16.11/1720/FUL Construction of a brick paved hardstanding area and set of double access gates to give access to woods adjacent to 14Hamilton Road, South Oxhey at LAND ADJACENT TO 14 HAMILTON ROAD, SOUTH OXHEY, WATFORD, HERTFORDSHIRE, WD19 7BS for Three Rivers District Council


This application has been called to Committee because the applicant is Three Rivers District Council.

Parish: Watford Rural Parish Council / Ward: Hayling
Expiry Statutory Period: 6 October 2011 / Officer: Claire Williams

1.Relevant Planning History

1.1No relevant planning history.

2.Detailed Description of Proposed Development

2.1The application site is land adjacent to 14 Hamilton Road, South Oxhey. It is located at the end of a cul de sac that forms part of the Hamilton Road housing development that was granted planning permission in 1988. The site includes a strip of grassed amenity land and a parking space allocated to 14 Hamilton Road. The parking space is one of five allocated parking spaces.To the west of the application site is the Ox Pasture Spring woods which is enclosed by approximately 1.8 metre high close boarded timber fencing and is set at higher ground than the highway.

2.2The application seeks planning permission for the construction of a brick paved hardstanding area and set of double gates. It would give access to the woods adjacent to 14 Hamilton Road for general maintenance and tree management. The proposed brick paved hardstanding would be positioned to the west of the existing allocated parking bay and measure 5 metres in depth and 2.4 metres in width. The hardstanding area is required to allow temporary use of the Council’s tree surgeons vehicle to be parked. The proposed double gate would match the existing fence in colour, design and materials. The erection of double gates would enable access into the woods.

2.3The Design and Access Statement submitted states that Three Rivers District Council has agreed and paid an agreed sum to the owner of the land- 14 Hamilton Road to allow for the paved area to be constructed on his land. Three Rivers District Council have agreed to maintain both the gates and the hardstanding area.


3.1.1Watford Rural Parish Council: No comments received to date.

3.1.2Landscape Officer: No formal written comments received. The proposals have been verbally discussed with the Landscape Officer who does not object to the scheme, but would suggest a condition be attached to any grant of planning permission to ensure that any tree roots discovered are appropriately pruned (condition not currently included in report).

3.1.3Hertfordshire County Council: Section 6 of the application form indicates the development involves a new or alteration of an existing vehicle access to the highway but this spur serving 4-26 Hamilton Road is classed as private in the Hertfordshire County Council’s Gazetteer, therefore the development does not appear to involve a new or alteration of an existing access to the highway. I do not consider this hardstanding is likely to result in a material increase in traffic movements from the site therefore I have no objection or conditions to the grant of permission.

3.2Site/Press Notice

3.2.1Site Notice posted 22 August 2011 and expires 12 September 2011.

3.2.2Press Notice published 26 August 2011 and expires 16 September 2011.


3.3.1Number consulted: 12

Number of responses:No responses received to date.

4.Summary of Representations

4.1No comments received to date.

5.Reason for Delay


6.Relevant District Plan Provision

6.1Policies GEN1, N15, N16, N18, T7, T8 and Appendix 1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

6.2The Three Rivers Local Development Framework is currently being drawn up. The Submission Draft of the Core Strategy was approved by the Council in February 2011 and has been submitted to the Government. The Examination in Public took place in early June. Relevant Policies to this planning application include CP1, CP10 and CP12.


7.1The proposed brick paved hardstanding area would be positioned to the west of the existing parking bay. Although the documentation provided does not confirm whether the block paving would be permeable, any surface water run-off from the new hardstanding area would be able to drain into the adjacent grassed amenity land.

7.2The hardstanding would provide one additional parking space and result in the loss of an area of grassed amenity land measuring 12 square metres. The existing strip of grassed amenity land provides an element of green space within the urban environment. However, the section to be lost would not be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area.

7.3Although the existing parking bays are not brick paved it is considered that the proposed hardstanding area, adjacent to five existing allocated parking bays, would not be a prominent feature within the streetscene. The double gates would match the existing fencing that encloses the Ox Pasture Spring wooded area in terms of colour, design and materials. The proposed brick paved hardstanding area and double gates would not result in any significant demonstrable harm on the visual amenities of the street scene or the character of the area as a whole. The proposed development, by reason of its location would also have no detrimental impacts upon the residential amenity of any surrounding dwellings.

7.4Hertfordshire Highways were consulted on the proposed scheme and raise no objection. They stated that the proposed hardstanding would be unlikely to result in a material increase in traffic movements from the site.

7.5The purpose of the proposal is to enable sound arboricultural management of the woods. In order to construct the proposed hardstanding the area would be excavated to a depth of 0.25 metres and the base cleared of all tree roots and large stones to leave a clear and even base. Although the site is adjacent to the Ox Pasture Spring woods, the proposed scheme is unlikely to have any significant affect on trees because the proposed works would be small scale. The Landscape Officer has been consulted on the proposed scheme and has no major concerns. However a condition would be attached to any grant of planning permission to ensure that any tree roots discovered are appropriately pruned (condition not currently included in report).

7.6The Design and Access Statement submitted is considered acceptable in its scope. The statement states that access to the woods is required to allow for general maintenance and tree management. It also states that Three Rivers District Council has agreed and paid an agreed sum to the owner of the land- 14 Hamilton Road to allow for the paved area to be constructed on his land. Three Rivers District Council has also agreed to maintain both the gates and the hardstanding area.

7.7In summary, the development complies with the relevant policies of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 and the Core Strategy Submission Version (February 2011). The proposal would not be out of character with the area, or result in any detrimental harm to the neighbouring properties or the wider area.


8.1That PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions:-

C1The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON: In pursuance of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

C2The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: TRDC001, TRDC002 and TRDC003.

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt, in the proper interests of planning, the visual characteristics of the streetscene and residential amenity; in accordance with Policies GEN1, N15, N16, N18, T7, T8 and Appendix 1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 and Policies CP1, CP10 and CP12 of the Core Strategy Submission Version (February 2011).


I1Subject to the conditions attached to this permission, the proposed development would not have a significant adverse impact on neighbouring properties, or otherwise result in demonstrable harm. The proposed development would comply with Policies GEN1, N15, N16, N18, T7, T8 and Appendix 1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 and Policies CP1, CP10 and CP12 of the Core Strategy Submission Version (February 2011).

I2With regard to implementing this permission, the applicant is advised as follows:

All relevant planning conditions must be discharged prior to the commencement of work. Requests to discharge conditions must be made by application form; the relevant form is available on the Council's website ( Fees are £85 per request (or £25 where the related permission is for extending or altering a dwellinghouse or other development in the curtilage of a dwellinghouse). Please note that requests made without the appropriate fee will be returned unanswered.

There may be a requirement for the approved development to comply with the Building Regulations. The Council's Building Control section can be contacted on telephone number 01923 727132 or at the website above for more information and application forms.

Where possible, energy saving and water harvesting measures should be incorporated. Information on this is also available from the Council’s Building Control section. Any external changes to the building which may be subsequently required should be discussed with the Council’s Development Management Section prior to the commencement of work.

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