Lakewood Rotary Board DRAFT Minutes

November 18, 2009, 5:30pm, Tacoma Golf and Country Club

Present: Greg Horn, Sally Smith, Astrid Arola, Andrew Neiditz,, Tony Robinson, Paul Wulfestieg, Dave Reames, Denise Yochum, Bill Potter, Mick Johnson

Ted Wier, for presentation regarding Partners for Parks.

Puffin Visitors: Don Daniels and Ed Shannon

Not present: Joel Feldman

1.  Call to Order

President Greg called the meeting to order at 5:40pm

2.  Secretary’s Report

Minutes approved as emailed. In future, minutes will be approved through email.


·  Total members as of October 1: 124

·  New Member: 1

·  Members left during month: 5

o  Discussed dues unpaid and assignments made to Board Members to follow up. President Greg Horn read Don Greenleaf’s resignation.

·  Total Members as of October 31, 2009 :120

·  38 Makeups

·  73.54% Club Attendance

Potential new members: 3

Sally Smith will talk to Ted Wier regarding new member scheduling.

3.  Treasurer’s Report

Astrid Arola reports:

1. The form 990’s for both Operations and Services have been filed.

2. I’m working with Vaughn and Wynn Hoffman to track the Sportsmen’s Dinner income and expenses more efficiently. We are working together to bridge the differences between the auction tracker and our quickbooks file.

Additional Discussion:

1. Astrid Arola and Paul Wulfestieg will work together on auditing of financial reports. Discussed Seattle 4 embezzlement.

2. Astrid Arola will send Sally Smith new disbursement form to put on web site. We must have names and addresses of people we are submitting reimbursement for.

President’s Announcements

President Greg Horn had no reports today.

Directors’ Reports:

1.  Membership & Fellowship (Andrew Neiditz)

·  Membership (Stephanie Walsh)

·  New Member Subcommittee (Stephanie Walsh)

New Member Tune-Up to be rescheduled

·  Membership Mentoring Subcommittee (Stephanie Walsh)

·  Fireside / Information (John Magnuson)

Report from Hawaii!

·  Puffins (John Korsmo)

Holiday Food Basket on December 19th

Roasting of Greg II on December 18

·  Club Sports ( Michael Lewis)

Planning for the Annual Softball event in progress

·  Fellowship (Gayle Selden)

Packwood trip scheduled for new dates: Feb. 5,6, & &

·  Revolving Dinner (Donna Phillips)

Mary Horn and Donna Phillips will host the next Revolving Dinner

·  Fellowship Regatta (Morris Northcutt)

·  Birthday / Anniversary (Dave Sclair, Judy Hosea)

2.  Community Service–General (Paul Wulfestieg)

Paul Wulfestieg reported that he is preparing a District Simplified Grant that will involve the Emergency Food Network. He also discussed the Fall Raffle and the need to do some things differently in the future.

a.  Community Concerns (Steve Mazoff)

Steve Mazoff reported following the Community Concerns Meeting Held Nov. 6, 2009:

The following is a summary of the matters discussed and actions taken at the meeting. Corrections, comments etc. are quite welcome.

First we discussed our approved budget for this year which at this time is $10,800. Additionally we discussed how we can leverage our impact on the local community by working up a DSG project and selecting a worthy local organization as our “raise the paddle” organization at this years Sportsman’s dinner and Auction.

I advised the committee that there were several more requests received that were not up for discussion since they were either “stale” or were “to whom it may concern” requests or non specific requests for help. . While some of the requests did not result in a recommended grant, we will hold these and see what the rest of the year brings. Also we did not allocate the entire budget inasmuch as there are several organizations we have not heard from and there will also be several small requests coming in the door during the holiday period that we might want to consider. The following were discussed and the decisions noted.

1. LASA $1500

2. Caring for Kids $1000

3. Communities in Schools $2000

4. Clover Park Elementary School Emergency Fund $1000

5. WWEE $1000

6.TALC $250

7. YMCA Not approved

8.Greater Lakes Mental Health Not Approved

9.Boys and Girls Club Not Approved

10 Lakewood Historical Society Not Approved

11. Associated Ministries $1000 pending a fleshed out request specifically tied to it’s Family Emergency Fund.

As noted above we approved grants totaling $7550 leaving a reserve of $3250. I will work with Astrid to move these forward.

After the above actions we discussed the “raise the paddle” and DSG issues. It was decided that we would work with the Emergency Food Network to come up with a DSG project. I have talked to the Executive Director (Helen McGovern) and she is working on a couple of projects which might well meet the DSG criteria. I should have outlines by the end of this week after which I will circulate for comments. In this regard, if we move forward with a DSG project involving the EFN, Cindy Thompson will assume the lead calling upon the expertise of both Paul Wulfesteig and Bob Zawilski. Additionally, Mike Turned has agreed to help with one of the two special projects and if we move forward with the EFN I would ask him to work with Cindy and Helen. With regard to the “raise the paddle” organization I have talked to Keith Galbraith of the Family Renewal Shelter about how we could structure a campaign for the Dinner and Auction (as we discussed at the meeting) which would benefit that most worthwhile organization. As soon as I receive his outline I will share that with all of you.

I think that we have some up with a game plan to maximize our dollars in a way that will greatly benefit the neediest in our community. Thank you all for your support and counsel. Paul Wulfesteig, please forward this to Tony Robinson since I do not have a current e-mail address for him.

Steve Mazoff

a. Partners for Parks (Dave Guttu)

Ted Wier provided a status report on the Partners for Parks work project. Ted Wier will make a presentation to the full club.

b.  Courage Classic (Dave Guttu)

c.  Literacy (Sally Smith)

John Korsmo and Sally Porter Smith attended the Pierce County Library System Foundation’s breakfast to learn about the 2009 summer reading program that Lakewood Rotary helped sponsor. Judy Nelson reported on the number of kids and teens who participated in the program. Here are a few statistics:

·  Estimated number of minutes read by children county wide = 4,147,500 minutes or about 69,125 hours (

·  Schools visited: K-3rd grades = 88 (-11)

·  Classes seen 964 (+43 classes)

·  Students presented to 22,568 (+1089 students)

·  Teachers presented to 818 (-23 teachers)

·  Total who attended school presentations 23,386, (+1066 persons)

·  Booklets received 25,000 (+250)

·  Booklets distributed by Labor Day 19,965 (-2585)

A question was raised about where this donation was budgeted. Paul Wulfestieg followed ups with this email:

“I just had a chance to review the budget that we passed last month and if you look under the community concerns area, at the bottom, just above the Pier project, you will see, as Greg remembered, the line item for the $1000 to PCLF. So that should not be counted as having come out of the $10,800 we allocated above that (top of group) to the Community Concerns Committee....their budget is separate from the $1000 to PCLF.....thanks, Yours in Rotary, Paul W., email 11/18/09.

d.  Fall Raffle (Ron Irwin)

e.  Sportsman’s Dinner (Tony Robinson/Paul Wulfestieg)

Paul W. and Tony R. discussed the Raise the Paddle portion of the auction and the need for a targeted charity that people can understand and buy into.

f.  Major Project (Bob Zawilski/Greg Rediske

Other discussion:

Confirm Don Daniels has been assigned to Community Service Committee

3.  Community Service–Youth (Bill Potter)

a.  Youth Sports & Activities (Michael Lewis)

b.  Scholarship/Student Recognition (Robert Peterson)

c.  Next Step (Bud Montgomery Chair/Ron Irwin and Mike McGowan vice chairs)

d.  RYLA (Dave Coleman)

e.  Educator Recognition (Tony Robinson)

f.  Lakeview Tutoring (Charlie Hyde)

g.  Youth Exchange (Greg Rediske)

4.  Public Relations & Communications (Denise Yochum)

a.  Publicity (Dave Guttu/Dave Sclair)

b.  Club Bulletin (Dave Sclair)

c.  Club Directory Not Listed

d.  Calendar (Dave Covey)

e.  Sunshine/Spiritual Support (Jan Luze/Carl Fynboe)

f.  Invocations (Dan Livingston, Cary Fynboe)

g.  Military Appreciation (Tracye Kakley)

h.  Risk Management (Gary Fulton)

i.  Gambling (Dave Guttu)

5.  Rotary Foundation & Rotary International (Dave Reames)

a.  Paul Harris Foundation (Gary Fulton)

b.  Lakewood Community Foundation (Co-chairs: Greg Rediske, Clint Johnson, and Dave Betz)

c.  World Affairs Conference (Bill Price)

d.  World Community Service (Mark Blanchard)

6.  Club Administration (Tony Robinson)

a.  Program (Larry Faulk)

b.  Attendance/Greeters (Dan Livingston/Jim Skar)

c.  Sgt-At-Arms (Bill Young)

d.  District Affairs (Dave Covey, Ted Wier)

Dave Covey reports: The District Conference will be in Longview June 4-5-6. Traditionally Lakewood Rotary came to the District Conference with both feet and neighboring Clubs knew to give us a call if they needed help with rooms/transportation. Have FUN is our goal this year and with Ted Weir co-chairing, we can't miss.

We are attempting to partner with the Port Hardy Rotary Club, the farthest Club away in District 5020, helping them get down to Longview. In return they will give us a 2 day/3night fishing trip out of Port Hardy for our Sportsman's Dinner.

Haven't worked out transportation yet, a bus is pretty expensive. Any ideas are appreciated. We've rented vans before when we got a deal from Leon. Maybe RVs? Maybe a Roadster Romp? We do have 12 rooms already reserved at the Red Lion and hope to do more.

e.  Installation Banquet (Bill Young)

f.  By-Laws ( Don Greenleaf)

g.  Long Range Planning (Judy Hosea)

h.  Set-Up/Equipment (Richard Simmons)

7.  Old Business

8.  New Business

Paul Wufestieg discussed early leavers and cell phones going off during meeting. The Board agreed to the following:

1. Anyone needing to leave the meeting early should acquire an early-leaver (otherwise known as a Scooter) button whensigning in for the meeting at a cost of $5. When leaving, the button will be turned in to the Sgt.-at-arms. Hopefully this will reduce the number of those "scooting" out early and also bolster the treasury at the expense of those leaving early to conclude their "million dollar business deals."

2. A $20 fine will be assessed for a person's first phone call during the meeting and an additional $20 fine for each subsequent phone call.

9.  Next Meeting: December 16, 2009, 5:30pm, TG&CC

10. Adjourn