashi kumar


How to make our life a “true life”..