English Phonetics and Phonology I – I.E.S. “Aguilares”- 2011
Name: ...... Date: ...... / Pass / Fail


A)Matching. Match the speech organs with their function.


English Phonetics and Phonology I – I.E.S. “Aguilares”- 2011
Name: ...... Date: ...... / Pass / Fail
  1. Vocal cords
  2. Lungs
  3. Pharynx
  4. Lower jaw
  5. Epiglottis
  1. Motor or engine
  2. Amplifier
  3. Food/Air Passage selector
  4. Vibrator set
  5. Shaper of oral cavity


English Phonetics and Phonology I – I.E.S. “Aguilares”- 2011
Name: ...... Date: ...... / Pass / Fail

B)The odd-one-out. All the following descriptions are true, except for one. Find it and justify why (on a separate sheet of paper)

  1. a) The pharynx is located above the larynx.

b) Sounds in the English language are produced by this articulator.

c) It can be divided into three areas for the sake of phonetic study.

  1. a) There are many sounds in English which are produced in the lips.

b) The lips can adopt more than one position.

c) They consist of an active articulator and a passive articulator.

  1. a) The root of the tongue is involved in sound production.

b) It is possible to spread the tongue laterally, producing lateral sounds.

c) Nasal sounds also involve a contact of a part of the tongue with an area of the mouth cavity.

C)Fill-in the gaps. Complete the gaps with only one word:

  1. The most prominent part of the larynx, and a section of the Thyroid Cartilage, is called …………… ……………….. .
  2. The raising of the soft palate allows the production of ……………….. sounds. In contrast, its lowering corresponds with the production of ……………………. sounds.
  3. The technical term for incoming air is ……………………. .
  4. When the vocal cords are tightly closed and air is pent up below, this sound comes out with an explosion. We call it ………………….. ………………………. .
  5. The process by which we take in oxygen is called ……………………. .

D)Complete the following chart with examples from the theory

CAVITIES: …………………………………………………………………………………………….


ACTIVE: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

PASSIVE: ………………………………………………………………………………………………


E)Summary. Write a summary for the following organs of speech. Do not write what you are not asked for, just the features that are asked for between brackets (5 lines per each organ).

The lungs (structure, parts, boundaries, functions, action, effect on the production of sounds)

The Cavities (structure, boundaries)

The pharynx (structure, divisions, sounds produced)

The larynx(physiological characteristics, boundaries, structure)

The alveolar ridge (other names, structure, movements, sounds produced)

The lips (structure, movements, sounds produced)

The Vocal cords (function, movements, sounds produced)

The tongue (structure, division, movements, sounds produced)

The jaws (structure, movements, sounds produced)

The Velum or Soft Palate (structure, movements, sounds produced)

F)Speech chain Mind map (mapa conceptual). Create a mind map which explains the speech chain process in a simple way