S/R/C Funding Proposal Form

Please read CRLA Policy for Funding States, Regions, Chapters (S/R/C) & Special Interest Groups (SIG).

Name of State/Region/Chapter: New Mexico State Chapter of CRLA

1. Statement of Purpose for Funding Request

To support the annual state conference. To bring presentations on best practices in tutoring and developmental education to the New Mexico instructors and tutors.

Nature of activity:

_X_ Conference

__ Workshop

__ Seminar

__ Webinar

__ Membership drive


Date(s), duration, and locale of the activity:

One day in July. Possible July 21 or 28. The conference will be held in Albuquerque, NM.

Registration fee (if applicable):

Full registration is $60.00, Student registration is $15.00.

2. Funding Purposes (check all purposes that apply)

__X_ Offers professional development activities for the membership.

_X__ Encourages the growth of CRLA’s membership.

_X__ Provides services to members unable to attend CRLA’s annual conferences.

Explain how the activity meets specified purpose(s):

The annual state conference is a chance for those familiar with CRLA to attend a conference of presenters who are engaging and knowledgeable about topics in tutoring and developmental education. At the conference, the organizer provides information on becoming a member of CRLA to all who attend and reports on the activities that are ongoing in CRLA.

3. Itemization of Projected Expenses



Continental Breakfast and Lunch600.00

Venue Rental200.00

Total Amount Requested: $1000.00

4. Board Representative

If you are hosting a conference or meeting are you requesting that a representative from the Board of Directors attends? (Please see the funding parameters below for attendance by a BoD member.)

Yes _X__No ___ If yes…who?

I would like to request that the Board approve Lucy MacDonald as their representative to the NM CRLA conference. This is something that has been done in the past. The reason I would like Lucy to be the representative is present on Technology to the attendees of the conference. There are many instructors at the community college who have difficulty integrating technology into their courses and Lucy is a knowledgeable person on this topic.

5. Contact information and Signature

Name: Ann Wolf

Mailing Address 2 Caracal Street, Belen, NM 87002

Work Phone: 505-891-6923Home Phone: 505-859-1073


______Ann A. Wolf______January 7, 2017

e-signature of State/Region Director/Chapter PresidentDate

Complete this form and submit it to the current Coordinator of S/R/C Leaders with appropriate supporting documentation.

Important Policy on Funding

Please read CRLA Policy for Funding States, Regions, Chapters (S/R/C) & Special Interest Groups (SIG)document.

1.Funding Cycles. There are two funding cycles.

A.Proposals for funding Spring and Summer activities must be received by the Coordinator of S/R/C & SIG Leaders by January 15 (to be processed at the February Board meeting).

B.Proposals for funding Fall and Winter activities must be received by the Coordinator of S/R/C & SIG Leaders by June 15 (to be processed at the June Board meeting).

2. Board Representation. If you seek funding for a CRLA State/Region/Chapter conference or meeting, the following restrictions apply if you are asking a Board member to attend:

•The CRLA Board will pay round-trip travel for your requested Board member to attend a regional CRLA event.

• The local CRLA State/Region/Chapter is responsible for the Board representative’s meals, lodging, or honorariums, including gift bags. The CRLA Board will not pay or reimburse these expenses of the CRLA representative at the S/R/C event.

Revised: 9/2004; 9/12/08; 09/09; 11/11; 4/13; 3/14