January 9, 2011

EMCDay Of Prayer

Sunday School 9:30Am

Family Worship Service: 10:30am

Call to Worship

Isaiah 52:7 NIV

How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”

Today’s Worship Service

PA Frank Wolfe

Head Usher John Schmitt

Piano Prelude Amy Wolfe

Traditional Singing John Bartsch

Offering Prayer John Bartsch

Offertory Music Clayton Schroeder

Scripture & Prayer Henry Guenther

Sermon Pastor Bill

1Thessalonians 3:1-5

“Pray For Our Missionaries”

Closing Hymn John Bartsch

Benediction Pastor Bill

Rick & Helen Marten’s Care Group is meeting for a potluck lunch following this morning service. All visitors are welcome to stay for a fellowship lunch!



Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission Missionaries

Paul & Lois Thiessen

CanadianChurch Planters

Hernan & Landis Benitez, Abe & Anna Bueckert, Jake & Anna Enns, Randy & Gloria Fehr, Angel & Blanca Infantes, Scott & Angela Koop, Antonio & Esther Pitta, Troy & Coralee Selley, Travis & Stephanie Unger, Carlos & Ruth Vera.

Mexico Missionaries

LeRoy & Faith Siemens, John & Lorna Wall, Dallas & Tara Wiebe

Paraguay Missionaries

Benny & Esther Goertzen, Chris & Revita Kroeker, Joanne Martens, Erna Plett,Gilbert & Renita Rempel, Dave & Judy Schmidt, Travis & Rosey Zacharias.

Associate Missions Missionaries

Garry & Cynthia Barkman, Grace Bartel, Elvira Cote, Venus Cote, Verna Doerksen, Kent & Sandy Dueck, Arlyn & Annette van Enns, Lesley & Marianne Fast, David & Kim Field, Nolan & Johanna Giesbrecht, Werner & Crista Haeuser, Dwayne & Shannon Klassen, Phil & Ellen Koop, Rolf & Angela Kruse, Carl & Lisa Loewen, Albert & Edna Martens, Fred & Stella Neff, George & Patti Nickel, Bill & Anna Penner, Ernest & Suzy Penner, Esther Penner, Mary Beth Penner, Melvin & Kari Peters, Danny & Sherri Plett, Heidi Plett, Josh & Jocelyn R. Plett, Sandra Plett, Andrew & Amie Reimer, Joe & Olga Reimer, John & Marcia Rempel, Marvin & Heidi Schmidt, Tim & Laurel Schroder, David & Laura Sharp, Gordon & Sharon Skopnik, Grace Thiessen, Harvey & Brenda Thiessen, Elmer & Elvira Warkentin, Herb & Linda Wiebe.


Our Prayer Request/Announcements

▪Mrs. Susanna Peters passed away on Friday. Funeral is this week.

▪Pray for Colton Friesen whose surgery has now been scheduled for spring.

▪Pray for Herman and Agatha Neufeld’s baby boy, Albert William, who was born Tuesday Jan.4. He was re-admitted into the hospital yesterday for jaundice. (Herman is Annie Berg’s brother)

▪Pray for the senior youth retreat this weekend at Christian Horizons.

▪Pray for Mrs. Bartsch our missionary in Mexico at SteinreichBibleSchool.

▪Pray for continued strength as Mr. Wiebe finishes treatments this week.

This Week’s Announcements

Monday January 10th @ 7:00 pm

Meat Canner Meeting at the CornerstoneChurch (on Deer Run Road)

Tuesday 10:00 ~ MOPS

Tuesday 7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study

Wednesday 7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study

Thursday 10:00 am Ladies Bible Study

All three classes will be starting the “Patriarchs” Bible Study, and this will be the introductory class, bring your books and let’s get started!

Saturday January 15th @ 2pm

Council Meeting

Sunday January 16 ~ Region 9 Meeting

at NLCF (Stevenson), plan to come and please let Jake Enns know if you are attending. Thank you!


Youth Announcements

Wednesday 7:00pm Junior Youth

memorize: James 1:22.

Friday 7:00pm Senior Youth

Memorize Psalm 119:1-8


Sunday January 16th @ 4:30pm

John & Katy Friesen’s care group will be meeting for a potluck faspa followed by some FUN games!

Saturday January 29th @ 3pm

CB Meeting

Next Sunday January 16, 2011

Piano Prelude Miranda Guenther

Head Usher Ben Martens

PA Pete Fehr

Contemporary Singing Jake Klassen

Traditional Singing Henry Guenther

Offering Prayer Pete Neufeld

Offertory Music Mary Klassen

Scripture & Prayer John Harms

Sermon Pastor Bill

Galatians 1:1-10

“No Other Gospel”

Jake & Nancy Dick’s Care Group

Potluck Lunch!


Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to clean the church for the time Anna Bartsch will be in Mexico. Volunteers will be needed for January, February & March. Anyone interested please contact John & Netty Neufeld at 519-324-9590

Sermon Notes


Church Mailing Address

108 Mersea Rd. 3

LeamingtonONN8H 3V5

Church email:

Church Website:

Church Office Hours: 9:00 – 5:00

Tuesday – Friday

Church Phone: 519 322-9915

Senior Pastor Bill Friesen

Associate Pastor Lowell Froese


Our Mission...





“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD.“Though your sins are like scarlet,they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Isaiah 1:18 NIV