of the meeting of TC 5

“Joint scientific research”Working group

July 05–062012. / Kharkov, Ukraine


Representatives of national metrology organizations of COOMET Member Countries
Country / Name / NMI
germaNY /
  1. Klaus-DieterSOMMER
/ COOMET Vice-president, Member of TC 5 Working group,РТВ
  1. Annette KOEGLER
/ COOMET Secretariat in Germany, РТВ
/ University Erlangen-Nurnberg
Russia /
  1. Vladimir KRUTIKOV
/ COOMETPresident,Member of TC 5 Working group, VNIIOFI
/ Head of COOMET Secretariat,VNIIMS
  1. Natalia SEDOVA
/ COOMET Secretariat,VNIIMS
  1. SergeyZHDANKIN
/ COOMET Secretariat,VNIIMS
Slovakia /
  1. MartinHALAJ
/ COOMET Vice-president, SMU
Ukraine /
/ COOMET Vice-president, Member of TC 5 Working group,NSC “InstituteofMetrology”
  1. AleksandrDUDOLAD
/ Director General,
NSC “InstituteofMetrology”
  1. VladimirSKLYAROV
/ Academic secretary,
NSC “InstituteofMetrology”
  1. YuliaBUNYAEVA
/ COOMET Secretariat in Ukraine, NSC “InstituteofMetrology”
  1. TatianaLUKASHEVA
/ Temporary acting Director of Centre,
NSC “InstituteofMetrology”
  1. TatianaOMELICHEVA
/ COOMET Secretariat in Ukraine, NSC “InstituteofMetrology”


No. / Date/Time / Agenda item / Moderator/Presenter / Comments
1 / July 5, 09.00 / Welcome of the participants / Local host &
Prof. V. Krutikov
2 / July 5, / Approval of the agenda / Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Discussion & Decision
3 / July 5, / Introduction and motivation
- / Meeting the future challenges of metro-logy / Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Presentation
- / Developments and trends in process and manufacturing metro-logy / Prof. A. Weckenmann / Presentation
- / Example: The EMRP of EURAMET / Dr. M. Halaj / Presentation
- / Need for joint research activities in COOMET / Prof. K.-D. Sommer,
Prof. A. Weckenmann / Discussion
4 / July 5, / Drafting and defining a EAMRV
4.1 / July 5, / General targets and frame of a EAMRV / Dr. P. Neyezhmakov, Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Introduction
- / Reasonable capacity building in the member NMIs / Prof. V. Krutikov,
Dr. P. Neyezhmakov / Dicussion
- / Social and economic impact aspired
(incl. innovation potential) / Dr. P. Neyezhmakov, Prof. A. Weckenmann / Discussion
- / Contribution to developing - accompanying standardization / Prof. V. Krutikov / Discussion
- / Possible styles of cooperation, e.g. exchange of staff, joint projects, etc. / Prof. A. Weckenmann / Introduction & Discussion
No. / Date/Time / Agenda item / Moderator/Presenter / Comments
- / Visibility and dissemination of results, e.g. conferences, joint publications, stake-holder information, policy advice etc. / Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Introduction & Discussion
4.2 / July 5, / Procedure for defining and implement-ting a EAMRV / Dr. P. Neyezhmakov, Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Introduction to & information about existing concepts
- / Collecting data and information by questionnaires / Dr. P. Neyezhmakov, Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Information
- / Future steps:
see Annex / Dr. P. Neyeshmakov, Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Information & Discussion
5 / July 5, / Discussion of the distributed questionnaires
5.1 / July 5, / Questionnaire No. 1 / Prof. A. Weckenmann / Introduction & Discussion
5.2 / July 5, / Questionnaire No. 2 / Dr. P. Neyezhmakov / Introduction & Discussion
5.3 / July 6, / Questionnaire No. 3 / Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Introduction & Discussion
6 / July 6, / Funding models for a EAMRV / Prof. K.-D. Sommer / Dicussion
7 / July 6, / Activities to the next meeting / Dr. P. Neyeshmakov / Discussion & Decision
8 / July 6, / Date and location of the follow-up meeting / Dr. P. Neyeshmakov / Discussion & Decision
9 / July 6, / Any other business / Prof. V. Krutikov / Discussion & Decision
10 / July 6, / Closure of the meeting / Prof. V. Krutikov

Decisionsand actions:

  • DuringthemeetingofTC 5 “JointScientificResearch” WorkinggrouptheK.-D. Sommer, A. WeckenmannandM. Halajmadetheirpresentations. The issue of joint research was discussed, the common goals and framework of Euro-Asian metrological research (EAMRV), intended social and economic impact, possible forms of cooperation, procedure of determination and implementation of EAMRV, etc. were determined at the meeting.

Theparticipantsofthemeetingdiscussed the issues.COOMETPresidentV. Krutikovclarified, that there’s the big gap in capabilities of NMIs of COOMET Member states on different development level.

  • Thequestionnaireswerediscussed, theexamplesoftheirfilling.

a.Questionnaire № 1 “NMI’s current research-and-development resources, capabilities, capacities and international cooperation”is necessary first of all for the interested organizations, willing to analyze their metrological capabilities. Whenthequestionnaireisfilled, everyCOOMETMemberstatecan determine its’ aims in the framework of joint metrological research.


ToaskNMIsofCOOMETMember-statestofillonlythatpartsofquestionnaire№ 1, which don’t require the confidential information;

To ask the COOMET President, Member of TC 5 Working group V. Krutikov to give the exact phrasing of Russian suggestions aimed to simplify the filling of questionnaire № 1 till 31st of August 2012.

b.Questionnaire № 2 “Aspired capacity, capability and quality of the national calibration, measurement and testing infrastructure”.


Toaskпросить COOMETVice-president, MemberofTC 5 WorkinggroupP. Neyezhmakovtoremakethequestionnaire № 2till 31stofAugust 2012, inparticularp. 2.2.1, 2.2.3, 2.2.4.

c.Questionnaire № 3 “Metrology for the future and demands on joint metrological research”.

Participantsofthemeetingexpressedtheirdoubtsconcerningpoliticians’ participation in initiation joint research program. ItwouldbereasonableforeveryCOOMETMemberstatetochoose not less than 3 spheres of research.


ToaskCOOMETVice-president, MemberofTC 5 WorkinggroupK.-D. Sommer to remakethequestionnaire№ 3 till 31stofAugust 2012.

  • TheparticipantsofthemeetingexpressedtheopinionthatCOOMETTCshavetoelaborate “roadmaps”, takingEURAMETTCs experience as the example.


ToaskchairpersonsofTC 1.2 – TC 1.12 tostudytheexperienceofEURAMETinmakingof “roadmaps” andtodiscussthisissuesonTCs’ meetings;

ToaskthechairpersonofCOOMETJointCommitteeonmeasuringstandardsAnnaChunovkinatogether with chair persons of TC 1.2 – TC 1.12 to organize the elaboration of “COOMET road maps” drafts till 2015 for each sphere of measurements in framework of each TC till 31st of March 2012.

Toaskmembers of TC 5 Workinggrouptoorganizethediscussionof “road maps” drafts till 23rd meeting of COOMET Committee;

ToinstructCOOMETSecretariattoincludetheissueof “roadmaps” for each sphere of measurements into agenda of 23rd COOMET Committee meeting.

  • Participants of the meeting discussed the issue of assignment of TC 5 chair person and setting up of TC 5 membership.COOMETVice-presidentK.-D. SommerwassuggestedforthepositionofTC 5 chairperson. ItwasdecidedtomakethenextmeetingofTC 5 on the 2nd day of COOMET Presidents’ Council meeting.


ToinstructCOOMETSecretariattoincludetheissueofTC 5 chairpersonandsettingupof TC 5 membershipintotheagendaof 23rdCOOMETCommitteemeeting;

ToinstructCOOMETSecretariattoincludetheissueofallocation of duties between COOMET President and Vice-presidents into the agenda of 17th meeting of COOMET Presidents’ Council, taking the discussion into account;

ToorganizethenextmeetingofTC 5 Working group in framework of 17th COOMET Presidents’ Council meeting.

COOMET President,

Member of TC 5 Working group V. Krutikov

COOMET Vice-president,

Member of TC 5 Working group K.-D. Sommer

COOMET Vice-president,

Member of TC 5 Working group P. Neyezhmakov
