UICampus Nomination Application Form │Beinecke Scholarship

Thank you for your interest in applying for campus nomination to the Beinecke Scholarship competition from the University of Iowa. We look forward to your questions and to your applications. Prospective applicants should contact our Director of Scholar Development (DSD), Kelly Thornburg as soon as they are aware of their interest in this and any other fellowship opportunity at 335-1874or at .

Please note! Establishing an early connection to the scholar development resources, workshop opportunities and tailored fellowship advising we are able to offer prospective applicants serves everyone involved in this challenging, but extraordinarily rewarding process.

UIBeinecke Scholarship Competition │Important Dates

January 5, 2017│Beinecke Scholarship Campus Nomination Deadline

January 5, 2017│Distribution of Beinecke Campus Apps to UFC Nomination Committee

February 15, 2017│Beinecke Scholarship Deadline

Each campus applicationsubmitted to the UI Undergraduate Fellowships Committeemust include the following:

Completed UI Campus Nomination Application Form (this document)

Current Resume/CV

Currentgrade report andtranscriptsforothercollegesattended

Threelettersofrecommendation – DRAFT Letters are acceptable at the UI Campus Nomination Deadline

To submit your campus application package to the UI Fellowships Director and the Undergraduate Fellowships Committee for consideration, please share an electronic copy of each of the components listed above with us by emailing all documents EXCEPT letters of recommendation to n a SINGLE message titled “Last Name, First Name – Beinecke Scholarship Campus Application”. Your referees should share their confidential letters with the UFC electronically by the UI Campus Application Deadline by emailing signed copies .

If campus applicants or referees are not able to meet the established deadline, they are encouraged to contact Kelly Thornburg, Director of Scholar Development to request a brief extension. The DSD and the members of the UFC will evaluate each request individually, but reserve the right to deny the request for an extension if it will impede our ability to conduct the endorsement process in a timely and respectful fashion.


NameClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.

University IDClick here to enter text.

Date of BirthClick here to enter text.

CitizenshipChoose an item.

EthnicityChoose an item.


E-mailClick here to enter text.

Phone NumberClick here to enter text.

Permanent residenceClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.

Your address at schoolClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.

U.S. Congressional DistrictChoose an item.


Year in SchoolChoose an item.

Cumulative GPAClick here to enter text.

Major(s)Click here to enter text.

Minor(s)Click here to enter text.

High School attendedClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.

Other colleges attendedClick here to enter text.

Personal Statement

A personal statement of 1,000 words or less from the nominee describing his or her background, interests, plans for graduate study and career aspirations. The statement should include a discussion of some experiences and ideas that have shaped those interests, plans and aspirations.


List names, email addresses, positions, and institutions of three people who know enough about you to assess your personal characteristics, motivation, and potential for a career in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering. See Candidacy Information and Instructions for further details.

First Recommender

NameClick here to enter text.

EmailClick here to enter text.

PositionClick here to enter text.

InstitutionClick here to enter text.

Second Recommender

NameClick here to enter text.

EmailClick here to enter text.

PositionClick here to enter text.

InstitutionClick here to enter text.

Third Recommender

NameClick here to enter text.

EmailClick here to enter text.

PositionClick here to enter text.

InstitutionClick here to enter text.

Contact on campus:

Kelly Thornburg,Director of Scholar Development, University of Iowa Honors Program

431 BHC |319-335-1874| |honors.uiowa.edu/uihpfellowships

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