Teaching Rules

Lesson Plan

Location: Cafeteria

(3-5, positively stated) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
Walk to designated area. / Walk to and from the cafeteria using quiet voices. / Running to and from the cafeteria.
Get everything needed. / Utensils, napkins and all items should be had before going to seating area. / Standing up and walking back to get utensils.
Make friendly table talk. / Be courteous to other students. / Yelling, shouting or screaming.
Remain seated. / Raise your hand and wait. / Calling out to others to get their attention.
Leave your area clean / Pick up all trash, containers, food left on table / Leaving cafeteria with trash or food on table

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

Behavior Expectation Lesson Plan
Tube.com (Video)- Student Behavior Cafeteria Expectation at Monroe Elementary

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details):

Cafeteria Rules
Expectation(s) being taught:
Be Respectful, Act Responsibly, and Say “Yes” to Self-Control
Timeframe to teach: 20 minutes
Specific, measurable, observable behaviors that demonstrate the expectations in this location
Be Respectful in the Cafeteria:
• Use soft voices.
• Use “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me.”
Act Responsibly in the Cafeteria:
• Clean up after yourself
• Eat your own food.
Say “Yes” to Self-Control in the Cafeteria:
• Walk only.
• Sit down to eat.
• Wait to be excused
Introduce/teach what it means to be Responsible, Respectful and Safe in the Cafeteria.”
Why is it important to follow the BAY expectations in the cafeteria? Explain why itʼs important to behave this way.
- What kind of behavior is appropriate to use in the Cafeteria?
Explain what appropriate behavior looks like in the Cafeteria. Also explain the importance of this behavior.
What does it mean to Be Responsible in the Cafeteria?
• Clean up after yourself
• Eat your own food.
What does it mean to Be Respectful in the Cafeteria?
• Use soft voices.
• Use “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me.”
What does it mean to use Self-Control in the Cafeteria?
• Walk only.
• Sit down to eat.
• Wait to be excused
As youare teaching, look for ways to acknowledge students who are exhibiting the behaviors youare teaching, either verbally or by using a class behavior reward system. Be sure to recognize the specific behavior, not the person.
Teachers: Demonstrate how to walk into the cafeteria slowly while staying in line. Demonstrate how to talk quietly. Demonstrate how to only take the food that you are going to eat. Demonstrate how to use the words “please” and “thank you.” Demonstrate how to wait to be dismissed. Demonstrate how to sit at the tables with your feet under the table. Demonstrate how to make room for fellow classmates. Demonstrate how to raise your hand for assistance. Demonstrate how to keep all of the trash on your tray and dispose of it properly.
Students: practice the entire process with the teacher’s guidance.
(Adults only role-play the non-examples.)
Teacher: Have a teacher/ staff members demonstrate inappropriate behavior: running in the cafeteria; being the first line (pushing); grabbing another student’s food or not eating their own food; taking their food and not saying please to receive their food and thank you when getting their food; leaving without being dismissed from the cafeteria.
Debrief the role-play: What worked? What didn’t work? What would have been an appropriate way to behave?
1. Review with the students why it is important to follow the cafeteria procedures: walk only, sit
down to eat, wait to be excused. Use soft voices, use please, thank you and excuse me. Also
clean up after yourself and eat your own food.
2. Have students think /pair/ share: “Tell your neighbor the behavior expectations for the
cafeteria. Teachers walk around to assess the students understanding.
TEACHER FOLLOW-UP IN CLASSROOM (same day as lesson or next day)
Use a different mode of teaching to reinforce what students have learned.
1. Have students write a paragraph and or draw a picture to show what it means to be responsible,
be respectful and show self-control in the cafeteria.
2. Have students create a Thinking Map to show understanding of what it means to clean up after
yourself, eat your own food, use soft voices and kind words, walk only, sit down when eating and
wait to be excused. (circle map, multi-flow map, bridge map, etc.)
Be creative in using the lesson plans combined with various teaching modalities. Examples are
quizzes, fill in the blank games, bingo games, skits, video, think/pair/share, incorporating the 3
behavior expectations into your everyday curriculum.

Lesson Plan is documented in classroom plans AND master calendar (include multiple and ongoing entry dates)

Staff training: Aug 16, 2016
Student Practice: Aug 22-26, 2016
See Master Plan schedule
In-Class reviews by homeroom teacher weeks of: October 31, 2016, Jan 9 2017, March 27, 2017
School-wide assembly on Rules & Expectations on January 12, 2017 20-minute rotations during specials

Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?

Homeroom Teachers
Specials Teachers