Federal Inter-Agency Digital Imagery Working Group (IADIWG) Teleconference

Date/Time: 4 January 2005, 1030 – 1130 Eastern Time

Attendees: Thomas Stanley (NASA-SSC), Tony Kimmett (NRCS), David Davis (FSA-APFO), John Mootz (FSA-APFO), Russ Jackson (BLM), Brian Huberty (FWS – NWI), Len LaFeir (NGA), Greg Stensaas (USGS), George Lee (USGS), Jon Christopherson (USGS), Lee Werth (BOR), Jerry Fraser (NIST), Mark Steffel (NGA), Jim Filla (NGA), Phil Rufe (USGS-Recorder).

Stephen White (NOAA-NGS), Geoff Gabbott (FSA-APFO), Doug Johnson (USFS), and David McDaniel (ACOE) were absent.

Greg Stensaas facilitated this teleconference.

First Topic – Action Item Review: The group reviewed the statuses of the following action items from the 7 December teleconference:

  1. Greg Stensaas – Coordinate with Tom Stanley for facilities for January Meeting - Done
  2. Phil Rufe – Extract and group information from existing specifications – In progress.
  3. Greg Stensaas – Gather examples of generic requirements for digital imagery - Link to existing requirements is being posted to the CalVal web site
  4. Greg Stensaas – Follow up with NIST about participating in IADIWG – Done, Jerry Fraser is sitting in on this call
  5. Greg Stensaas, Phil Rufe – Gather and distribute travel information, facilities information, and agenda items for the January face-to-face meeting. –Done
  6. Phil Rufe – Schedule teleconference bridge for 4 January teleconference, preferably for 1030-1230 Eastern Time. -Done
  7. Brian Huberty, George Lee – Call Ed Freeborn to discuss IADIWG and potential for DHS participation. Done – Mr. Freeborn is not the right person for this group at this time. There are some other possible candidates – Paul Rooney or John Perry.

Second Topic – Discussion of Draft Agenda for Stennis Meeting: The group reviewed draft agenda distributed before the meeting line by line. With one change, the group accepted the general outline of the meeting. That change was to combine the NASA Agency Presentation with the laboratory tour and to hold those events just after lunch. The group discussed the exact intent and nature and intent of some of the discussion topics and made some refinements to topic titles for some of the agenda items.

One of the longer, detailed discussions was on the inter-relationship of airborne and space borne systems. While the group acknowledges the connection between the two types of systems and that a sensor-agnostic standard is desirable, the current deficiency is in standards for airborne systems.

Len LaFeir suggested that the draft charter should be a draft charter outline and that one of the outcomes of this meeting should be assigning writing responsibilities to fill out the outline.

Action Items:

  1. Get list of meeting attendees to Tom Stanley NLT 14 January (Rufe)
  2. Contact Bill Harris to garner ideas for DHS membership (Rufe)
  3. Contact Paul Rooney regarding DHS membership (Lee)
  4. Contact John Perry regarding DHS membership (Stensaas)
  5. Revise and distribute agenda for meeting (Rufe)