New Mexico Network for

Women in Science and Engineering

OFFICERS/BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tinka Gammel, Mercedes Agogino, Dana Roberson, Janie Enter (Quorum = majority of Board, including proxies) Guests Karen Agogino, Cheri Burch

April 9 Board Meeting Minutes

Date: April 9, 2005

Time: 2:00 PM.

Place: New Mexico Institute of Technology, Socorro, NM


Call to Order: 2:30 Tinka Gammel
Secretary’s Report Yolanda King

Board Meeting minutes for February meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report Yolanda King

Funds balance reported as $15,698.82 in checking including the $7125.67 transferred from the money market due to Debby Potter’s very successful fundraising. The report will be filed for audit. Yolanda reported that we need to be careful with our spending and assist Debbie in bringing in more support.

Review of Action Items Tinka Gammel
Date Opened / Action / Responsible / Status
12/2004 / Provide a detailed financial report at the next meeting so we can assess our budget vs. actuals situation / Yolanda King / Closed
12/2004 / Contact Kelly Bitner to serve as chair if Annual Meeting is in ABQ, Contact Judith Hohmann about chairing and hosting it in southern part of state / Barbara Torres / Open
12/2004 / Determine if Adrienne Dare would agree to chair elections / Barbara Torres / Open
12/2004 / Date of 2005 Annual Meeting: Sept 23-25 is not a good date for the majority of the Board. It will be coordinated with the remainder of the Board / Barbara Torres / Open
12/2004 / Propose new dates for 2005 Annual meeting as Sept 23-25 is not a good time for the majority of the board / Barbara Torres / Closed
12/2004 / Ask Kim Linder to acquire documentation on the reporting requirements for the funds donated by Honeywell / Barbara Torres / Open

Chapter Reports

Central No Activity other than EYH

Northern No Activity other than EYH

Silver City No Activity other than EYH

Reports from Standing Committee Chairs

2005 Annual Meeting No Report

Elections No Report

Archives No Report

Web Page Tinka Gammel

In progress

Membership Dana Roberson

Sent out PDF of membership to all emails in database

In process of updating names and addresses and will send notice to all returned emails by us post.

Fund Raising Debby Potter

Written report

At the last Board meeting, a Fund-Raising Committee was formed that includes the Network’s Fund-Raising Chair, State EYH Chair and the Chair for each Chapter’s EYH (or their representative). The fund-raising activities for 2006 are:

1.  Submitting two grant applications, one online, and one hard copy. Note that I have copies of the previous successful applications from the same contributors.

2.  Writing thank-you letters to any sponsors that contribute money.

3.  Sending financial / accomplishment reports to each sponsor for 2005 EYH conferences ASAP (April or May). The report from the EYH Chair(s) to the Math Science Network and the Treasurer’s report showing all EYH expenses in 2005 are needed to do this. Many contributors provide a specific reporting form.

Funding to be requested for EYH conferences scheduled in 2006:

$3,000 from McCune Charitable Foundation – online application due November 2005

$5,000 from PNM Foundation, partnership grant for education – deadline May 15

$5,000 from Honeywell International Foundation, Inc. – arranged by Kim Linder

TOTAL $13,000


Currently there is no chair. BWT will see if Linda Towers would be willing to do the newsletter.

Policies and Procedures
Currently there is no chair; Barbara will ask Judith Hohmann to chair.
Publicity Kim Linder

No Report

Science Fair Mercedes Agogino

In Progress

Total of 10 Prizes – 5 Senior and 5 Junior


·  NMNWSE needs to include an indication of flexibility to the Science Fair in our determining prizes, so we could award all 10 in one division if wished.

·  We include Science Fair Awards in our grant preparation and requests.

·  We determine the exact date of the Science Fair and be sure it matches with our Board meeting.

Expanding Your Horizons:

Central Yolanda King

The Central EYH was held at UNM on Saturday, the 12th of March. The EYH offered 22 student workshops with 28 role model presenters from industry, government labs and academia. The adult session for parents and teachers offered a single track which included including math and science in students to how to get financial assistance for college. Tours of three laboratories and museums were offered. The Key Note Address was given by Brigadier General Annette Sobel, MD, who was the NM Homeland Security Director and is formerly with the astronaut corp. Closing session included thanking the presenters, committee and attendees. Evaluation forms were submitted in return for a door prize ticket. Many donations from sponsors and the community were given out to encourage filling out the evaluation form.

Registration was very late in coming in, but was similar to last year’s attendance with 279 students and 87 adults preregistered. There were 71 student no-shows with 19 walk-ins for a net of 227 students and (with one on-site registration) 92 adults. The student registration was 69% middle school with the remainder in high school. This includes home-schooled students. The evaluation forms are being analyzed and will yield the demographics in more detail. Judging from the demographics of the schools listed by students, we anticipate that the number of Hispanic and Native Americans will remain about the same as last year (35% and 10% respectively).

The Central Treasurer is awaiting final billing from UNM and miscellaneous receipts from the committee members to give the final cost and income balance.

Respectfully submitted

Dr. Yolanda Jones King

Silver City Adrian Dare

The 13th annual Silver City EYH conference at WNMU was held on Saturday March 5, 2005 on the Western New Mexico University Campus. This was our most successful conference yet with 294 girls from the Silver and Cobre Districts as well as from Reserve, Deming and Lordsburg.

The conference targets 5th – 10th grade girls. For the last two years we’ve observed that over 80% of the girls have been in the 5th, 6th or 7th grades. This year 42.5% were 5th grade girls, 22% were 6th grade girls and 18% were 7th grade girls. We hope this EYH experience will make a positive difference in these young girl’s lives by encouraging them to take more math and science classes in order to help increase their future opportunities.

In spite of our great success with the numbers there was still a 35% no show.

We’ve scheduled a review session on April 16 to get feedback from anyone involved in the organization of the conference in order to improve our efforts for next year.

Northern Dana Roberson

The Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering, held its annual Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) -- technical career workshops for young women – Thursday March 31, 2005 in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Parish Hall. The EYH program attracted 162 female students this year. The corresponding EYH teachers’ conference, which runs simultaneously with the student workshops, was also in Parish Hall with 28 participants.

EYH volunteers and presenters were from different disciplines of math, science, and engineering including, but not limited to, biology, electrical engineering, chemistry, physics, physical science and computer science. EYH Committee Chair Georgia Pedicini said committee members have been working since October to organize this event.

After the registration and welcome period, the students dove into their team activity -- the Column Design Challenge. The young women were given eight sheets of copy paper, one piece of cardstock, scissors, pencils, a ruler, and one roll of scotch tape to design a structural support (single or multiple columns) capable of holding up a load of stacked books, a student or teacher. Ideas flowed and scraps of papers flew through the air and the distinct sound of scotch tape tearing filled the room. In the end, every team produced impressive designs capable of supporting multiple, thick volumes.

Team member Maria Janke of Los Alamos High School displayed her team’s design, Penta-Comb, which sported the creative advertising slogan of: “So sturdy, it makes us look nerdy.”

After the team activity, students broke into one of the 16 workshops offered by EYH -- some took buses to different locations such as Fuller Lodge, the Wellness Center and other facilities at the Lab while many students attended workshops on-site.

Chapter Reports:

Central Chapter Yolanda King

No report.

Eastern Chapter Mercedes Agogino

No report.

Northern Chapter Janie Enter

Tinka reported that they continue to have lunchtime talks. Wendee Brunish is spearheading a reorganization effort.

Old Business:

§  Strategic Planning—a calendar for next year was developed at the annual meeting. Mary has the notes and will distribute.

§  Super Computer Challenge Award

One Award $50 split between team and Bag for each team member

Suggested that each participant receive the EYH Careers CD as they had been date stamped. Approved by Board

New Business:

Dark Sky resolution: That we join the American Physical Society in supporting lighting limits for evening lighting.

Adjourned at 3:30 pm